
Today under the Sunny slopes of Kale Fortress, where Tsar Dusan was once crowned, we crown our king, the holy, Angel Nojkovic and proclaim him King of Bulgarians, Serbs and Greeks edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine being so obsessed with a person that doesn't even post here

Good morning King


Please King don't use your standard kazanboy tactics now, we know you're a holy being


>caring about what skin color the factory workers will have

the only factory they'll be working at is your mom's vagina


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I'm gonna get a iPhone 11 Pro

Could I use it under Islam? No thanks then

Today the mutts are storming Area 51, we're gonna watch mutts die on livestream


>I'm gonna get a iPhone 11 Pro

>Could I use it under Islam? No thanks then

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>Macron said EU member states that don't participate in the new distribution system would be "punished financially," a demand shared by Italy. He did not elaborate.

>take those shitskins or you'll get treated like Greece

Still thinking of joining Euro and giving the ECB full control of your banking system, Bulgarians?

>someone donated rubles to them
kek, they're colluding with Russia oooooo

>first wrolders

>was able to test out of "beginner programming" due to years of using python to write Jow Forums shitposting bots
>professor frequently asks me questions about how python does something versus how java (what we're "learning") does it
>got a 100 on most recent project
thanks, Guido

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i hate python

You mother loves my PYTHON but I fucked her left.

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You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't using vertical tabs.

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When I say KING

-you say


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/balk/? more like /mk/

Zdravo niggers. kakvi bilo planovi za vikend? posakuvam sreḱa da imam seks.
blagodaram niggers.

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nemaat rabota vo makedonija?


What are the benefits of learning Macedonian?

Vast history. (pic related my ancestor.)

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You get to know Bulgarian 90%

>What are the benefits of learning Macedonian?
You will start mocking bugars immediately

koj si ti na slikava

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Do you love Macedonia?


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It's alright.

reminds me of

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What does the sign say?

"Serbs have bigger dick than us"
same with only for macedonians and in macedonian

fuck northern serbs

Wow, I bet he felt really epic and funny xD when he made bunch of poor lads from an underdeveloped country hold sign in a language they don't know. Serves are really bunch of overgrown kids aren't they? Going to Africa and making fun of its people is not something an adult would do. I'd knock some sense into him with my boots.

>in macedonian
in a broken and drunk macedonian*
why are seething early in the morning lmao

Hey sufferbey, have sex

kek? what's got your panties in a twist

You can live in Macedonia, that should be enough for you

Don't blabber around me you failed mimicry of a human.

Is it true that Ohrid is the best place in Macedonia?

Rasha post new interpals of angjel

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No it's a shithole except the old town. For a turkshit it's the best place, in ohrid they've taken like 3 big streets and you don't hear any Macedonian, only Turkish. You could live there speaking Turkish and never learn Macedonian, Ohrid is a mini-turkey. You also have new and old mosques everywhere

Makes sense. Ohrid looks like a small medieval town and only that, no progress since then, an open air museum, a retirement town. Meanwhile Skopje is a real deal with business centers, skyscrapers, roads, neighborhoods etc. But of course I'd move to Europe.

Oh God I want to punch that perpetually bored cunt so hard, she'd look entertained for the rest of her life.

>she'd look entertained for the rest of her life.

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she just needs a good fucking


Good posts

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Who's this coke bloated hoe

Chooo chooooo

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>I'm gonna get a iPhone 11 Pro
How much soy did you drink 2day

I was at park last night and a subhuman tranny signalled me to come near him, it was too dark to fully make out his face but he looked feminine enough, but I knew he was a tranny the moment he started to speaking up and walked back up to the stairs. I actually wanted to beat him into a pulp and leave him on the ground for some unknown reasons. I'm not even a psychopath or an aggressive ruffian but something in my mind signalled me to beat the shit out of him.

they exist even in turkey?

>I actually wanted to beat him
>I actually wanted
And you did nothing because you're a weak inceloid Armenian who's afraid of consequences.

The suffering of sufferbey continues.

Plenty of them sadly. Most of them look even manlier than average whiteoid too lmao.

