Crypto is dead, boomer stocks are dead, what can we even buy

crypto is dead, boomer stocks are dead, what can we even buy

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hoard cash and kick off a deflationary spiral for the lulz

You’re supposed to buy shit when it’s dead retard


idk lol but definitely sell all your crypto cause its going to zero

let them buy high sell low.

I am hoarding cash gold and ammu? Am I am good goy?

Everything going down with quantitative tightening coming up and institutions/fund crashing everything to accumulate cash means hoard cash retard.

The panic selling will ensue when unaware boomers have their cash converted to bank bonds and panic sell their crashing portfolios to raise liquidity for their old age costs. This is going to be an unprecedented erasure of liquidity ultimately resulting in deflation to try and roll back the damage of quantitative easing so that it can be used again in 8 to 10 years. Retard.


>10% down from ATH is dead
prepare your buttholes

But what will be the so called "black swan" event?

theres only been 28 black swans in hooman history not everything is about you

It's time to outlaw money

camouflage kits
unregistered guns

where we are going there will not be a registry

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fucking s o y/boys.
go fucking imrpove yourself for the upcoming racewar.

Could you guy not make a bad situation worse by starting a race war? What we need right now is co-operation, not more race wars.

buy leaf weed shares

why don't you guys join the deep brain gang?

first you purge, then you cooperate to rebuild

Yes, and neither will ever recover. Definitely don’t accumulate when prices are low. You only want to buy when prices are highest.

>7 billion people + competing for the same things
>White hate at an all time high
>Lets just work together

Man you fucking suck.

US Treasuries and gold

All I'm saying is a race war isn't going to be as fun as you think it will be.

>buy high sell low
Never change Jow Forums