So we have now 3x more vacant jobs that unemployed people

So we have now 3x more vacant jobs that unemployed people

So trains are not operating, army, police etc have no recruits, there are no waitresses so restaurants are closed, you wait 12 month for electrician etc. Not even talking about skilled jobs like It, doctors, nurses,lawyers...

Bring AI Now!!

Attached: EEWXu-VWsAEkYo8.png (2048x1574, 393K)

pay better salaries and you'll attract more people

Well only white people are welcome

OK I'm sold. Where is my job and my big titted czech gf?

Are you white?

Your entire subcontinent needs to be turned to glass so you scum can be removed from the genepool for once and for all.
Death to Europe.

I am of Finnish descent. Is that white?


Attached: JB2f02b1_001.jpg (800x503, 94K)

Oh yeah, every ethnic European is white

That will not last for much longer.
Next crisis germany and its pets will fall(poland,czech)

Yeah its just transition period, we are investing heavily into electric cars

yes it will last. we are draining labor from all of europe and birth rates are grim not only here but across europe.

Attached: 2D281988-4EF6-4E65-B1DC-BA17A07658BE.jpg (570x370, 25K)

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The finest pasta.

just wait till all the boomers in Europe retire in 10 years

All boomers I know just sit around drinking coffee, chatting and collecting salary. When they all fuck off and die, life will be so much better for everyone. They even made us leave the EU :(

What kind of job I can get in Czechia while being almost 27 years old with close to none prior job experience?

Most vacant jobs here will have you end up in some income trap where you earn too much to qualify for any sort of government assistance but not make enough to properly deal with the rising cost of living in this country.

How is the pay for a compsci guy in Czech republic?

3-4k euro per month in Prague

How much taxes? Germany will raise them soon again.

Imagine not having Ukrainian slaves in your cunt to do the jobs the locals don't want to

We have 170k of them and importing 40k more every year
Just little lower than in Germany, you can avoid that with Schwarz system

they have more per capita than we do lmao

Attached: czechy.png (245x696, 27K)

poland for comparison

Attached: polska.png (1331x746, 38K)

Where do i apply?

Working class jobs for sure.

If you know excel you might also be appealing as an excel monkey.

Although you may have problems with immigration office if you’re not one of the mafia kids with someone important in their pockets. Which I suppose you’re not if you consider work.

Only white people can apply

No kidding

hsve sex