What is the school grade system in your country?Do you like it?

What is the school grade system in your country?Do you like it?

Here it goes from 2 to 6, with 2 being "Fail" and 6 being "Excellent". The more I think about it, the more retarded it seems.

Attached: School-grades.jpg (500x334, 51K)

same here
4 is minimum most of the time to pass

Here it goes from 0 to 10 in high school and from 0 to 30 in University(although below 18 is not sufficient so you are not really given a vote)

1 best
5 fail

You are given a letter grade based on your grades. You need a minimum of C-, around 50-60% to pass

Ours is the same except you actually need a D to pass

Here it just goes from 1 to 10, being 5 is usually the minimum to pass and 10 the maximum mark.

We had two, the normal A B C D F in elementary and middle school

In high school it was 93+ was an a, 85-92 was a B I think, 77-84 was a C, below that was D or F. No one liked it because it bucked the conventional system where 90-100+ was an A, 80-89 was a B, etc.

The fail depends on the subject and the teacher, usually ranging from 20-60.

In the first year of primary school, we had three grades: MU (less successful), U (successful) and ZU (very successful). They didn't mean anything unless you got majority MU which is how they used to get the pupil material for special schools. Anyway, I think they may have gotten rid of those grades by now. After first grade, from primary to high school, the norm was grades from 1 to 5, with 1 being a failing grade. And in university, it went to 1 to 10, although anything from 1 to 5 was a failing grade.

1 to 6
1 is best

In uni its 1.0 to 4.0

1 to 5
1 is worst
5 is best

2 - fail
5 - best

0,0-10,0 need 7,0 to pass

1 to 6 with + and - for every one except 6, so you could also see it as a 15 point system with 15/15 being a 1+, the best grade, and 0/15 being a 6, the worst grade. I think a 4 or 4- is needed to pass

0-10 in elementary school
0-20 afterwards

> school today
when i was in elementary and middle school school it was excelent, distinct, good, sufficient and non sufficient
sometimes some bullshit in the middle like very good, very very good

>tfw had 5/5 at all subjects

actually today, in elementary and middle school is just 6-10. if they fail they won't repeat the same year anymore

0-10 mostly, you need a 5 or more to pass.
In university it's always 0-20, you need a 10 or more to pass.
>but you only need to know half the course!
Trust me if that's the case you fail pretty hard.

I used to have between 5 and 5.50
6 being the maximum and reserved for NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERS

Primary first three years Α-Γ with Γ being the lowest
Primary last three years 1-10 with 1 being the lowest
Gymnasium and high school 1-20 with 1 being the lowest
Uni 0-10 with 1 being the lowest.
In all of those the middle is needed to pass


02 and up is passed. It's pretty retarded. The old one had a grade for super duper extraordinary which made it impossible to properly translate it to other scales.

question: what's the use in not doing it like the US and Canada do where your grade is out of 100? wouldn't that make more sense when most of your assignments are, ultimately, graded on a percentage?

0-59% = F = 0 GPA, failed class
60-69% = D = 1.0 GPA, barely passed sometimes fail just depends on the school
70-79% = C = 2.0 GPA, passed, supposed to be average
80-89% = B = 3.0 GPA, supposed to be above average
90-100% = A = 4.0 GPA, exceptional

Then some schools will also do a +/- grade for A-D,
so B- would be maybe be 80-82%, B is 83-86%, and B+ from 87-89% and GPA would be 2.6667, 3.000, 3.3333 respectively. Usually A+ is actually just counted as the same GPA of an A so 4.0, but some schools grade inflate and make it worth 4.3333 GPA.
Average is supposed to be a C but high school is a joke and in university the grade scale really just depends on what the professor of the class chooses to make it, some might fail a lot of the class and some may give free extra credit and attendance grade to basically give everyone an easy grade

and I thought krauts were autistic holy fuck

I've never understood the reasoning behind a non-zero lower bound.
If you hand in your exam blanco and fill in nothing you should be awarded zero points.

Attached: 1503894685998.png (500x445, 291K)

>A B C D _ F
Where is E tho

I looked it up and apparently they used to have just A-E, then as the system became popular schools added F for failure and took E off as it might have confused people into thinking the kid got an E for excellent and it just stuck

this but in uni I never see + or -.

It depends. In some schools it's 2,0 to 7,0, and the others schools and uni it's 1,0 to 7,0, being 4,0 the minimum to pass in both cases.

