The french are trying to kill this region since 1945. Why...

The french are trying to kill this region since 1945. Why ? Because this is the only region that worth something in France, so out of jealousy they managed to kill local ethnicity, language and culture.
This is a daily reminder, parisian scumbags jeopardized rich regions of France and sold them for a piece of bread to the global market.

Attached: elsass.jpg (1000x1000, 555K)

Wackes deserve everything that happened to them.

kill all g*rms

>les alsaciens? ils sont francais pas allemand

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>kraut culture
>worth preserving


>fine white workers with a gorgeous culture ? YEAH KILLEM

Elsass frei und über alles

Hon hon hon well memed Kevin Di Mecco Al-Mokhtari Al fakir Demba Mbouktou

The french are trying to kill this region since 1789. Why ? Because this is the only region that worth something in France, so out of jealousy they managed to kill local ethnicity, language and culture.
This is a daily reminder, parisian scumbags jeopardized rich regions of France and sold them for a piece of bread to the global market.

Attached: Breizh.jpg (850x674, 417K)


It's bad for them, because their region is beautiful.

It's cool for them because their culture is barbaric and its people ugly and autists.

Here he is, your average french bastard thinking he's hot shit because he lives in a recognized shithole accross the world. France is a mess, its bureaucracy is a mess, politicians are messy, cheating stubborn organised thieves and the cherry on the cake : french love their colective suicide, two steps in the bullshit singing how beautiful they are. What a huge waste of time, after all those fallen men, those kings, those wars. What a huge garbage. We're lucky nonetheless, africans are coming en masse, and they will rebuilt the french civilisation.



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>The french are trying to kill this region since 1945. Why ? Because this is the only region that worth something in France, so out of jealousy they managed to kill local ethnicity, language and culture.
>This is a daily reminder, parisian scumbags jeopardized rich regions of France and sold them for a piece of bread to the global market.

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Er strafe es!

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this. Parisians should be beaten to death.

was the trip in alsace great? ok now cross the reine and go back to your country germ

Rhein you mean, spastic rooster ? Gosh you french are such uncultured swine I swear.
No wonder the statue of liberty, la marseillaise and Alstom have been made in Elsass. You french are incompetent.

Attached: made in elsass.jpg (1200x1822, 142K)

>Rhein you mean, spastic rooster ? Gosh you french are such uncultured swine I swear.
>No wonder the statue of liberty, la marseillaise and Alstom have been made in Elsass. You french are incompetent.

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The Provincials are trying to kill this region since 843. Why ? Because this is the only region that worth something in France, so out of jealousy they asked for gibs, stole our money and then cry like bitches on an animé imageboard.
This is a daily reminder, Provincial LARPers scumbags jeopardized Ile-de-France and sold them for a shitty irrelevant dying culture.

Attached: Ile-de-France-Map.jpg (720x552, 381K)

This is just nonsense. Pollution has roasted your brain.

Attached: average parisian couple.jpg (728x668, 107K)

>Jamel's arm uncovered
Cursed image.

He got that while killing one of my fellow countrymen.

What's the story again behind this?

Le 17 Janvier 1990, Jean Paul ADMETTE, fils de Michel et Marlène ADMETTE, est poussé sur la voie ferrée en gare de Trappes. Un train qui arrive à 150 km à l’heure le faucha et laissera aussi des séquelles à Jamel Debbouze, cette célèbre main qu’il cache obstinément dans ses poches.
« C’est bien Jamel Debbouze qui a poussé mon fils sous le train »

Marlène Admette est catégorique : « c’est bien Jamel Debbouze qui a tué mon fils » annonce-t-elle.

« J’affirme que Jamel Debbouze est l’assassin de mon fils, c’est lui qui a poussé mon fils sous le train » ne cessera d’admettre Marlène Admette. « Immédiatement après l’accident, plusieurs témoins du drame ont affirmé sans hésitation que c’est Jamel Debbouze qui avait poussé mon fils sur la voie ferrée.

C’est à ce moment-là que Jamel a lui-même été blessé à la main. Le seul problème est que les témoins ont tous retourné leurs vestes, quand ils sont arrivés au commissariat de St Cyr l’Ecole, tous sauf une jeune fille, Edwige Anzouana, qui persistera dans ses déclarations. »

Toujours selon ses dires, Jamel fut poursuivi pour homicide involontaire suite à la plainte déposée par la famille, cependant, il obtiendra un non-lieu. La dame ajoute que Jamel n’aurait jamais daigné présenter ses excuses à la famille Admette.


France has been trying to destroy its regional cultures since time began. The Bretons have a very unique culture and France has done everything short of genocide to suppress it. Disgusting third world behaviour desu, but that’s France for you.

Kingdom of France let the culture on their own as long as they paid their taxes. Republic did this.

It is call globalization. The strong export their culture to the weak.

The USA are doing the same thing, that's why our FN and far left voters, who are the poor people of France, complain about the Americanization of France.

Earlier, Greece did it in the Roman Empire.

Nice engrish, loser. Moreover, implying elsass is poor... the irony, the region is DEBT FREE, while every other part of your cursed country is crumbling under the welfare state.

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