What can I do with 100k? Is there any realistic way to make it grow fast? Is 100k even a lot anymore?

What can I do with 100k? Is there any realistic way to make it grow fast? Is 100k even a lot anymore?

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Kill yourself

>Is 100k even a lot anymore?


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short bitcorns x100 no stoploss

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Downpayment on real estate my dude.

i said fast
thats a lot of risk fren

You dont have a lot until 10 mil

You could live for at least 5 years as a NEET on 100k. It's a good amount of fuck you money but that's it

trust me, its been on my mind for a long time. i just dont see the point in life anymore

define fast

6 months to a year. I was thinking options

Engineering here, I saved 31K this year and plan on tucking away another 4K before janurary, it is literally toilet paper at this point in history

don't know about that kinda stuff i only play with memecoins
i'd all in on btc and make a mill+ next bullrun

Yeah in Bangladesh

Quit chasing money and focus on love and experiences. Get ripped, fall in love, travel the world, get in trouble etc.

Put it into gold and silver then you don't have to worry about having your wealth stolen through inflation.

Remember gold is REAL ACTUAL SAVINGS.

And then when the dollar implodes and we have a deflationary collapse and housing prices drop 80% and then gold gets revalued overnight to 30k to purge all the debt from the system you can then purchase a new home for an ounce or two of gold (transferred to the new currency)

at that point you should stock up on canned food and guns instead of gold cuz it's gonna be total mayhem

Or a western European socialist regime if you manage to hide the funds and live off welfare and don't mind having to leave the house with a weapon to prevent enriching

20k a year isn't too hard to get by on if you have roommates.

>he thinks BTC is going to be worth anything next bullrun
buy bch or kys

Well obviously it's a smart move to get canned food and guns. Because there could be a rough temporary timeframe.... BUT...... wtf are you going to do? Put 500k of your entire net worth into canned food and ammo? Are you stupid?

You realiZe that a the ENTIRE reason of buying gold is to make out like a bandit in a currency crisis? Nobody buys gold in hopes that the dollar price goes up like you hope your stock prices go up. You buy gold for the transfer of wealth after a currency collapse.

You people are so dumb. Food is for eating..... ammo is for shooting niggers trying to loot you.... and gold is to protect your net worth and prosper after the currency fails. They each have different uses.

9k a year is more than enough for NEET lifestyle

I mean why the hell do you think people buy gold in the first place? Like you see a guy going into a coin shop and buying 10 ounces of gold. Do you think in your public school infected brain... that he might as well just take that 13k in cash and flush it down the toilet?m instead of buying gold?

You understand gold is an asset right? You understand the dollar is a liability debt instrument. It's amazing how brainwashed so many Americans have become.

80 years ago when Americans were educated everyone knew gold was money.

African niggers starving in the bush know gold is money.

10k in crypto (BTC/ETH/XRP)
90k in silver
wait for the next crash
sell crypto for 70-100k as it starts tanking
wait a couple of months
sell your silver for 250k
buy indexes worth 300k
buy crypto worth 50k
hodl for a couple of years
rinse repeat

It's that easy user. Sounds hard but its not, just need to concentrate on long term and not short term volatility. If fiat still exists at that time, in 8-10 years you should be a millionaire for what it might be worth

Not bad but you don't understand.... when you buy silver..... and it goes up 3x all that happened was the dollar got more worthless. You need to wait for the new currency.

>he thinks gold will matter when society breaks down and people only care about eating the next day
must be nice to be so out of touch with reality, don't come down here it's ugly

wait holding what?
The new currency will probably come after the next crash, when feds print another 10-15 (optimistic) trillion into the market. In the past 10 years, feds increased the money supply by 7. However velocity decreased during the past 10 years. Once that increases again, even only a fractal of the difference between now and 2008, it should create a hyperinflation around 2500%. At least according to macro economeme.
I think diversification is the only solution among index funds, cash, commodity and crypto. Anything else is too many ifs and too risky to get rekt. Having said that, I am a retard who is only in crypto and commodities because I believe in your scenario that fiat will die in the next 12 years :D

Take 20k of that and put it in an Airbnb investment in an appreciating part of town, but one that hasn't necessarily flipped yet. Get an RE agent to get you the data. Then maintain it as an AirBNB for a few years, and sell. Wash, rinse, repeat, and you'll have a couple million in ten years.

the only sensible post itt. you have some fuck you money, time to enjoy life for once. you'll only be this young for so long.

I'm buying gold because it is ugly and going to get worse

It's always funny when people talk about gold being real savings, will save you from inflation, etc. Not wrong, but the only reason gold has any value at all is because it's shiny and we like shiny things. Fucking retarded system, god humans are dumb

You literally think that 1 characteristic of it being shiny is the reason it has been money for thousands of years?