The unpopular opinion that is true

XRP and ETH have had their day. Now it is time for LTC to take its rightful place. Coins like XRP and ETH are transient shit coins that will become irrelevant in the coming years.

At this point, LTC is essentially the same as Bitcoin. I mean it is the first alt coin, and i has no animosity towards BTC. Unlike NPC coins like ETH and XRP.

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The only use LTC has is a bridge between fiat and other crypto.

Same as BTC

yeah except BTC transfers take like 45 min to an hour while litecoin transfers take about 5 minutes

Why the fuck are you shilling such a high market cap coin like it’s going to move the price at all? Do you retards even know how any of this works? Fuck.

And how long does xrp take? You retard.

Perhaps he isn't some pajeet nigger (like you) and just wants to discuss the coin? The absolute state of this board. So many street shitters.

This pretty much.

Litecoin gives me a good feeling.

XRP and ETH make me feel cold and icky.

I fell in love with Litecoin since it rocketed to $50 in 2013/2014. For anyone around at the time, it was amazing.

Litecoin has a kind of good energy around it, a legitimacy on par with Bitcoin.

Eth is as a stinky and autistic as its Brony creator. XRP is banker tarnished anti crypto cancer.

For me the same goes for NANO

L is for loser.

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jesus christ biz is fucking stupid

Rent free. Sorry you bet on the wrong horse.

looks possibly solid around 40-45$ could go much higher

I could see it being 0.25 btc some time, I will wait a few years now.

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It will go to .02 BTC or 2x max from here then probably dump below after le halving. Peak will happen at least a month before the halving.

The excuse for pumping this week? A "partnership" with the beam (((founder's reward))) shitcoin.

Do not reply to this thread anymore I told you everything you need to know. Rest of the replies will be those dumber than me, bagholders, and pump and dump manipulators.

Wow so it's market ap will be almost as much as BTC?
Litecoin has 4x supply than bitcoin.


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you must be new here, when did u first join dec 2018?

ltc is nothing more than another shitcoin, pow is trash

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There is literally nothing new or interesting about LTC. It's the original useless shitcoin. The fact that it's faster just means it will have a massive double spend sooner.

XRP the standard, just wait until the Biebs and Ariana Grande are shilling it in the next bull run on top of xRapid use. It's going past the moon

and xrp takes 4 seconds

how high will litecoin go?

Absolute highest estimate from me would be 0.1 btc.


I just started last week, got 10 LTC at 28, and 6 ETH at varying prices between 102-115.