Is it worth mining ?

Hi Jow Forums

Is It worth buying one of these now that they are super cheap ??

Plus I don't pay any electricity bill cuz I have a old electricity meter that don't work anymore so It is kind of free.

Thanks for the answer

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whoever is providing electricity to you will notice the extra consumption and fix that meter.
if you really have free electricity, go ham. even at the worst hashrate, you'll eventually profit.

Only if you're planning on selling your crypto in the next bull market, which is in 3 years. Selling mined coins right now is not worth it, even if you have free electricity. Also buy the newest model of hardware that you can posibally get.

Man it's not possible. I have a magnet that control the electricity meter and fake my consommation (as little as I can). They dont have to chance the device until 10 years. Trust me they can't bust my ass.

I can have antminer s9 for 250euros. Is it still woth it If I buy 4 or 5 one them ?

Yes Iam planning to sell them. I have my little reserve for me. But wanted to make a little more profit on the side

Literal felony level theft from a large state backed likely publically traded power company.
Yeah user you'll never get caught .

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The most you want to run from a domestic ring is a maximum of 3.

Usually a house has 2 or 3 rings. Maybe your flat only has one.

I lost my shit haha

Why 2 or 3 ?

You will make jack shit one of these s9s probably brings in less than $80 a month

Kitchen ring, and then 2 more for upstairs and downstairs

What do you recommend thought ?

I am actually newfag with lining shit

see Those ASICs are loud as fuck.

That’s it. Or wait for a better antminer. If you have free electricity you might make a profit in 7 or 8 months.

Gpu mining is less profitable than one of these generally. But with GPUs you have more flexibility.

I’m mining ETH right now with GPUs and I heard that you can mine 0xBTC alongside it because it doesnt use much memory. This may be a way forward in to profitability, currently my rig mines about a dollar a day in ETH. I estimate my cards could make another $1.50 in 0xBTC and then I can use the CPU to mine cryptonight. Might be able to make my rig get $3 a day if i’m lucky.

>ITT OP admits to doing a felony
You think your meter is the only one, that's funny. They have a meter for the whole substation or branch, and once they see the individual meters don't add up to the whole, they're gonna find your meter tampering.

They won’t notice 1 or 2. Anyway that’s about the most he can expect to draw from the wall

Nigga I fake my consumption ( equals of 2 people maybe less) but In reality it equals to 5 or 6 . And its been years now. I checj every month the consumption to not be suspicious. So gtfo witcho jealous ass nigga

Can deal with it if they are profiteable

What country?


you're not going to compete with btc miners. need to get gpus for speculative shitcoin mining

Ewa neger breek brood met je broeder, hoe werkt het

>Is It worth buying one of these now that they are super cheap

Not even the Chinese farms can turn a profit.

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Goedeferdek wat zegt u ?

They dont have illimited free electricity ;)

I dont mind doing the basics like eth ltc or xmr if this is the shitcoin ure talking about

I meant finding new pow coins and mining before they get listed. good luck m8

elaborate on your miraculous magnet user sir

If you get them for < $200, do don't mind losing the money and you can steal electricity to run them (they sound like a mix between a vacuum cleaner and a very powerful hairdrier), then yes, you could buy one.

Or simply buy the equivalent amount of crypto. You'll get more crypto this way.

I got an ol electric meter with a little wheel and I just took the magnet on the side of it and he don't turn no more . The more you consumes, the faster it turn.

Ill check em thanks ;)
Seems fair. I got one for 250euros so I think I have a chance to get one a bit cheaper.

But does it really sounds that bad ?

Beste collega,

Zou u mij kunnen meer kunnen vertellen over het tappen van het eerder genoemde ‘free’ electricity?

Ik bedank u zeer!

>use the CPU to mine cryptonight
I mean if you can, then more power to you but I doubt it will happen at a rate that'll matter.

Je moet de kleine wiel geplakt met de magneet

Sorry maar ik spreek niet te veel nederland. Het is not mijn moedertaal

Maar het is voor oud thuis ! Met oud "meter"

That's a lot of work for $90/month (if youre lucky). You could probably make more just walking around looking for spare change.

when will amerivoltlets learn

then put 5 clones under a 1000w in a 1.5*1.5 tent
much better idea

wow what a fucking moron what kind of trailer park did you grow up in?

oh you're a brown skinned minority. I guess this is typical behavior for you then. careful not to kill yourself with the high voltage electricity although I'm sure the few cents you save a month is worth it in your monkey brain

back in the day for US, you could put a magnet on the meter and it would prevent the counter from rotating. that counter is what you were charged on. its been fixed for years in the US and now they can detect magnetic anomalies remotely.

the only way to get "free" energy now is to produce it and sell it back to the powercompany

Are you a wizard ?

This is exactly what I do

It is already the harvest ! Haha

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