Anyone in biz go through a divorce?

Anyone in biz go through a divorce?

I'm about to fall for the marriage meme and I want to know how best to protect my shit or at least how to minimize loss.

I know a prenup helps, but is there a way to hide current assets so that they don't get factored into the split? My net worth is currently 250k. It's not a lot, but technically I earned all that before her so she shouldn't have any right to it should we divorce one year later. How best to protect it?

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Men shouldn't get married anymore. You are a fool if you do

Depends on the state. You can often get pre-existing assets protected under a pre-nup, but have to split what you earn after that. So it wouldn't make sense to hide money, which can nullify a pre-nup. If you have a large stock account that's going to accrue a lot of money over the course of the marriage then setting up some shell-company system might make sense. I would honestly recommend not doing the paperwork to get married. Have her move in with you, have a ceremony if you'd like, but there's no reason to get legally married. You've clearly got your things in order, the taxes and insurance aren't worth it. My condolences if you're a common-law cuck.

>Have her move in with you, have a ceremony if you'd like, but there's no reason to get legally married
ain't you legally fucked if you live long enough together either way or do burgers not have that yet?

This. Only correct answer. You WILL lose your money otherwise.

Fuck. I guess I should ask instead, is anyone in biz happily married?

I do not live in a common law state so thank god for that.

I like her a lot. I could see myself spending the rest of my life with her, but I do make significantly more than her. I've accepted that what we make together will be split evenly, fine. But I just don't want her to to have access to pre marriage money.

I have money in several places, between retirement accounts, and brokerages that I'm unsure of how to protect. And once I start funding it with after marriage money does that taint the entire pool?

Going through a divorce right now. Don’t do it. You think it won’t happen to you, but it will.

Unless you plan to make babies with her, there is no fucking reason to get married. It is a SACRIFICE on your part, not a gift. As soon as my kids are 18 I’m divorcing my wife.

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depends state by state. There's also "community property" laws, where if you're dumb and your spouses funding records (name on a card,bank,whatever) show that they are tied to an asset that would otherwise be protected in divorce they can stake a claim to it

it just doesn't make any financial sense. minorities don't get married and they defraud social programs by not listing the father's income, and keeping any records of the fathers residence somewhere else like his parents home

>happily married?

There’s no such thing as “happily married”

Just trapped but not suicidal yet

Would you jump out of a plane if your parachute had a 50% chance of opening? Didn't think so.

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I would say the first thing you should do is to go and talk to a lawyer about this instead of consulting a bunch of 12 year olds on a chinese anime imageboard.

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I'm not particularly excited to have kids, but I know she will want it. Also my parents would want to have grand kids. I'm feeling pressure on both sides. The idea of furthering the bloodline and having my genes live on doesn't sound bad, and in an ideal scenario with a happy wife, sure I would want kids. And it's not the kids specifically that worries me, it's what additional I might lose if the marriage goes south AND there's kids.

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>I'm not particularly excited to have kids

You’re doomed if you do this bro

dont get married, she will cheat on you and screw you over in court with jewish lawyers and or jewish judges who are matriarchal lunatics. Dont do it ever. DO NOT GET MARRIED IN USA OR EU

Divorced brainlet here
Divorce took hard, even tho it was my own decision, im 26 atm, married at 21.
Never been better off financially, but heart is broken, and cant have a relstionship with anyone, i got the better part of our divorce, she got a shitty flat, i took our son.
How to best protect it? Write a premarriage thing, saying she has no right to your money, in case you divorce, gl fren

Can you try to remember what you felt when you first married her. How much in love you were with her. Is there no way to get that back.

Buy BTC, send to, send to binance, buy monero, send through a couple of monero wallets, done

You should keep "your" money in its own accounts, yes. I would suggest living together for 5 years as a "married" couple, and if you like how things are going then get a pre-nup and make it official - since you seem to insist. You'll get more time to save money too.

