What general behavior of cryptocurrencies can we expect, when the Euro crisis starts?

What general behavior of cryptocurrencies can we expect, when the Euro crisis starts?

Attached: bitcoin-image.jpg (1479x925, 411K)

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>these tulips aren't perennial

Attached: bittrend.png (1245x646, 29K)

The normie indicator lags price. Price is set by whales manipulating the market, normies follow

8k, 4k, 1080, it's going analog

Attached: weeeee.jpg (414x476, 17K)

Not expecting anything like this. I am simply interested in diversifying my assets, and I was wondering if crypto is a good option. I've been looking at Burstcoin specifically.

>when the Euro crisis starts
that was in 2009, so someone will soon invent BTC and then it will moon several times over the following decade


If a crisis start, expect btc to dip, then buy low.

well if greece is anything to go by a localized collapse will boost btc ten folds. say italy goes bankrupt unable to settle with the imf because it's ran by populist assholes that just want to print euros. so it would result in the same shit only 5 times bigger at least. smart italians would rush to other currency than euro because nobody will accept euroes from an italian at face value.

The crypto craze is over and it's never returning

Buying BTC at 1 to 2k and selling for 4-5 in a few years seems like a good asymmetrical bet to me. I don't need this shit to hit 20k ever again.

It is like video standard resolution but in reverse. When 720?

people said that years after years newfag

I like your digits OP. Excuse my autism

oh if i had a nickle...

>If people say it too many times, then it would never happen.

they have been wrong tens of thousands of time but this time you are right of course.

I like burstcoin, mined some a while back. Just going to hold

bullshit faggot, no one would buy bitcoin. why should they? fucking idiot

Price will go down as Euros have to sell off their remaining coins to afford food.

why did they before? it's part brand part valuation and stability part security by largest hash.