Is this shit ever going to dip? It just keeps going up 20-30% a day indefinitely

Is this shit ever going to dip? It just keeps going up 20-30% a day indefinitely.

Attached: 1 W53unD2NLah-lff6ikr43A.png (1000x563, 20K)

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It's a speculative under valued asset. Nobody knows really.

Hopefully not


It may ebb and flow like any market asset does, but in my view this is the kind of consistent growth that leads to a top 10 valuation.

Very few people are worried about getting out with profit at this stage. There's strong confidence in much more to come.

And I'm not surprised. If all goes to plan then, imo, there's another x10-x20 left in this from here.

its up 70% in 3 days.

Ok i‘ll bite: ELI5 what is the QUANT network?

Been waiting for a dip for my first buy in but it seems I might be waiting for awhile.

The price is purely speculative and the project is extremely undervalued? What offends you stupid faggot?

That user above makes sense that it is growing consistently not mooning. This doesn't really lend to large dips for us to buy in because it never really becomes overbought.

how do you know it's undervalued if it's speculative is the point

Hmmm, maybe its my opinion you autistic pedant? DO you disagree with me?

Chill out mate, just trying to explain what he means. I have had some QNT for a few months already

it fell from 3.56 to 1.20 no more than 4 months ago lmao...

Quant's Overledger is an interoperability middle-layer. They are continually adding more and more blockchains to this including all the major blockchains and others like Corda.

This means that, if an enterprise plugs into blockchain via Overledger, it can instantly access all these blockchains with full interoperability between each one.

This also allows the creation of mapps, or multi-chain apps, so enterprises can create apps that can use multiple blockchains simultaneously for different app functions.

The reason this is such a big deal is that it removes the need for enterprises to tie themselves to any particular blockchain. Just use Overledger and there's the freedom to access dozens of them. If one blockchain stops working properly, just swap to a different one with ease. If another blockchain that comes out is better, Overledger can create a new connection and the enterprise can swap to that. Meanwhile, the enterprise could continue to use 3, or 4 or 5 other blockchains during this time.

This removes all the risk and complexity that's currently holding back DLT adoption.

It's also going to create a Mapp ecosystem, and has a QNT tokenomics model tied to licensing and usage, with the Quant Treasury providing an avenue for clients to pay with fiat, and then the Treasury handles purchasing and custodianship.

Imo it's one of the best crypto projects I've ever seen, and could be what's needed for global enterprise adoption. If Overledger becomes the port-of-call for enterprise, every major blockchain could be requesting that they connect to Overledger to join the list of blockchains the Overledger users have access to.

Too bad blockchain is painfully slow, unscalable and big enterprises are looking for next-gen Ledger tech.

Quant will fizzle out along with all other altcoins, and new Ledger tech will gain trillion dollar mcaps alongside Bitcoin.

This.This is erc20 middleware.It isnt a blockchain and it isnt a currency, its just shitty software that can be copied by anyone, 3 lines of code to connect chains.Essentially a toll booth people would have to pay to connect blockchains that others will do for free.Anyone buying this now needs their heads examined.

There's no liquidity. Sellers want 30% above market every time it goes up, Buyers are paying 10% premium most of the time on market value, unless they get lucky and someone is taking profits like me. I don't want to fight the bots trying to keep a sell order up and artificially drive price down.

It's still my biggest stack $ value wise, but I've been selling 10% every 30% pump to even out my other 2 picks and to reduce the chance I get wrecked.

Block collider is way better than this.

Add to that 84% of the volume is on fatbtc which is 99% wash trading.The dump will be spectacular on this.Literally selling 20k on idex will dump the price by a 3rd in an instant.Some user here caused the dump on his own last time it dumped from 3.50 to a dollar or so, he admitted he sold all his stack.Good luck whoever has the balls to hold out from here.

This might be good fud if it weren't for the fact that these guys are going after government. Government NEVER uses the latest tech because it takes so long to build trust, reliance, and get a bunch of idiot gov employees to understand a system. They don't just hop to the next hot thing because of a speed increase. Most US gov computers still use windows xp and windows explorer

They're building it for other ledger techs too. Hashgraph is in the pipeline.

Not that it matters much as you're wrong about what enterprises are looking for. DLTs can do a lot of jobs extremely well. There's just currently way too much cost, complexity, risk and isolation for enterprise to connect directly to any one blockchain.