I was in the dominant position there, he was way shorter and his body was way smaller than mine. I'm not a psycho like I said before. But it would be a such thrill to beat him in the dark where no one could see me. The possibility of getting away with beating a tranny made my mind very plausible to do that action. I never felt something like this before.

spend the whole night trying to undress a 40yo russian milf, but failed

>I'm not a psycho like I said before.
>But it would be a such thrill to beat him in the dark where no one could see me
Because normal people beat others in the dark, lol

Aoids, how bad is the unemployment situation in Greece? Do young people with diploma move to west?

where to find women online
the plaftorm of interpals is shit

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Yes you're Armenoids. Now answer my question fgt I'm serious.

>Yes you're Armenoids. Now answer my question fgt I'm serious.

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Are you so oblivious to your own country you're living in that you can't even answer a simple question about its state? I'm sensing a NEEToid here.

Ավելի շատ տառապեք, պարոն տառապում է

Henlo, /balk/
Are you afraid of bees and or wasps ?

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I didn't asked you how to make a spacecraft, I asked you a very simple question, about the unemployment in your country and young people migrating to west. If you can't answer this simple question then you must be a basement dweller plain and simple.

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Κοίτα, kαλά πάμε ο kουληcCc θα δώσει δουλειές στο kόσμο kαι σύντομα θα έχουμε αρkετά λεφτά ώστε να αγοράσουμε Μ1 Abrams kαι Φ35 τα οποία εν τη συνέχεια θα χρησιμοποιήσουμε για να kαταkτήσουμε την Κωνσταντινούπολη kαι να σε στείλουμε παkέτο πίσω στην Αλβανία ή στο Κουρδιστάν, όπου θες εσύ μπρο

you need photoshop to make the incel serboman from kumanovo normal

See why do you say hes a king when hes a loser?

I unironically really like Arabs. It is probably my third favorite people in the world. I'm slowly becoming Arab supremacist .In the past like every other of my ethnic brethren, I hated Arabs, but I have raised above this brainletism.

I will move to Dubai and wipe my ass with 100$ dollar bills. I'm making progress in my Arabic and even that I know enought Arabic to live in UAE anyways. After working in Dubai for a decade I will return to Turkey live like a fucking SHEIKH and flex on poorfag Anatolian brainlets who hate Arabs while I built my fortune on Arabia. I will laugh at their faces while I pass by them in my Lamborghini, preferably with my Sheikh friend in next seat.

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He's a Chad compared to Sashko the loser who hasn't been relevant since 2014

In Dubai there are so many shit jobs that pay jack shit like $500, that's probably what you'll do


prove it how is he more "normal" than me

That is if you're a pajeet with no connections. I have enough connections in my dad's company to land me a job in UAE or Germany, they already offered me internship in their office, I just have to play nice. If you don't know. All the smart people with degree in Turkey have already left this country long time ago and if you don't know how to trade and solely rely on your diploma in Turkey you're an absolute brainlet.

Sashko the Area 51 raid is due

What do the Americans hide in there? Do you know?

Airplane models that were part of testing for next generation fighters no aliens there aliens are at other places

Go on...

Isn't your district in Istanbul so very rich and full of skyscrapers and has more gdp than greece?

What about aliens, or secret ancient Bulgarian technology (FTSDT - Faster Than Spinning Dog Travel tech)

Nope. Wages are absolutely fucked here. Diasporaniggers from germany comes here summer and flex their "luxury"(in turkey) cars here. A 85 IQ subhuman from Kreuzberg has a better car and possibly better living standarts than my dad who is a manager, and he does what, clean toilets? Not even talking prices especially since inflation. I need to gtfo

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faster than light travel is possible there is threw portals or warping space in such a way that you don't move but the space does i actually can do that with my mind i can travel faster than light threw moveing space but i don't move

also there is faster than light travel its just photons have a fixed flight speed which an object can travel faster than that but sadly the object will have some damage from the space particles

Based and redpilled answer


Do you time travel Sashko? Have you met Alexander?

>perpetually bored cunt
Thats from the drugs.

That 85 iq nigger probably speaks German and you don't, so he's got it made in Germany

The fuck will you do not speaking German? And do they force you to know Arabic in UAE?