Day 1: $100, 1% profit: $101

Day 1: $100, 1% profit: $101
Day 2: $101, 1% profit: $102.01
Day 3: $102.01, 1% profit: $103.03
Day 1158: $9996074.09, 1% profit: $10096034.83

There you go. 1 million dollars in 3 years. Why aren't you rich yet?

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Has anyone tried this?


It can’t work you don’t count 50% dump

Because fucking Bitfinex kicked us burgers out.

1% profit mean you only made 1$ in profit.

So you'd have to make 101% profit for this to work.

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Man... I'm sorry to tell you this... But you're an idiot


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How can I make money on you?

Once you've mastered the blockchain 1% is enough

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Because exponents get out of hand really, really quickly, and so you can't reasonably expect them to work indefinitely.

If I told three people about this trick, and each of them told three people about this, etc... This knowledge would theoretically spread to the entire world after twenty-odd instances.

I mean fuck, let's take your example. After another three years, do you really think your million is going to turn into a trillion if you kept investing like this?

Million is enough already tho desu

Flip them

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My point is that you're never even going to get to that million, brainlet

If you bought Bitcoin three years before the PEAK, you wouldn't turn $100 into a million.

Sure but that doesn't necessarily mean it won't work up to that million.

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Because not a soul alive can guarantee 1% profit every single day for three years straight

Who trades their whole stack every day?

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Okay, so start with $100, 100 separate stacks. Trade the full individual each stack each day. At least one should turn into a million, r-right?

Assuming that this strategy has a 1% success rate, sure. But the fact is the success rate is probably more like 0.00001%. Almost no one can make positive trades every single day for 3 years straight. Not even professional traders.

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This guy misread the profit as $101 instead of $1, in which case he would be correct.

Gotta make trades with the right liquidity. Crypto may not be there yet but I suppose in 2 years maybe BTC eth or ChainLink if it really handles everything in the world

>Flips a coin
>Day 1 heads, day 2 heads, day 3 heads... Day 1158 heads

This sounds realistic to you, faggot?
Thats why!


The problem user is your numbers aren't scalable. Sure you can make 1% on $100. Can you consistently make 1% a day with $50,000? $100,000? If you think you can then you haven't thought it through. There's such a thing as limited liquidity. And there are only so many good trades to be had. Go make some money then make the mistake of going too deep in something you just knew was a sure thing. When you get thoroughly JUSTed a few times like that, come talk to us.
>t. Made 220k since January and knows the struggle of liquidity

You could technically divide your stack and put it on different coins. However, you may end up betting against yourself, not to say anything about the difficulty of keeping track of your stacks. Tether when the market dumps.

The problem is knowing which coins to put your money on. Anybody who is successful in this game has a system. Your system is going to only give you so many buy signals in a day. And those buys can only handle a certain amount of volume. That's what I'm getting at. Of course if you're a literal trading god then you just go balls deep into every 10x and you're a millionaire in a month but that's not us or anybody on here. You get what you get. Of course you can gradually make your way to a million and I plan to but once you get over 50 to 100k, reliably making 1% a day is just not realistic. But, hey, give it a shot.

How do I short the United states?

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>Should I short bitcoin 100x with my 999999 stack or not?
Yes. Must reach da one million.

Its called the alpha bull

dy/dt = 1.1*y

dy/y = 1.1dt
ln(y) = 1.1t + c
y = y0*exp(1.1*t)

err 100 * exp(1.01 * t)

im fucking retarded

y = (1.01)^t * 100