If the housing bubble bursts, will the stock market go down with it necessarily?

If the housing bubble bursts, will the stock market go down with it necessarily?

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stock market, student debt, every bubble will pop at the same time

LMAO damn good thing i don't have either one of those. just holding crypto.

not sure how crypto will fair in a total market collapse.

we are in uncharted territory goys and goyettes.

get in metals and crypto. It's already happening, we have anywhere from 3 months to 4 years left.

Yes banks will be holding trillions in debt while the asset value plummets, just like 2008 lehman bros, fanny may freddie mac, etc
Credit and liquidity will dry up, etc etc

when buying metals is there anything note worthy of knowing or is it all good


wont everything fall initially? personally i THINK precious metals would hold longterm value.
would you hold crypto if a bigmac costs 150$ and btc is 2k?

Its not a bubble this time around. Prices will go down eventually but not 2008 levels.

Try to buy as close to spot price as possible and sell as close to spot price as possible. Don't go for novelty things like coins with premiums, it's better to just buy a generic bar or whatever is closest to spot price. You will usually get closer to spot on gold than the other metals.

>mfw housing market is on the verge of getting absolutely fucked around me right now
sales didnt slow down after the summer, they completely stopped
at least 10 families in my block tried selling at the top a couple months late and are now stuck between two places

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Why not?

the absolute state of biz
Now all tinfoil hat doomsday shit

the entire world goes down

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Checked the housing market will go up forever, stocks too MAGA

agreed trump is king we bull for eternity now

Yes of course it will, it's all related to dept and housing makes up a huge amount of dept.


Name a crash that has happened twice in 20 years. The housing will not crash again mostly because so many people have that in their memory.

>he thinks people actually have a long memory
>he thinks housing isn't in a worse bubble than last time

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well my investment thesis of being in crypto is because the reason why these markets could potentially collapse is because very central banks that are clearly reponsible for blowing air in these bubbles.

sovereign debt comes with too much moral hazard and no accountability. goverments are corrupt.

the economy will self correct when people begin to trust distributed ledgers over central banks where the business logic is open source and transparent.

lol no tinfoil sir

the federal reserve and the whole entire monetary system that's based on debt in the issuance of new money could eventually collapse on its own weight. if the rest of the world realizes they can't trust to lend the US any more money.

21 trillion budget deficit this country of burgers have rung up and you're calling people tinfoil hat crazy. lol

seriously kys

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Be an early adopter of palladium and be rich in the near future.

will owning 100 bitcoin filthy be rich status in 5 years?

your guess is as good as mine.

I can not say it will be bitcoin with certainty, however, the asset class itself is certainly not going away.

inflation is the cause of both
all in precious metals and crypto till 2023

Because QE inflated the market. Nothing abnormal right now happening with the prices.

There's no way the housing market is about to crash. If it does then that means that I just sold my place at the very top which there's no chance I'm that lucky.

I know a lot of people who have had their homes on the market for over 2 years, only because they are asking too much for it.

eventually price are gonna start coming down. especially if rates start going up.


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>If the housing bubble bursts
wtf, OP? The housing bubble burst already in 2008. You can't have so short of a memory.
There will most definitely be a next financial crisis, and housing prices will go down, but nowhere near the percentages as in the last crisis. This crisis is going to be about something else (China, maybe). Some select cities in EU and USA (San Fran, London, Amsterdam, Stockholm) do have a housing bubble again, but these crashes will be localized.

>do have a housing bubble again
It's mostly a valuation bubble due to scarcity, not much of an oversupply bubble like in 2008.