The last thread was deleted for no reason so i'm creating a new one

The last thread was deleted for no reason so i'm creating a new one.

Here's a riddle for you. If you solve it, you'll find out about a project which uses ethereum how it should be used: real application, no stupid collectible games, no ponzi scams. You should get a website link in the middle and a pdf file at the end of it. Good luck.
Solve the riddle - join the revolution:

4e 6a 67 33 4e 44 63 30 4e 7a 41 33 4d 7a 4e 42 4d 6b 59 79 52 6a 59 35 4e 7a 41 32 4e 6a 63 7a 4d 6b 55 32 4f 54 5a 47 4d 6b 59 32 4f 54 63 77 4e 6a 59 33 4d 7a 4a 47 4e 54 45 32 52 44 55 79 4e 7a 51 32 4f 54 55 31 4e 7a 6b 33 4e 6a 4d 78 4e 7a 4d 30 4e 54 55 31 4e 6a 6b 31 51 54 59 30 4e 45 49 32 52 44 55 77 4d 7a 63 32 4e 7a 55 33 4e 7a 59 30 4e 6a 52 43 4e 44 55 33 4e 54 56 42 4e 7a 49 7a 4e 6a 59 32 4e 45 51 7a 4f 54 51 31 4e 45 4d 30 4d 6a 59 31 4e 7a 41 32 4d 6a 55 31 4e 44 67 31 4d 44 59 30 4e 54 51 30 51 54 52 45 4e 6b 59 3d

Hints: base64, metadata

Attached: 1316239119346-1200x630-c-1.jpg (1200x630, 101K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Just make a fucking shill thread like everyone else. Cut this shit out.
Then what

how did you solve it?

Hint for this one is "hints are too meta".

Nice trips

so wow what to do
Then what?

Hex > string => base64 => Hex > string

For this one the hint is
"You need to read deep into this"

Like, **read** the picture.

All this to shill P3D? fucking kek

Not P3D, it's just a part of the riddle.

Holy fucking shit is that what this is? My fucking god you desperate fucking kids.

No, you're not nearly finished yet.

If you want to join the revolution in censorship resistant and decentralized platforms, visit and see how deep the rabbit hole really goes.
Theres the link. Why the fuck can't anyone into html here?

Great, that's half of it. Now go deeper.

Thank god for collective autism. How did you get this?

WTF IS THIS OP? are you fucking with me?

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-09 at 1.22.52 PM.png (495x178, 6K)

Source code.

nice can take a happiness gauging our good responses.

>a project which uses ethereum how it should be used

It's in the source, there's a script. I'm phoneposting so not nearly as useful as I'd like to be.

consoles game



Now is when it gets hard.
You can type something into the console on this site, or decode something from the script.

Then what

Attached: 20B0496B-4FC7-4EF5-B0B7-D5C5F3A009A2.png (325x224, 20K)

who created this oh my gawd, looks the
Then what?

Browser console. You can type something in it to proceed.

maybe this?


Solve this. You'll get a password that you can use somewhere.

No, further up, inside the tags. It's obfuscated, but those raw bitstreams proably get low-level manipulated and decided to ASCII.

Attached: Ahh_Faggotshit.png (653x102, 21K)

can we know what are referring as sides

Try and find two numbers to multiply together. Possible avenues: open the image as a zip file, hash it, use your favourite steganographic tool to check it.

You have a picture here. It has width and heigh in pixels.

There are multiple ways to get a message from this. I think I get what you mean by "Two sides", Should I go for sheer basic alphabet from your first post or this trash? Should I count out the placement of the words you have on here from 4e all the way to 3d down this script? perhaps the missing blanks are the digits that aren't listed in this script? I have no background in cryptography in any function so idk.

anyone know how to read or run javascript code?

I know the first line got us to the ipfs site if you call the variable from console log, but then I am lost

Attached: asdasdasd.png (498x257, 18K)


Thanks it worked. Now I unzipped it with the password of 144*233 = 33552 (the password is 33552) . Now I have a path.txt file and image.svg file hmmmmm

try maybe to hash the image with 33552

Great, now go further.

Hashing is a single-input function.

I found the terminal O_O

Now you need to log in.

login in for?

>what is a salt

What's in path.txt?

what tool did you use to open the image I'm on mac XD

nani what is txt? inflating...


So in image.svg there is a link to a website with a terminal on it. What do you think is hidden in path.txt?

How do you learn all this... I want cool hacker fun too

Attached: 1533652702149.png (598x480, 79K)

Still one input, salts are concatenated: hash(image||salt). Also unlikely because of the combinatorial explosion of salting schemes and hash algos

I viewed the hex code in the .png image and found a string of characters at the very end and translated it from hex to ascii

what's that paths leading down to?
svg my foot

i don't get it

Ty papi

That's where a login and a password for the terminal is hidden.
Your hint is:

I may or may not be reading into this more but what scenes in Steins:Gate(and 0) did they show a username and a password?

No, this is not relevant.


Anybody have a Username and password yet?

i think the paths is leading us astray

Nope I'm stuck too

It contains the login and password. You need to make an svg file out of it. You can do so using

Where are you looking for username and pass maybe I can help too lazy to find out from the thread

should i use inkscape?

I am looking into the html elements and seeing if the alphabet could be used to turn a new stone over. Perhaps the initial post can be turned into another hex value? idk I'm in goblin brain mode.

you can, but it's not necessary

Yeah I'm on it but are you looking for the pass inside the image/svg you found or directly the source code of the page

Trying to understand what kind of input I am looking at in path.txt . Wondering if should start reading the source code of the website instead

what hash algo do you need to use for image.svg and path.txt ?

Source, I'll look through the image. I didn't zip, unzip and plug in the hash value so im kinda piggy backing a bit but I will post screencaps of something that catches my eye.

No hash algos required. You get the link from image.svg. You get log and pass from path.txt, that's it.

Attached: Questionable.png (469x307, 30K)

Looked through the code... Looks like the commands can only be decrypted if you know the username and password.

Which is in the text file as OP stated. Probable our weakest LINK atm.

anyone paste the content of path.txt?

or maybe construct a svg file from it with html?

look at console also there's an arrayBuffer

nailed it, svg is our saviour

Nah the array Buffer in the JS console log doesn't mean anything. It's probably leftovers from testing the "FomoOS" out. Doesn't look like you can do anything useful in the JS console

post plox?

Has anyone found the username and password? The commands can't be decrypted without it.

This works....

this is what I was asking about. You can't find anything in the source code other than how the secret stuff will be used.

Then what's the password/decryption key, faggot?

the path.txt to svg give me this

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-09 at 20.17.03.png (620x596, 16K)

I was about to post this..... I dunno what that means

You need to make an svg out of path.txt to find the log and pass.
This guy gets it. But that's not the complete sentence, your svg making tool sucks

me neither it's like a password but where's the login ?

Might be a hieroglyph at the end.

then provide me with a tool