Overledger solves that problem. It's gone from being a pain in the ass to use one blockchain to extremely easy to use 10 simultaneously.

Gilbert the CEO founded the ISO standard for blockchain and has worked in health sectors, governments and banks in a high level tech security capacity. If anyone recognises the kind of system that's needed for major adoption, it's that guy.

Lol. You'll get smarter. There are several next-gen projects in the works that ensured compliance from the get-go, and didn't fund themselves through scammy ICO money coming from Joe Schmuck.

See you next year when QNT is >$100

Gilbert, who made a fake press video?

The guy is pure shill salesman, why do you think he goes on “blockchain brads” channel to pump the price?

That isn't fake you stupid nigger, the National Press Club is respected among professional journalists. While the video is a bit overdone, it isn't some green screen shenanigans like you make it out to be.

there are like 3 people in the audience lol he paid to speak there for his shitty video so he could shill it.Its an embarrassment.

>> shitty software

Good constructive criticism salty user.

Quant has recognised exactly what is holding back global enterprise blockchain adoption, and they have the tech and connections to make serious things happen.

Those destined to get wrecked are those creating a new blockchain to add to the hundreds of other blockchains all fighting for dominance.

The crypto scene should actually hope to fuck that Overledger is a success which allows easy multi-chain enterprise use, otherwise it's going to be a case of only two or three blockchains surviving at the top while the rest die due to no adoption.

Anyone with more than a single-digit IQ understand how important Quant and Overledger are, and how desperate enterprises are for something like this. Finally someone has created what they need to get on board instead of everyone constantly creating new blockchains of which 99.9% are doomed to fail.

Yeah, I dumped the price from 4$ to 3.60 yesterday just unloading 300 but it went back in a few hours. Still not sure where I feel comfortable leaving my stack at..

>not understanding what a platform agnostic meta;ayer means
>slings baseless FUD saying Overledger is just a "erc20 middleware"
>Doesn't understand that Overledger is future proof, compatible backwards and forwards in time.

Stay FUDing, grasseater.

Attached: pandacelebrate.gif (480x480, 1.68M)

Just read the whitepaper, is quant even a blockchain? If so, what are the tokens used for?

End of the day you are hyping up an erc20 token ( oh brother), that is just software running on an aws (oh lawd..) that has dogshit tokeneconomics, that will charge people to access blockchain (oh lawd) and the team are conveniently leaving out how they will take profits.

True. Dead project. I'm sure the guy that developed the Blockchain ISO standard is just some low IQ shill. Sold my stack. Thanks.

also does all this work right now? or are the pulling another AION

You have no idea what you're talking about. I can understand why you're anti-Quant now. You're just retarded in general.

The National Press Club is a hugely respected institution. US Presidents have stood where Gilbert did in that video. The whole point of doing it is that as a hub for journalists, you can go there, deliver your press release/speech, answer questions, and then journalists in the field can attend and write in their publications about it if they wish.

I understand why people end up poor in crypto now. They're people like you who can't grasp even basic things.

can I use quant without owning ethereum? If I want to use Augur for instance to place a bet, but all I have is EOS, how do I do that?

Watch the video, it looks like he put his mom, sister and brother as journalists at they were the only ones who would show up.

>There are several next-gen projects in the works
>in the works

I already over doubled my money in qnt. The chance qnt flunks or is a scam is no higher than whatever hopium elitist shitcoin you are "invested" in. Gov and business don't give a shit about your ancap steam punk tech dreams, they want a pretty face delivering a easy to use product that's packaged with their needs in mind. But yea, go pitch to them your [[[[[hypothetical]]]]]] superior tech that they need a 250k a year salaried blockchain expert on staff to navigate.


>Thinking something is undervalued/overvalued yet thinking the price is purely speculative at the same time

CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN HOW THIS IS ACTUALLY USED? Like if I want to gamble on an EOS dapp but all I have is litecoin, how do I do that?

If you cant answer this very simple question, why did you buy this garbage?

Enterprises, governments and banks are showing major interest in this that will become clear very soon.

Meanwhile, basement dwelling autists are fudding because it's ERC20 and not a blockchain (which is actually one of the most important and best things about it).

Gee whizz, I'm sure all the enterprise CEOs are horrified that this is an ERC20 token.

