Hello Jow Forumsnessmen, I'm 18 as of today, and I want to start my own business now

Give me ideas. I have currently 200$.

Attached: lw9Tx4y.jpg (1276x850, 136K)

Other urls found in this thread:


could see stuff

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Sell your body. A young twink can make a fair sum on the open market.

Drop ship on eBay

Attached: saupload_L9TXPArvnWFTegNekBfU-MxFQefTAwrkdF4KlIEnzuwSQRl0t2O7AtV1w1mIUAT0bB7WzsN2xocj9q24wZ6DlSXddsT (1600x909, 279K)

LOL I actually look like one.

You should be able to get some decent lipstick and a good pair of kneepads for $200. Good luck OP.

> Put $100 into Tron Coin
> Put another $25 into IOTA Coin
> Another $25 into LiteCoin
> Start a dropship website. Spend $50 on advertising via Instagram, with ten ads for 10 best potential winning products, and $5 per ad set/shout out.
> Pick the top 3 ads/products that do best. Pull the rest of the 7 ads, and rescale the ads with the leftover money from the ads you pulled.
> Use the profits you make from the initial $50 ad set and reinvest into more ads, probably about $90 ~ $200 if you're not lazy with your product pages, descriptions, and Insta shoutout testing
>Rinse and repeat.
> You'll have at least $500 by the end of the month if you're not lazy

knee pad market is booming rn. cryptofags have a lot of cocks to suck

Thank you for your cooperation ;D

Sir do the needful. Buy mobius.


find what youre good at. pour thousands of hours into whatever that is

once you have talent, find out the best way to make peoples lives easier with that talent. after you do that, figure out a way to monetize

now you have a business

Try trucking, you have to work at a interstate self insured for about 3-10 years. Then with the saved capital buy a truck, find a broker that cares, and truck with no accidents for the rest of your life.

Also, don’t expect to fulfill anything, your life is over.

Hello. Business Management student here. Couple years older than OP. Best/surest way to accumulate and keep wealth is generally as follows:

1. College (if parents are rich, do not take student loans they are unpayable for the average person), trade school otherwise. Also read lots of business, finance, and investment books.
2. Get a good job and stick to it. SAVE as much as possible, buy house and car.
3. After you are 100% debt free, and have health insurance, meaning your livelihood is basically guaranteed, start considering investments such as bonds, stocks, securities, treasuries, and then owning your starting your own business.

This advice is extremely summarized, missing steps, boring, and perhaps generic, BUT it is a guideline and your best bet. Remember that people with lots of (not inherited) money almost always accumulate and maintain it over long periods of time, at what can be perceived as very low interest rates. (i.e. single digits).

I know lots of people get rich with very different paths or methods. They are not the majority, and you most likely are. Don't ever gamble or buy crypto (just trust me on this), and remember your mindset will make a difference.

Good luck to OP and any anons reading this. I wish you all gains and prosperity. One final tip, remember the basic principle of any budget. You can either increase income, or reduce expenses. Ideally both. Cheers lads, let's all make it together.

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I'm OP. Thank you so much, I really apreciate this reply.

No problem OP. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.

Ok this is my situation: I have just graduated high school with slightly above average grades. It's very likely that I'll enter college next year. I'm Costa Rican, lower middle-class, my job experience is limited, but I'm very frugal and I have a decent knowledge of basic economics. The question is how can I acquire a competitive advantage so I can have a confortable position when I graduate from college?

Aight listen. My advice will depend on 5 factors.
1. What university will you attend, public or private (UCR, TEC, UNA/Latina, Fidelitas, Ulacit, etc)?
2. Do you come from a private or public school? School name if you don't mind anonymity.
3. What are you planning on studying?
4. Are you male or female?
5. What was your limited or non existent job experience? Don't feel ashamed, the truth will help me help you more.

1-UCR (Law)
2-Public School, Luis Dobles Segreda
3-Either Law or Economics
5-Carpenter assistant, my grandfather was my employer (he's a general contractor)

My skillset is the following: I speak both Spanish and English fluently. I have a decent knowledge of German. My mathematical skills are decent (slightly above average, up to differential calculus). I know nothing about programming but these days I've been thinking about learning Java or Javascript. I have very good writing skills and I'm knowledgeable about politics, economics and history.

