I have 5k to invest in crypto. What conservative portfolio to be save with avoiding risks

I have 5k to invest in crypto. What conservative portfolio to be save with avoiding risks.

Attached: e6jrse4ga3.png (794x798, 1.06M)

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100% Mobius

Attached: 1518755112308.jpg (694x512, 93K)

sorry i should have explained. Holding COSS token, you get paid weekly in the form of 80+ other cryptocurrencies. Its like an index fund of sorts



Attached: 1518753492155 (1).png (1200x630, 1.73M)

All in BAT


Don't buy LTC
Buy XRP, BCH and immediately set a sell order at 2x since they are bound to spike again eventually
long safe holds: BTC, XLM, BNB and XMR


There is no such thing as diversification in crypto

If buttcoin shits its pants every other alt with not enough fiat backing will shit itself too

Just go all in XRP.

most conservative choice in a sea full of scamcoins

50% bitcoin
25% monero
15% eth
10% link

40% BCH
40% XMR
20% TKY

something like this would be best. Conservative but with a link moonshot.

seems interesting, but the payouts are pretty low.

100% link ducking daggot.

BAT is probably your best choice right now

Checked. We're in such a volatile market anyway. No need to add the risk of getting justed on shitcoins.

Pretty much this. I also invest in LTC and XLM.

throw it in the gutter it's much safer than crypto
t. lost everything in cryptocurrency

Snowblossom @ me

>Maybe if you were good you could make money

It’s literally nothing like an index fund

> not having a bag of $FOTA

> Global derivative trading platform
> strong team
> 10 mil market cap
> profit share token so actually has value rather utility meme
> 2x dividend for locked tokens so encourages accumulation
> will go hard on marketing in Chinese, English, Russian and Korean
> full release soon