I got married a month ago
She's a huge cunt. Killing her is the only way

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>Can you try to remember what you felt when you first married her
Yeah. Riding the initial social high of the situation and chemicals was great.
>How much in love you were with her.
I wanted to breed with her and fuck. And in the slurry of oxytocin and dopamine I thought she was the most amazing person ever in my life.
>Is there no way to get that back.
No, there isn’t. After 4 years it totally wears off. Your libido goes down and you become roommates. Once she stops taking birth control then her normal monthly cycle (mooch beta for 3 weeks, look for alphas for 1 week) comes back. Being married you can’t do the latter any more. Although it doesn’t matter. Your bodies did what they’re meant to do together and now you’re just waiting for the chicks to leave the nest so she will FINALLY leave you alone.

I mean yeah if you have nothing to gain then why the fuck would you do that. Look it's been proven with studies that two people working together toward a common goal can reach it much quicker than one person. Accumulation of wealth, tax breaks, etc all benefit married couples. Even in careers, companies and society are more preferential toward married men because it shows stability.

It gets a bit tricky with property. I want to buy property and even if I own that before her and her name isn't attached anywhere, if we both end up living in it for an extended period of time, it can still be claimed as part of marital assets. Especially if she helps pay for it. And even if I don't let her help pay for it, just by that property increasing in value while we're married creates a grey area that allows her potential claim either way.

I wouldn't mind keeping the status quo, "marrried" couple, but no girl actually is okay with that forever. They all eventually want to see it go somewhere and the ultimate goal is always marriage. I say I have about a year or so left until I'm forced into a decision so I'm trying to prep.

In careers marriage just displays obedience and conservatism. Married guys take less risks and don’t resist as much.

I am. We have a prenup. Makes it simpler just in case. It's cool having someone to talk to and eat with etc. I'd recommend

Married 2 years ago. This is 100% true. Half the time I'm just daydreaming about murdering her and running away.

Women change the very moment you give the ring. First they plan the wedding throwing money like they were savages. You worried about the "long" future? See the near future instead: she will spend thousands of dollars on stupidity just to make her friends jelaous. Of course, you have no right to address any opinion in such thing. Is HER wedding she will make out clear. Now, when the wed happens, she immediately start the ritual of control you at the pace of convincing you to buy a new house for her because, either you both do not have one, or the one that you currently have is not enough. Three years have passed and you got a kid, because the society and her friends ask a lot about family. Meanwhile you have worked from 7 to 5 like a horse and she just hates you for that.

Don't do it man. Seirously. I passed the same fucking story of thousand western men. Cost me a lot.

Not a MGTOW, but i recommend to you to see this:

You mind if I ask who makes more and the key points of your prenup. I haven't talked to a professional yet, what assets do you have protected and in what form? property, retirement accounts, stocks? Also how did she take it? Conversation about prenups aren't exactly romantic, especially if she takes offense or doesn't see it coming.

What do you love more, her, or half your money?

She initiated shes got money. We take what we brought in, anything in separate accounts in that persons and anything with both names or in a joint bank account is shared. I didnt care I don't plan on divorcing. And I know she ain't leaving cuz I'm a cool ass person. It's been 5 years and alls good so far

I'm married and I'm a fucking tyrant. I got married 2 years ago but I literally haven't slept in the same bed as my wife in 3 years. Basically she just cooks for me and whenever I choose to shpwer we end up having sex but every single other interaction is me syouting that she's a cunt gook who can barely understand my English. I go out alone to drink at bar crawls minimum twice a week. She's 6 months pregnant with our kid.
>inb4 "our kid"
Yes it is my kid I have gotten this confirmed.

So the lesson here is to find a girl who has more to lose in a divorce than you.

A wedding is basically a woman parading around her new indentured servant. I’ll admit I can’t talk shit but at least it was just the 2 of us at the courthouse.

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Just say "no." When my wife disagrees with me about literally anything I just say "so? The fuck you gonna do about it you cunt? You want a divorce? Fucking go ahead." and then continue on. She backs down every fucking time and it hasn't failed yet. Feel like she's being too cold? Act like a depressed shit and she makes a ton of food and tries to cheer me up.

Fucking this. EXACTLY. This is why me being an asshole to my wife works.

>lol just marry a girl that makes more than you do ezpz
Yeah no shit sherlock. Most girls don't marry down economically, so you either married a desperate uggo or enjoy your rare unicorn. Most dudes will be stuck with a timebomb that is waiting to go off and take half their shit with them.

Will a prenup protect the money I made after marriage if the money I made was with investments originally bought with money which I already had before marriage?

