No crypto thread

so I thinking about putting some money in Blizzard.
They fall a lot because of the last blizzcon but i think blizzard will recover well.
what do you fags think about it?

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2018-11-08 um 14.48.34.png (1246x1028, 170K)

Strong buy, people are just overreacting desu. If older players leave new players will replace them, it's fine. Finally not a fucking crypto thread fucking hell

I play Starcraft from time to time like any other old fag but give it up blizzard had a good run it’s over kids these days have attention span of a monkey no ones playing blizzard shut no more

yeah in game purchases from 12 yo will pump this
im not into stock but you might want to wait for release of that game to buy and sell when they present the earning for the quarter

yes. we need more non crypto threads.

going to drop to $60. load up on calls there

ur welcome for the tip dummie

why do you think it will drop to 60?

ta and experience. keep an eye on it

literally what?

literally check the Suhkon levels u twat

wtf is a suhkon level


omfg, fuck off biz with your ghetto nigga language. no one understands negros like you.

Im holding since $15 and will not sell

Mobile games bring in A LOT of cash.

You think WoW was their big success? Wrong. Candy Crush brings in 10x more money than WoW in its prime.

Im disappointed as a gamer, but excited as a shareholder

exactly my opinion. thats the reason why i will go in.

Jesus man even I could see that from a mile away.

Pretty sure you have been on here before...but wait a bit, that chart shows the price dippin pre mobile fuck up. Wait till it starts to rise a bit no point in catching a falling knife!

Try to avoid 'Buying cheap'...if its 'cheap' the market has come to a consistence. 'Expensive' stocks are expensive b/c the market are not smarter than the market.

TA = Trading Analysis, its following meme lines basically, these are things that 'day traders' sounds like this is more of an investment (Good)...Just look for support @ a price as a very general rule, these prices are the 'new bottom'

Best of luck user!

Are you me? This shit company has made me so much, great investment.

i'm waiting for the earning report.

>buy high sell low
okay dude

Their games were always great but it's not even blizzard now. Its It's Activision and they're jumping on the muh China bandwagon. Mobile games and other dead content. Overwatch barely gets updates. Hots doesnt know what it's doing. Wow is a mess.