
Alright goys, what's the deal with pic related? Is this shit worth throwing some money at it? Other projects I should watch out for instead of this? What's the consensus here?

Attached: Enigma-ENG.png (660x462, 29K)

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Discord pump n dump avoid

band aid solution

I just saw crypto chico's video on this project, that's why I wanted to ask here. I doubt the man would be shilling garbage projects.


> Chico Crypto

The faggot calls one one chink scam (VeChain) and shills another (NEO).

Attached: 1527336422697.jpg (480x452, 33K)

The jewest project on the internet
What do you think?

Attached: 1497131158014.jpg (271x406, 28K)

Ah I see. I thought the enigma protocol seemed interesting. Decentralized private transactions across multiple blockchains.

Buy a big dip and set a stop loss. Maybe it gets interesting. Maybe it doesn’t.

some big money doesnt want this to drop. wonder when the rug will get ripped out

Best project in crypto, hands down.

Still no idea what they're trying to accomplish
They started out as a crypto investing project now it's some SGX based secret contracts project

I don't see how they'll be a better option than link/iexec/golem for whatever they're trying to build

they are like ethereum but everything is private
their mpc solution is always better than zkp, so ethereum will never catch up to eng

Their mpc idea is unworkable. If they actually solved it to any sort of academic standard it would be huge news

why don't you think it will work?

Simply because if it did it would be big news in the general academic community, practical mpc is a big deal.

Trusting anonymity, security and secrecy to CEO who got hacked and a fling kike user i

Testnet in Q1, should be interesting to see how it turns out

hasn't the problem been solved for like 30 years? and somewhat recently there was some optimization that makes it faster.
enigma makes it practical by using a blockchain for verification, so there is no question it will work, just that it is complicated, therefore not a whole lot of projects working on it besides enigma

>so there is no question it will work, just that it is complicated
Exactly. The state of the art solutions are not very practical for real world use. I don't see any reason to assume the enigma team have solved this difficult problem. Their tokenomics are also not convincing, but thats not such a big deal.

there seems to be quite a few working applications eprint.iacr.org/2018/450.pdf

I think it becomes truly useful when combined with smart contracts, when there is no smart contract infrastructure, when we still live in a world where trust is the norm, there aren't as many use cases, I think that will change though.

All I really know about it is they have backing from MIT, but think about how much money MIT has.

There are loads of working applications. They just don't work very well.

Who are their main competitors? I mean the ones that can give them a run for their money.

REN is their main competition now that they have added general purpose privacy instead of just being a protocol for decentralized darkpools.

i'd rather have dero tbqh

Sweet. Thanks man, looks interesting.

Long term hold