How do you respond?

Attached: pelous.png (719x626, 1.02M)

Putain de Narbo...

wow Frenches look like this?!

o-oui e-escargot

Bonjour! Comment ca va ?

Create a hybrid Spanish French language from my limited French knowledge

Hola hola Franchute asdjklasdjkl

He has wisigoth ancestors yet, their capital was in Toulouse back then

it looks like his jaw is raping me

le steve de mouilleur de mines

bonjour, je suis désolé je parle un peu français

ça va bien, et toi ?

"Sorry mate, I dont speak spanish"

Toulouse more like To Lose

good evening, I hope you can speak English if you don't then stop wasting my time.


Fucking kill yourself

Salut pélo !

Je vais bien. Tu as une machoire tres forte!

c'est a magnifique! Bon temp por la dia. ouvre la port. mange les escargot con avec mi ami

>Bonjour, comment allez-vous ?

Well, that was easy.

Île-de-France more like Île-Surrender-Right-Now-Mr.-Ze-Germans

Vocaroo it with your sexy Across-Rhine accent.

Melbourne? More like EMUSlbourne


Attached: Emu.jpg (928x696, 99K)

I don't know enough French for this, can a French user call him a faggot for me

"Pd" is enough, you can add "va" at the end

vous etes un fagot

laisse moi tranquille

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its no fucking fair

how can one man look so masculine while i look like a balding idiot with a weak jaw

Sacré bleu. T'as une tête à faire sauter les plaques d'égoût

Quick rundown on this dude pls

he's a retired rugbyman with a big jaw

next to him is our national neanderthal

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>next to him is our national neanderthal

Salut poto. On casse un tête pour voir si le t'es autre chose qu'un rugbyhomme ?

L'ultime chads. Comment les autres pays peuvent-ils rivaliser?

By destroying our ass at rugby, as we will see in this world cup

>next to him is our national neanderthal
I look like him...

he doesn't look like neanderthal. they were little and had ginger hair.

I thought Frenchmen where pale

Pale people can tan you know....

Bonjour. I do not fear anal prolapse

>bonjour, je suis volontaire

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Merci pour votre service

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>Wa3alaikum as-salam