How does one grow balls to travel alone and learn different cultures?
How does one grow balls to travel alone and learn different cultures?
Start by travelling to countries where you likely will not be stabbed.
Like America , you are more likely to get shot
Based Phoenician.
it is in the anglo's nature to explore and conquer
Why do you hate jews? Why don't you have compassion for your levantine brothers?
All evil Jews come from Europe , good Jews come from the levant
Not even joking , please take your shit back
Unless you go looking for it its easy to stay out of trouble. Sometimes I travel alone
t. Soyboy.
a fat bank account
shut up, leafcuck
Not as likely as you think. Just avoid the blacks and you'll be fine.
Never seen a black school shooter
you sure, muhammed?
Accurate. Blame the anglo, though.
do I need to break out the crime statistics?
I do , i have 10 Indian workers dedicated to shit on britains flag every day
>look like russian mafia
>be badl and tall
Black crimes are theft usaually or drugs , I seen it all
>Indians, Shitting on stuff
It's in their nature
Because their a dime a dozen
What ?
13 do 50 is real. You're way less likely to get shot by a white.
just do it, just go to civilized places with law enforcement and avoid barbaric countries unless you have an escort or are very familiar with the local situation
Ok. What he's trying to say is that black kids are more likely to bring a firearm into a school to settle a personal dispute or commit a gang related attack. The reason why white school shooters make the news more of the time is that they go on rampages that are just for the purpose of killing people. These are much less common though.
Kek, nice coop, face it black people are less murdery than American white peoples
Nice troll
based baldo, he posts here right?
why would a muhammed be proud of anglo imperialism? are you retarded?