You can only post in this thread if you’re from the civilised 5

You can only post in this thread if you’re from the civilised 5.

Attached: CDEF1AC7-762B-47E5-A4E2-374F92F38FAD.jpg (750x669, 159K)

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>using HDI
Literal meme. "Years of education" does not take into account actual worker productivity or results, "life expectancy" is a decent measure for second and third world countries but overvalued in the first world due to lifestyle choices being by far the most important factor there (also, it doesn't account for QUALITY of final years), and "GDP PPP per capita" does not accurately reflect actual income by citizens.

i was born in n*rthern *reland g*d or *llah s*ve m*




Seethe more Pekka. Norway, Switzerland and Germany are cucked but always were better than your shithole. Btw your country is going to be EU net beneficiary along us, Romania or Greece. That's show where you really are.

memeindex, the FR"G" Ltd is a shitholeno free speech, you get arrested immediately for thinking wrongly or showing any sign of patriotism
rape and murder occuring daily
60% taxes
shitty infrastructure, public health and education, despite sky high taxes, because all money gets used on replacement of the native population so we can import 85 IQ cheap work force
jewish overlords run the government
muslim overlords run the streets
public transport NEVER arrives on time
worse internet than for example Albania
no guns so we can't even defend ourselves
no military or borders, so this "country" would be overrun by some savages within a week

Fcking Ireland

Sorry but I post wherever I want


Attached: 1560701797788.jpg (467x467, 41K)

Are you listening to Area 11 by any chance?

schon wieder von Facebook gebannt Reichsbürger Ronny?

Cry more bitch

>Why yes, I do live in a country that's basically paradise on Earth, how could you tell?

I thought the US declining was just a meme but damn. It was a better time.

Attached: 1990 HDI.png (1104x625, 46K)

Don’t think it’s been declining but other nations have increased at a higher rate.


Their international advantage from post WW2 ran finally out in the 90’s

That's the same thing though

>"GDP PPP per capita" does not accurately reflect actual income by citizens.
They use GNI though.

Bin nicht er, er hat aber ein paar faire Punkte aufgebracht wie z.B. das mit den Steuern und den Parallellgesellschaften die vorallem in den Großstädten mit hohem Migrantenanteil anzutreffen sind. Ich kapiere nicht wieso wir so weit oben sind im HDI
I do like that song or Euphemia more

Where did everything go so wrong

Attached: 1998 HDI.png (599x982, 67K)


sehr lustig