Basicly as an example. I have $10k usd before i met my wife. After getting to know her and we decide on marriage, I then get a prenup listing the $10k as my personal assets. 2 months after marriage i use that $10k to buy 30k chainlink LINK tokens. Then lets say chainlink hits $1000 per token in 2023 and i have $30 million, will my wife be able to claim half of my link tokens as hers?

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>I see myself as a slave ... but at least our wedding was shit!

What is the point of money if you don't have somebody to spend it with or to leave it all behind to. The marriage meme does sound like a high risk investment, but I'm the type to save and invest. I'm never going to end up spending all my money on myself. Chances are the majority of my money will go to my siblings or my family if I don't end up having a family of my own.

Sure this might work for you, but treating a woman like shit doesn't seem to be the play if you want to avoid being divorced. If she's willing to go through all that and not divorce you and you don't particularly seem to care if she does, you probably aren't worth divorcing for financial gain.

Nope. Pre marriage assents remain separate property. Absent a written gift notification of such sort
t. user lawyer

Most women are already sluts anyways so you don't have to marry to have sex with them. Marriage really is no win.

>ur safe desu.
But the funds you earn after marriage and that you invest is techically community property. I wonder how Can you erase such transactions, monero seems a viable option. But don’t understand its tech too much to completely hide this away. I mean bank accounts could be traced to say your purchase and trades on binance for example. But to demand those court documents.. wel thats outside my scope of expertise. Hopefully another lawyer, or someone with insight can chime in here

This is the biggest point of the modern dynamic. It used to be that women insisted on marriage to give themselves to a man.

We're on Jow Forums, there is no business sense in trading your freedom and taking on a high risk for sex you already get.

don't do it fag

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Fuck off that user is full of shit.
Earnings made while you two were married are community prop. The original 10k is prior but the rest is investment earnings you made while you were together

Fucking idiot. Your investments returns of separate property remain separate property.

How does that work with retirement accounts like 401ks and IRAs.

Does that mean you should make a new separate accounts when you get married right? Else those separate accounts become marital accounts through transmutation

the answer is don't get married

Why not just move your assets offshore to Belize? 0% tax. If someone wants to attempt to retrieve trust assets they must post a $100,000 bond with the court. Happy days.

Wrong. You're entitled to a reasonable rate of return on community property. Anything in excess of reasonable would be community earnings earned during the marriage. What is reasonable? If you think 3000% will be deemed reasonable by a normie judge then you are a special kind of retarded lawyer. I bet you have a great track record of cases sport

>How does that work with retirement accounts like 401ks and IRAs.

There are formulas to divi that up appropriately and those depends if you’re in the majority or minority jurisdiction when applying such a law.

>Does that mean you should make a new separate accounts when you get married right ? Else those separate accounts become marital accounts through transmutation

Community law properties still applies. It helps to keep things organized though. The law of transmutation generally applies when 1)there’s a signed written agreement or 2) it’s a gift of sizesable value that it’s inherent intent is to be of a gift (think expensive jewelry for her birthday, etc)

Interesting so even if he sold those LINK tokens for 30 mil, after taxes that 30 mil usd would all stay his even upon divorce

Wrong. But I like them numbers.

It depends. Yes your example would apply in a case say you run an online business before marriage. Then you two split up. In such a case yes she will take to that a reasonable fee (2 different formulas)

But say your dad gives you 5000 links before marriage. You get married. Links prophecy hits 1k. Well that 5m remains your SP.

Yep. Exactly- See

This same example applies for separate accumulated property before marriage

>be self employed before marriage
>all money earned are returns of anons investments
>gets married
>all possessions are still community property according to Jow Forums Jow Forums lawyer
>no need to ever get prenup
th-thanks Jow Forums

Also this applied if you live in a community property state. So it may differ in other non cp states

RE fan and prob married eventually too. I think most people here are blackpilled. Yes marriage blows ass for people that get divorced, but you have to go into it with both feet if you want it to succeed, you cant be in with one foot out there door. Esp if you have kids or want kids.

Generally In cp states. The moment you get married until divorce remains community property. All wealth acquired before SP remains SP regardless of marriage

My question to anons is:. How do you hide your crypto assets during marriage? Since purchases during marriage could be traced through your bank transaction history

>I mean yeah if you have nothing to gain
What do you have to gain by marriage? Everything marriage grants you can be obtained via other means that don't have a 50% failure rate user.

