Why do Finns do this in every Finnish thread?

Why do Finns do this in every Finnish thread?

Attached: 006 - yes i am finland suomi.png (480x575, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's cute. Why you no like?

She's a cute though

Hello I am finland (suomi)

Why do you keep drawing the same uninteresting character?

It’s cute :3


thanks, now i can spam this picture in those threads

Finland is cute


suomi finland perkele

Finns are gay, weak and cute

Is that an insult or a compliment?

made for bending over things and fucking silly

>Suomi mentioned

Attached: 1569148994097.jpg (951x1200, 80K)

Attached: 1465389863586.jpg (850x850, 132K)

Is this the finland (suomi) thread?

They are highly autistic

Attached: nieminen.jpg (601x561, 41K)

Attached: kirjonen.jpg (430x538, 27K)

Attached: lempi.jpg (844x550, 63K)

These are from a program where they gather 11 autists to form a football team. the frequency of finns is not proportional.

hahahahahahah wtf

>Thailanders with Finnish last names are Finnish
>Finns with Swedish language last names are Swedish
Is this how Swedes actually think it works?

Do you honestly expect consistent logic from Swedes?

Niklas is a Finn. Why do you think he's Thai?

They all have Finnish accents.


>Niklas Nopphadol Kirjonen
Now you might not get it right away but Nopphadol is a Thai language word not Finnish

Nopphadol Kirjonen sounds pretty Finnish to me haha

>haha le le le memes haha b a n t e r haahahha loool

I found another one

Attached: widhage.jpg (911x718, 53K)

>be swede
>suck a million dicks
>say you are finnish
>lol finland was trolled lmao

Attached: 1561028425336.jpg (662x712, 38K)

100% Ur-Svenska phenotype

t. Kirjonen

>only famous swedish person right now

Attached: shutterstock_1318996049-2.jpg (1200x800, 895K)

Finns smell horrible btw. Really hate it

stolen joke

Attached: dsafdgjhetgd.jpg (499x204, 19K)

t. somali andullahi bishmillah

we all now its your kind who smell like shit

Damn dude. Close your mouth. It reeks.

actually it does, i just woke up and smoked a cigarette without brushing my teeth höhöhöhhöha

Attached: 1566396720637.jpg (249x249, 63K)


same but snus

Attached: 1566471517501.jpg (640x640, 169K)

I prefer the cringe homo myself

fugg off forcing this pepe

Why are swedes so GAY?

Attached: 3b92cb2c.jpg (618x786, 90K)

stfu its actually a good pepe

Attached: 1547482020981.jpg (1034x732, 428K)

Attached: 1550664120891.webm (960x540, 618K)

Mr Gay Homo of the Year Award Finland 2018

I made this years ago. Nice to see it is still floating around.

well this thread went to shit fast

Thank you!

purest white genes

Attached: Sieppaa.png (514x752, 900K)

we are kind towards guests and anons interested in Finlan

>his country doesn't have mr. gay competition

Greta is based

Attached: received_660948681093405.jpg (750x1025, 71K)

Pretty forced attempt to draw parallels between the two.

Just because your country is seen as the most cucked in the entire world (rightfully so) doesn't mean that you have to try and bully ebin meem country winland..

Why do you only post one of these then leave the thread

That's very gay.
I was just playing Dokta, I don't have any new ones to post.

cringe obsessed mentally ill faggot
p.s. i am Finland (Suomi)

You got a seperate site you could link too? Or if possible just dump a few more here


wildintfarm on Twitter

Go make more cute binlan pics

Attached: 1567489467838.png (500x400, 24K)

I will no worries. Gotta do a chapter of this first.

Attached: 004 - portugal and spain trapped in another world.png (800x720, 209K)


Attached: 1549768108549.png (540x540, 10K)


I'd watch that.

Har vi verkligen så många finnar i sverige?

Attached: 1545698728022.png (790x773, 83K)

Oh we have that too

Everybody does it
Get your head in the game old man!

Attached: where_go.png (747x624, 171K)

Antonio Lempiäinen is really finnish.