Trips name our new duck apu also more of Pic related

Trips name our new duck apu also more of Pic related

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dicks the duck

meme evolution, pepe now is a duck

He already has a name, it's aku.


Ducky McDuckerson


his name is aku
apu apustaja = help helper
aku ankka = donald duck

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well i guess that settles it

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rolling for oswald

mcduck, fitting for sergy

Or mine because my ID says QwaK. Let's vote Marines.

Checked. Aku ankka it is then.
Idea for draw anons, Pic related but with aku building a hay fortress in his pond

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lol fking Delphi always gets it

Checked and wtf'd

He should be Aku Akustaja, for copyright reasons and for better luls as a finn.
Apu Apustaja = help helper (in broken finnish)
Aku Akustaja = Aku the battery maker (in slightly less broken finnish)

his name is inarow

Holy shit
But this

Lmao gtfo