British map made in 18 century

British map made in 18 century

Attached: 3d9f8dd.jpg (4000x2772, 2.15M)

>tfw Pomerania is G*erman

Attached: 1529497508109.png (420x420, 127K)

Apparently it was inhabited by Germans and torn apart by Soviets

Pomeranians used to be one of Polish tribes. Later, the remainents evolved into Kashubians and live till this day. My uncle is a native Kashubian and hates k*autoids

Attached: Plemiona_polskie.png (1280x1055, 619K)

That's one thicc Greece

Don't care

Surely those muscovites will leave Lappland at some point

Slavs are a recent iron age concept. Germanics have lived in present day Pooland since 1000 bc.

God, I love kc.

can anyone pls explain me why Minorca is italian?

That's Turkey, mong, read the damn picture.

That's fucking HELLAS, slavic subhuman.

It clearly says "not Poland"

Slavs should return south and return all the northern lands to Finno-ugrics desu

>Slavs are a recent iron age concept. Germanics have lived in present day Pooland since 1000 bc.

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Finno-ugrics are a slave race

No, it's Turkey.

Why are you illiterate?

Is that image meant to insult? BLACK people are just as GERMANIC as i am.

Attached: Me.jpg (750x498, 224K)

Finno-ugrics are Turanic BVLSS, Whitoid Aryans (or Orjat as we call them) BOW DOWN to us.

Attached: Marriage of crown Princess Victoria of Sweden to Daniel Westling.jpg (2818x1814, 2.21M)

That's the Ottoman Empire historylet, now dilate

How did they do it?
Did they have satellites?


Attached: FuckingFuck.jpg (1510x2002, 235K)

It's Greece you fucking retard. Turkey didn' exist until 1900s

Wow, i didnt know they already were using names such as Germany or Turkey

Probably because this map was colored by children

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Why are you so illiterate? The picture says Turkey.

How the fuck is half of Russia and Anatolia "PART OF ASIA"???

You dumb fucking morons. TURKEY DID NPT EXIST UNTIL THE 1900s, AFTER WW1

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I live closer to Japan

Spluttering ape.

Fucking aussies man I swear, the emus should have genocided you

It says right in that picture 'Turkey', mr. illiterate.

Go back to Turkey.

>You dumb fucking morons. TURKEY DID NPT EXIST UNTIL THE 1900s, AFTER WW1
I think you are in the wrong here

You are both quite retarded.

If you say so

Anatolia is in Asia.