I have never heard of anyone getting a result below the letter D

Attached: Capture.png (1058x613, 42K)

0-10 school, you need 6 to pass
0-30 university, you need 18 to pass

I'd make it a 0-100 scale for all levels with less than 51% being a fail
Basically no grades, just percentages
It's dumb how both 91% and 100% end up being the same grade in the end. You end up having a million nerds with perfect marks and then you can't tell who was really the best, plus you have shitters putting in the time they wrote for their school newspaper in their CVs in order to stand out in a sea of perfect GPAs

A for Awesome
B for Bodacious
C for Common
D for Doubtful
E for the Effort
F for Failure

solo alle superiori
fino alle medie sono si boccia più

I suppose it's a mix of trying to balance the scale and make it easier to use. I feel like it would be harder to grade something "subjective" with a scale from say 1 to 5. If it was just math problems and each answer was awarded a certain amount of points it wouldn't matter of course.

chi se ne frega

just let me coast with the 1% above an A cutoff bro

We only had S and N's

If you passed it was satisfactory if not is unsatisfactory and if you never did it you get an I for incomplete

From grades 1 to and including 4, children can get 4 marks: FB ("Foarte bine" = very good), B ("Bine" = good), S ("Suficient" = satisfacatory) and I ("Insuficient" = unsatisfacatory)
From middle school onward, we use a 1-10 scale, with 10 being the best and 1 usually being given for cheating. Hence, outside of some important exams, the lowest mark one can get without having cheated is a 2. Grades such as 7.30 and 8.50 get rounded to 7 and 9 respectively, with the exception of yearly averages. The passing grade for most tests is 5, but in certain cases, such as the Baccalaureate, it's 6.

interessa a me visto che sono in seconda media
rispondi bene la prossima volta i giuro che ti spezzo le gambe
attento a te

In America a lot of schools (including my high school) had a system where, even if you literally just, didn't do anything at all, and got a zero in the class, it would show up as 50/100. Same applied for everything ≤50. Of course, there is literally no difference GPA wise, usually, between a 0 and a 50 but it was supposed to make us feel better, I guess.

Satisfactory* whoops

Seems stupid though, with the 0-20 you at least know how badly you fucked up.
>i got a 5/20? I really didn't understand the course, i must vastly improve or i'll fail the re examination
>i got a 9/20? A bit more effort and i'll pass my second chance.
I experienced both. If you just put an F those two cases are lumped together.

You can still see those two percentages, but your "final score" above the percentage will still be 50.

B-but you use inches and miles and stuff...

The real American autism comes when you see that some schools grade by A, B, C, D or F, because E got removed, or A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, or D-. We all use the 100 point system though, the letters are just a representation of that and is used for ballpark estimating GPA.

1-10. You need a 6 to pass. So you should have an average of at least 5,5.

Why not 0-10?

0-100 55 and lower is failed.
95+ is considered excellent.

This is why Jews rule the world

? What do you mean

High education standards

Standards are high in universities but I wouldn't say regular schools here have high standards they don't ask for much

0 to 10 (including decimals like 9,5), from elementary school all the way to university. It's surprising to me how uncommon that is, considering that's how people usually grade things informally.

recently they started doing 1-, 1, 1+, 2-, 2, 2+, 3-, 3, 3+, 4-. 4, 4+. anything below 2 or so is failing. it goes: 1; no understanding or comprehension, 2; some understanding needs guidance, 3; shows understanding needs some help, 4; full understanding independent.
something like that.
the provinces have their own school systems, so it probably varies a lot.

If you need to get 95%+ to get an "excellent" result it's probably the exact opposite.

The excellent is just because you need an average final grade of over 95 if you want to get into uni without doing the SAT whatever equivalent but some of the people with averages that high just start a degree during HS..

>The excellent is just because you need an average final grade of over 95
lel what? In our highschool that's literally impossible even with a 200+ iq.

You get a free point for making the test

4-10. 4 is a fail. You can get adjustments, like 8-, 8+ and 8 1/2. 10+ is the highest. They don't give numbers on lower grades anymore, only verbal feedback, I think they start to get them when thry reach 5th grade.

Then in the final exams in high school they use a bell-curve based system with latin names. The best 5% receive Laudatur, or L, the next 15% an Eximia (E) and so on. Lowest 5% get and Improbatur (I) and fail. Generally it's easier to receive high grades on popular subjects like short math and healthcare, as lots of slower people take them, while some niche languages lile Russia are so rare that even native speakers can fare badly due to how little room for error there are.

Why not?
Just answer almost everything correctly, do your assignments properly and hand them on time and respect your teacher, there are 6-8 subjects that go into the average for universities and you get bonus points for stuff like what difficulty of math you did and if you chose scientific subjects(CS/biology/Chem/physics/electrical engineering etc) so technically your real grade average should be around 90 for a 95 when calculating the average.
It's supposed to encourage people to not be lazy and take the easy path of no studying but instead it just helps smart people work less for some courses in uni

What percentile are you Israel user?

Attached: Screenshot_20190815-133102.png (1080x2160, 1.37M)

Percentile of?

50-60: D
60-70: C
70-80: B
80-85: A-
85-90: A
90+: A+
You need a D to pass, or a C in some university programs.