Marriage is fine if your wife is submissive and the man is dominant. Most of the guys described above who are happy are probably in a dom/sub relationship.
Problem is a lot of women now want to be the dominant one too.
Then there are "normie" forums like slickdeals where you read about happy wife/happy life, buying useless shit for the wife and asking for wife's permission before doing something. I want none of that.
I have a kid with my wife but it's horrible since we both try to be the boss. Doesn't work like that. Fights, strain on relationship, not good. Thought about separation many times.

And in Canada, the tax benefits aren't even good, I get taxed at a higher bracket than if I were single and the deductions do not make up for it.

But in the original hypo the Link is purchased AFTER the marriage. You are basically arguing that if I get married then start a business for 10K while married and become a millionaire I get to keep everything. Not true at all.

>both try to be the boss
Man. Desu that’s where my relationship is going. It’s pretty damn tough. Besides your child what helps you motivates you to stay? How do you work things out.

Ideally I’d like to find a way to keep putting crypto away secretly from my soon to be wife in case shit hits the fan. I don’t want any bank trails though.

>You are basically arguing that if I get married then start a business for 10K while married and become a millionaire I get to keep everything. Not true at all.

I never said you get to keep everything. I said the community property is entitled to a reasonable fee- what that fee is is dependent on two type of different formulas that differ based on the jurisdiction you sit in.

This guy has the best advice, if your girlfriend is cool enough to go along with it. I have a tradGF and we're both on the same page about recognizing state's authority, or lack thereof, to officiate marriage. We're planning a private ceremony with religious vows, but legally, we won't be married.

From there on out, it's a simple matter of dividing up our budget in a way that seems fair to both of us. If one day our relationship stops working, it'll be as simple as separating our property and hitting the road.

Got my gf preg and we have been together for about a year with the kid, I def think about leaving sometimes, but stay for the kid and make my disdain known. It seems to keep her in check, I am waiting for a year to see if it gets better.

Part of me still wants to believe in the ideal. To take a vow and have a lifelong partner you're completed committed to, and one who is equally committed back. To have children who will then have children of their own and to be surrounded by loving family when you're old.

Too bad we've all been conditioned to never trust a hoe. Also I don't want to die alone.

1 link = 1 link
However, if you sell linkies for 30m you just gained fiat while being married.
So half to Uncle Sam and remaining 25% to your waifu.
You are taxed 75% isn't it great?
But wait, there's more. In marriage you do not share only your income, but wife's spending as well.
She spends 7.5 million on roastie shit. And THEN divorces. Remaining 7 mil are now split.
Effective tax : 87.5% Have fun.goy

How fat is she?

Legit good idea actually. My gf is skeptical of the state already, so might be a good way to go.

What would best way to go for insurance? She is still going to school and gets medicaid, so just keep that going?

what the fuck guys why is no one happy after getting married

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>people who live together before marriage are more likely to divorce

>I said the community property is entitled to a reasonable fee- what that fee is is dependent on two type of different formulas that differ based on the jurisdiction you sit in.

Wait so what if i don't live in a community property state? Will i still have to give some of my link up in that situation? How big or small can that fee/tax rate be?

Is it true that your tax rate goes up if you're married? I thought long term capital gains tax was 20%.

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I'm happy user. It's great. Even if it did go wrong, the time with her has increased my happiness enough that losing half my stuff is worth it.

>Besides your child what helps you motivates you to stay? How do you work things out.

Not much really. My own inability to do stuff. Logistics of what and how to separate. maybe separate rooms or something unless she finds her own place.
Sometimes it's good but for the most part I am a defeated man. I have my faults as well.
We don't really work things out well eventually one of us capitulates/acquieses. Things linger. The funny thing is she knows I'm right about 90% of things (money, responsibilities, child care, housekeeping) but she just hates being told what to do / hates being wrong. That's another fact about women I read in relationships, some men just back the F down from their wife and pretend to their wife that they are wrong even if they are really right.
But I guess I'm too stubborn for that. We've been married seven years now. There's been two/three bad fights lately but literally showing my strength (restraining her holding her down) gets her lizard brain to back down. So yea things are bad and it's escalated.