I’m in the same boat as op but I have around 1k saved up, I am in college and I want to make my money work for me, I was thinking about selling shirts and creating a niche business. But as of now I’m overwhelmed with making actual income, I am also taking the time to learn programming, a skill in which I fully plan to make money off of in the future.
I have a notebook that I write down goals and business ideas and whatnot but I can never seem to go through with them.
Do I just take adderall and grind hard on one thing and do research or what.
I go on entg threads often and I get valuable info all the time from them.

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Hope you succed.

Ok. I am an atheist but you can thank God you found me. Listen carefully. Or read rather. Also I will write this in spanish so my message is clear.

Primero, estudie Economía. NO ESTUDIE DERECHO. Esa carrera esta saturada y la única gente que consigue trabajo son hijos (as) de personas con plata o bien conectadas, creame, yo tengo excompañeros y compañeras en derecho en la UCR y estoy al tanto. Economía tiene una gran variedad de opciones de trabajo al salir, le va a servir en cualquier país que este, y por muchas razones (podría escribirle un libro) es mejor que derecho. Nada más acuerdese que sin importar la carrera que elija, tiene que empezar ganando poco y con los años y esfuerzo sube su salario.

Luego, puedo deducir que usted es una persona inteligente, y vive en un área (asumo que por la sabana) economicamente desarrollada, para lo que es CR. Cuando ya este en el primer semestre de la U con su horario establecido, busque trabajo como carpintero, idealmente con su abuelo porque asumo que le va a dar flexibilidad de horarios para poder ir a la Universidad. Por lo menos que trabaje fines de semana. Si su familia lo puede mantener, no trabaje y enfoquese en el estudio.

Esta es la primera parte ya le mando la segunda. Es para que no se cierre el thread.

Lol, es casi un milagro que te haya encontrado, yo también onions ateo de hecho. Ya sé que la carrera de derecho no es una buena opción pero tengo un problema, no creo que el corte me de para estudiar economía. Planeaba elegir derecho en el año de generales para subir mi nota y el otro año tener una puntuación lo suficientemente alta para estudiar economía.

Sir my advice is you need to buy mobius.

Parte dos.

Bueno ya vi que efectivamente si es inteligente usted. Más si las matemáticas le son fáciles. Y con 3 idiomas? Definitivamente estudie economía my friend.

Bueno devuelta a su pregunta original. Como ya explique, competitivamente para conseguir brete, le va a ir mejor si estudia economía. En fin, le garantizo que estudiando derecho se va a matar. No se cuales son sus pensamientos politicos o su idea de lo que es la carrera de derecho, pero además de lo que ya le dije, derecho esta lleno de gente muy de izquierda, muy peleones y dramáticos, y va a estar escuchando sobre los problemas de la gente 24/7.

En su post original me dio la impresión de que lo que usted quiere es plata. Y no hay nada de malo en eso, es más, es lo que yo quiero también. Y la mejor opción para eso es economía no le puedo insistir lo suficiente.

Perdón si los mensajes se sienten medio incompletos pero repetitivos pero esta plataforma no se presta para hablar muy profundamente. En fin, tomele foto a los posts con mi ID, también el primer que hice, si necesita algo más digame y puedo establecer correos temporales para hablar.

This sir is correct. U want money beautiful womans cars u must buy mobius sir

Parte tres
Ok rápidamente, métase a esta página


y mandeme un correo a

[email protected]

si quiere seguir hablando.

No onions tan codicioso como parezco en realidad xD, ya le había tomado foto, pero gracias por recordarme. Este es un correo que me hice: [email protected]

>[email protected]
Ok este es el último post que voy a hacer aquí. Le voy a mandar correos de la página que le dije (cada 1 hora cambia la dirección) entonces no se extrañe si la dirección de origen cambia, sigo siendo yo.


Llevo rato, mandando mensajes a la página pero no hay respuesta,¿sigues ahí?

>[email protected]
Si no esta sirviendo la página

Hey sigue aqui? No esta página esta mal. No se si a [email protected] le esta llegando?

Algunos han llegado a raypenver@gmail,com, es mejor comunicarse desde ahí.

raypenver@gmail,com o raypenver23@gmail,com?

[email protected]

Ok deme un toque que duro como 10 minutos pensando cada correo.

ok, ahí espero. Voy a mandar todo lo que envío a ambos sitios.

Learn a trade or some.
Start a co in said trade
$1MM profit in 5 years.
I did so and retired in 10 years with $1.5MM

¿My friend sigue despierto?