Male and Female suicide rates in European countries per 100.000 inhabitants

Male and Female suicide rates in European countries per 100.000 inhabitants

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interesting how much less female rates change with country.

Another reason why we neel to kill all femoids.
Their only purpose to exist is to exploit innocent males to the point of driving them insane and suicidal.

Pourquoi les français sont suicidaires?

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Can someone please give Russia a hug

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Russian weather is too gloomy but me likey

Пиздyй нa cтpoйкy, a тo хyли в cвoём ayлe pacceлcя блядь.

Why so harsh, бpaт мoй
Here have a anti-depressant

Ahead of the whole planet! Keep it up!

Poor lot.


wtf russia

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Legit question, why Russia is depressed?
Alchohol? Weather? Economical reasons?
I remember seeing pretty girls in VK killing themselves in kindergarten playing ground

Дeйcтвитeльнo пoчeмy

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A-Any pics of the body?


Life is good

>Medtrons least suicidal

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M*n are just insects

Russia is a 3rd world country with 2nd world people.

Weomen are too oppressed, we don't let them commit suicide.

>darker is worse for men
>lighter is worse for women

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That looks comfy as fuck