Well you can buy crypo with cash off local btc like the old days maybe. pretend you lost it gambling if anyone asks. Hope my blog post helps some of you out there... get someone submissive.

>Is it true that your tax rate goes up if you're married?
I read the IRS takes separate or joint filings from married couples.. so even if you do end up with a higher tax rate as a married couple you can file separately. So it shouldn't matter if you're American... but that's just based what I read off google.

In Canada, married/common law couples HAVE to do joint filings and I pay more than if I were single (joint income means higher tax bracket). makes no sense. I can't income split or whatever either. The reason they justify it is because married couples pool their expenses...

Have you ever hit your wife?

The real question is, were the warning signs there before marriage and kids. Looking back on it now, is how she's acting during marriage something you could have foreseen or did she change midway.

I'm 19 right now, a few years ago I went to my cousins wedding, ate jelly fish, fruit cake, shark fin soup all the nice stuff. It costed them 10K for the wedding, they had a baby. Then a few months later I heard that they both left each other and the baby was left to my aunt LOL. Tragic.

>Have you ever hit your wife?
No strikes I don't think I can do that. I have grabbed her rough though, enough to bruse.

No, I can't see warning signs when I'm in love. The only real warning is the medical issue (anemia) that I knew about. She was fine.
That prevailing medical issue is one major thing that she needs to work out but she's been inconsistent. That and work probably, but she worked before too and she was fine. It's only been in the past or two that things have really gotten worse.

Marriage is a transaction. It's a failure to provide on my part. We both work so that's another thing if I made enough for her to stay home... I don't know maybe it would be different but it could also be worse.
I guess I have higher expectations. Both my parents worked and stressed out but they made it through all the home duties as well.

Are you alright?

>still not dating an Asian girl

Literally zombie tier

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this is sad but true

I am dating an Asian girl. I know she likes me but I can't help but worry about how much my financials influence her attraction to me.

Go talk to a financial advisor, not biz. They deal with this shit all the time.

Yeslah pretty much, it's not that hard. Just find that girl and fake it til you make it.
True I'm probably a bit ignorant cuz I got lucky shes cool hot has money and listens to me. Life a bit more bearable, being married to her will probably add 15 years to my life

Hey guys, did I find the WMAF thread?

every thread on Jow Forums is the WMAF thread

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Hiding your money from the tax man and the divorce jew is literally the best use case for crypto you fucking idiot, just never mention it to the whore.

This. How the fuck does any literate person not know this? Makes me think OP is trolling.

You don’t need to be married to do these things together.

This is pathetic lol. Thanks for reminding me why I’m never doing this shit.

Ada is so fucking hot

Unironically getting an Asian girlfriend because of her

oh no no no no
Jow Forums and marriage is a no go, abort abort abort

if you even have to consider this she isnt your girl. corny as it is you shouldnt get married unless you find your soulmate and the love is unconditional both ways. any other grounds for marriage are cope

Why are you faggots so bitter

My wife is an angel. AMA

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welcome to Jow Forums

Think of it like this. Managing people in a business is a fear and hope. The hope of advancement, and enough fear that they don't constantly dare to demand advancement and instead channel that energy on staying in your good graces.

So you can't be too inspiring, nor too harsh, but have to mix the two.

Remember how soul crushing it is when you realise there is no advancement in your position for the next 20 years? That's how a modern woman raised on ambition fairy tales feels like. And media and the law is happily on her side to give her what she demands. There is no more advancement when you marry her. It is landing her dream job and then realizing this is it and it still isn't perfectly fulfilling. Because nothing ever is. Well one thing is. The chase. The persuit of happiness (rather than the attainment).

So if you get married you better be able to up your woman-managing skills, because for you it is additional risks, additional responsibilities, with no additional rewards.

I believe in marriage, there is a reason every civilised nation has a form of it. It doesn't work in a society that has no social penalty to men and women who divorce. It doesn't work with no social penalty to premarital sex. It doesn't work with the inherent trade of resources/survival for fertility.

Of course you can make it work, you can make almost anything work. It's just very inefficient and you better be ready to pay the price.

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That sounds miserable

ada is wh*te

How'd you meet? What does she do? What do you do? How long you've been together? Just tell me the whole story.