Do any of you realise that this is why the cryptocurrency market has nearly died and you're all still poor? It's because you care so much about things that businesses, banks and governments don't give a single fuck about.

Don't believe me if you don't want to, but when you see Quant and Overledger gaining major traction this year while your fave blockchain projects are still dead, don't say I didn't explain exactly why. The future is crystal clear if you can comprehend it.

It's not blockchain. It's a software that you subscribe to with QNT 'tokens'. Their code is not open-source (and is claimed to be fundamentally 3 lines of code lmao), and their pricing will be private.
It's fucking centralized shit that claims to connect blockchains, not even proven yet.

Nobody is using any of this shit right now its slow, complicated etc.Quant is doing the rounds having companies lend their name to it ala vechain and walton, but thats all it will be.End if the day when the music stops and there are no more chairs left, you would have the fact its an independant blockchain or a top tier currency to fall back on.Youll be stuck with a shitty erc20 like all the hodlers who go reqt in 2018.Good luck with that, i mean that sincerely

>not understanding how it makes perfect sense

Yes you can use Quant's Overledger without owning ethereum.

This is the critical point that so many autists in crypto seem to miss. Everyone keeps trying to create THE blockchain, where if someone wants all these bells and whistles, they must connect to a specific blockchain first which is at the core.

That shit is what's holding adoption back.

Gilbert has used common sense and created an interoperability system that doesn't need ANY specific blockchain. Connect via Overledger, and enterprises can have their pick of any blockchain they want (including multiple blockchains at the same time) with full interoperability.

It's so painfully obvious that enterprise has been waiting for something like this.

PS: Your later question is the wrong one to ask. Overledger is for big enterprise data. Banks, governments, institutions etc. It's also for developers to create Mapps, and one might create a mapp eventually that allows you to do exactly what you're looking for if there's sufficient demand.

I guess I need to repeat myself again:

>Meanwhile, basement dwelling autists are fudding because it's ERC20 and not a blockchain (which is actually one of the most important and best things about it).
>Gee whizz, I'm sure all the enterprise CEOs are horrified that this is an ERC20 token.
>Do any of you realise that this is why the cryptocurrency market has nearly died and you're all still poor? It's because you care so much about things that businesses, banks and governments don't give a single fuck about.

Do you not see? Enterprises just want something that provides the benefits it says it has, at a reasonable cost, and with low risk. They do not give a single fuck if things are or aren't a blockchain, or what kind of token they are, or whether they're open sourced or not.

If you have to learn this the hard way by watching Quant gain major adoption amongst enterprise while your blockchain shitcoin continues to die, then you are free to do as you wish.

I already sold half my stack and put it in link/ltc before the pumps, and only my highest $ bag because I bought at 1.80$. Everything has risks.

And when the overledger gets hacked or goes down, everyone is connected to it is fucked.

The market doesn’t give a shit what you think. The market will do what it wants. If the market wants to make AION bag holders lose 99%, the market will make it happen. QNT is in price discovery mode and the market is currently deciding its valuation. This is a great time to be on board. Join us or get out. Quant isn’t slowing down until it reaches its true market valuation which I believe is eventually in the top 10.

Actually any business doing their due diligence would be horrified this is an erc20 after the complete failure and scamminess last year of the ico and erc20 craze.They want clean, clean clean.Pitching erc20 to the board and within a 5 minute google search all you get is “another erc20 scam” etc.

>> And when Amazon gets hacked or goes down, everyone is connected to it is fucked.

>> And when Intel gets hacked or goes down, everyone is connected to it is fucked.

>> And when Google gets hacked or goes down, everyone is connected to it is fucked.

Yeah man. I can see why nobody uses these for that reason.

Wake up.

Look at this list, tell me when you see the first erc20 token appear?The top 25 is literally all big blockchain and currency coins.Shitty software on aws with an erc20 token isnt sniffing anywhere near the top 10.

Having to connect to software in between blockchains is just another risk of something going down, that you have to pay for the pleasure for too.Thats also an erc20 token...


Wow. We have reached a new level of retardation in this thread. Congrats.

Yes, I'm sure multi-millionaire CEOs with teams of advisors and directors having multiple technical meetings with the Quant team are going to Google "ERC20" and then cut the deal off because they read some stories on a basement dweller's blog.

