Is killing rodents and general animal-related infestation good business?

Is killing rodents and general animal-related infestation good business?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-12 Bigest Glue Trap Easy Saving 10 Mice In Few Minute Mouse Trap In Action - YouT (922x518, 876K)

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Usually already businesses that cover all pest control in big cities, and in small towns you have one boomer who set up shop 20 years ago and gets all the jobs. But if neither of those apply to your city then pest control can be easily self taught. You probably wont make much more money than a normal 9-5 though and you have to deal with gross shit

That is evil

>oil mouse trap

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-12 Stupid Mouse Trap With Peanut Oil Mouse Trap Catches 2 Mice In 5 Minute Mouse (488x363, 342K)

Yep this, usually monopolized by previously successful boomers already established since the 90s, 80s or earlier.

It's a difficult field to get into. You are talking about mostly rural areas, but if you try something urban, you will be competing with massive corporations as well.

I'm not saying you can't do it. You just need to be at the right place at the right time. It's not 1980 where you can just start a business and pay your rent on a 3 hour a week job anymore. It's going to be risky if you have nothing to fall back on.

Why, do you like to kill?

some men just want to watch the world burn

Humans are the pests.

Have you ever lived with mice dude? They are indeed pests and need to be exterminated. Unless you want all your food shat in and your toes bitten when you take a piss at night.

>glue trap -> Jow Forums
>mice -> all of us

Why killing rodents looks so incredibly comfy?

Attached: 1000rats.png (492x344, 414K)

Those glue things actually work?


Why are the comments always filled with edgy freaks talking about how they want to torture them? It’s the same with the YouTube monkey torture conspiracy

what the fuck you live in india or what it sounds like your floor is made of mice

>tfw mice have infested your house over the past 3 weeks
What do I do bros? Just cover the floor in glue traps?

Attached: 1531323677909.png (789x750, 18K)

you know what to do fren

I killed a mouse every night for five nights in a row. Now I haven't seen any in weeks. Used the cheapest victor electric trap with chocolate and butter as bait under my bed. Very satisfying to wake up to a ZAP!

learn to live with them
mice are cute

Attached: rare_mouse_pepe__commission__by_fazboggle-d9awk59.jpg (250x250, 12K)

triggered 4channel mods deleted my post about glue traps to get free meals

Attached: Full-Glue-Trap.jpg (1200x900, 250K)

Kill them then sell them to snakefags, they love to buy natural rats to feed their sneks.


Don’t use glue traps. They don’t work all that well, and even when they do work you’re left with a live mouse stuck to a board.

Snap traps are very effective, kill quickly, and are reusable.

Snakes won't eat dead ones.

I looked up mouse traps on jewtube (some real kino there tbqh) and the "rolling log" above water bucket trap seems good. What do you guys think? Is it just a meme?