If you could live anywhere in the USA where would you live?

I'd live in Denver, Colorado.

Seems like a good area without africans/arabs/mexicans/chinese/lgbt.

Attached: 9k=-3.jpg (259x194, 13K)

Spokane, WA


>no mexicans

it literally borders new mexico in the same way syria borders iraq.

Los Angeles

Enjoy being murdered by mexicans and africans.


I'd tell you, but it's too nice to reveal to anyone

Just say what state it is located in.

Pacific Northwest obviously

Enjoy living among hispters and junkies/hobos/drifters

Providence, Rhode Island

You live with Arabs, thats worse

Can't argue with that statement.

Pacific Northwest or New England

Give me pretty landscapes that aren't barren deserts, with small communities of white folks and a climate that doesn't have the combination of scorching heat + high humidity in the summer.

Attached: united_states_based.png (2147x2215, 193K)

Youll never leave Israel tho. Heard you are in debt, Shahar

I owe 50 million shekels to the bank

>Heard you are in debt, Shahar
Hahaha, a Jew being Jewed.
Enjoy your credits, Shahar.

even that's too risky

>Jews scamming jews

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It’s coeur d’alene