My sides.

im 20x up on QNT.

really makes you think..

The chart also screams pnd, when was the last time you saw a rise this fast that didnt have a huge fall on the otherside?

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Okay buddy.

I've taken a screenshot of all these comments. Let's give it about 4-6 weeks, when numerous enterprise users of Quant will be revealed, including Quant's work with the European Commission.

Then if you still aren't convinced, you can email these companies and explain why they're wrong. Mention it's an ERC20 token. I'm sure they'll be interested.

why are you so fixated on the erc token? I'm pretty sure these guys are selling their services for fiat and then converting the fiat to their token. Anyone in blockchain expecting gov/big business to directly stake ANY non-fiat currency is retarded

I actually do develop dapps. Stupid shitcoin games mostly. This sounds completely useless. It sounds like basically if I build a dapp and later want to move to another chain, I have to completely remake my software on the other chain, then add 3 lines of code so their server can read both blockchains at the same time and shuttle data from one to the other.

Im not sure how the token plays into this or who is paying for it, but this sounds like a friction filled pile of shit. I could just copy paste their open source code and make my own bridge on AWS and not have to pay them a cent. My users wouldnt have to pay either.

As I said, the market doesn’t give a shit what you think. Here is what the market thinks:

BTW, Quant have already started to build their own blockchain and it will be production ready this year. Next FUD item?

87% of the volume is pure washtrading, hotbit and fatbtc are 99% washtrading exchanges.

All washtrading, good luck selling when everyone starts to dump

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>doesnt know what speculative means
>muh pedant
neck yourself brainlet

Good thing Jow Forums retards don't create the price. Good thing people are FOMO SALTY BC THEY DIDNT BUY YESTERDAY

Yeah, stupid shitcoin games are the same as enterprise infrastructure requirements.

The point of Overledger is that you DON'T have to remake your software on another chain if you want to switch. And your shitcoin app can use multiple blockchains simultaneously if needed with data sharing between each.

Nor do you seem to understand the basic concepts of creating the ecosystem and treasury, and the importance of having the credentials and connections to gain this adoption.

But let's wait and see what happens. Not long now.

Ways NOT to sniff the top 25 in crypto

Be an erc20
Not be a blockchain
Not be a currency coin
Be centralised garbage (ripple achieved its mc when any old crap could do well with partners)
Be aws software
Have 87% of your volume washtraded

If you sub50 brainlet iq hodlers cant see the time is now to jump out, just like last time when it dumoed from 3.50 to a dollar, then there is no hope.

Fatbtc is wash trading, yes.
The others not so much.

What happened the latest time a coin was top volume on IDEX?

Shit, my biggest hold hacks all those Mark's besides the centralized part. What do user? Am I fucked in the boipussy now?

Eurocuck Hustle, worse than the chink hustle

zoom out

Which was it?

Here's gonna be the cool part about Quant treasury. Initially, yes there will be a need for you to post gas fees and whatnot on your own account, but soon there will be a Quant hub where you can allow gas handling being done ala some shapeshift-like automated market maker.

The Quant Treasury, among other Mapps built upon Overledger's framework, will provide interchain liquidity and easy the use of Mapp contract execution. If you think this is too centralized use an alternative implementation of a liquidity contract in order to convert your EOS to ETH.

The possibilities are endless with this platform.

Attached: mind_blown.gif (200x200, 1.83M)

the sign that QNT pumped so much is a good sign desu that the coin will reach even further

Ok i zoomed out, every pump this big or bigger comparatively dumped back down around the same amount.

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A lot of people in here are mad they didn't buy when it was under 1usd.

Its natural to justify things now.


Zoom out so we can see the date of the dip, so we can see it was in November when BTC dropped from 6 - 4K causing all coins to lose their dollar valuation. Try again.

I paid less than 50 cents a piece for 60 of these. Am I gonna make it?

Zoom in then.

Same bots like in crypto
It will pump to the moon or they go to jail.

Fuck you guys. Sell me your Quants!

If I had somme of those coins I would definitively keep 50% or ore of my stack for the long term. We're talking untill the peak of next bullrun
I wouldn't sell much now

It's more expensive on IDEX than Fatbtc with it's fake trading.

How much QNT do I need?

I did dump my 369 stack at the same time. Not sure how to hold this for long term.

seriously though, quant's steady rise is pretty insane