HOLY FUCK. I-I just realized $1000 LINK is not only possible, it's actually FUD

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the true redpill is that 1$ link is not possible

What is market cap



You're thinking in 2019 bear market terms. You need to be thinking in 2021/2022 bull market terms...


1000 sats


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welcome fren. this is why the people who understand are so comfy.

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You'll find out soon enough.

2 trillion +


think about this logically. If Link gets to 1trillion total cap that means someone with 30% supply will have 300billions. That's ridiculous

This russian scammer has 650 million tokens. Some of those are set aside and will be GIVEN away to large corporations. Why aren't they kissing his ass on a daily basis "hoping" he chooses them? I'll tell you why. BECAUSE THEY DON'T FUCKING WANT THEM! Biz on the other hand can go days without eating just to buy moar. Fucking retards. These serial masturbators know more than Goldman Sachs and the Googles of the world. Bitcoin works. 10 years have passed. $2.50 will be chainlink's 20k moment. Cap this.

>but the collateral will need to match the value of the derivatives
just because you network is being used to transact 10mil doesn't mean it is suddenly worth 10mil as well that's retarded

Once the contract has ended the locked tokens will be released back into the market again, they're not gone forever

the tokenomics of the network. say the chainlink runs 1 billion dollars through its network, which is basically nothing at all in a trillions market, the token needs to be worth enough to cover the colateral of the contracts the network is running. otherwise, the network cant work. Idk how serious you are asking why, but i hope you have enough IQ to figure out what i said. basically what im saying is if chainlink gains ANY i mean ANY traction in just one market its targeting, the token will have to be worth way more then it is right now.

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thats why we say $1000 eoy is fud. because if link just does okay in several markets then the token would be of ridiculous value.

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checked, but youre still a brainlet
think about what you said
this is some weak ass fud, as it doesnt even make sense logically

A metric that means absolutely nothing at all

Even if the Chainlink platform becomes too worthwhile for the corporate world to pass up on - do you think they'll be happy to pay so much to access these node networks? Will they saying to themselves "Can't believe we have to pay fucking $1000 apiece for these fucking Chuck E Cheese tokens, why couldn't our engineers come up with something cheaper?"

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Some user was saying the other day that at least initially the type of contracts that would use link would be so important that they wouldn't think twice about dropping 1K for the extra security and trustlessness

Network effect. The entire value is the node network.

Yeah also the collateral just has to be valuable enligh for the node operator to be worried about losing. Some neet would be worried about losing 40k USD even if he’s helping a 10 million dollar contract

Retarded or trolling? So hard to tell nowadays

Its divisible by 18 decimals, you dont have to buy a full link everytime you can buy a fraction of a link

>Some user was saying the other day that at least initially the type of contracts that would use link would be so important that they wouldn't think twice about dropping 1K for the extra security and trustlessness

Trade Association for Derivatives market just released legal guidance on developing smart contracts for derivatives


Inb4 “ctrl-f chainlink 0 results” because ctrl-f “oracles” = 4 results.

For example, a particular smart derivatives contract model may involve the use of external data sources or ‘oracles’. These oracles may interact with a DLT platform and be utilized to the extent instructed by the terms of the ISDA Master Agreement (or by the terms of a transaction governed by it).

There are different ways to measure the size of the derivatives market, and different ways lead to very different results, but LOW end is 12 Trillion


Don’t say I never spoon fed you anons.

The case for linkpool

You didn’t explain at all why it’s necessary for the oracles market to be multiple trillions tho

Because that faggot brainlet doesnt understand that the value comes from usage and volume of smart contracts and thinks every derivative contract needs to be backed in Link or some stupid shit like that.

>Because that faggot brainlet doesnt understand that the value comes from usage and volume of smart contracts and thinks every derivative contract needs to be backed in Link or some stupid shit like that.

The reason you are a fuckhead asshole is that you are not as retarded as you are pretending to be, but you are just trying to fud to fuck over the other anons reading this.

For their sake I am going to lay it out.
1) most smart derivatives contracts are going to require an oracle because, by definition a derivative is based on value of another asset, such as, say price of crude oil.
2) chainlink provide a decentralized oracle service, where several nodes all provide this value
3) in order to incentivize them to give the RIGHT answer, they are required to stake their link tokens, i.e. provide "collateral"
4) the smart contract holder is going to require a minimum amount of collateral to act as the oracle. That amount of collateral is going to be set by the market, but, to a first approximation, its going to be on the ORDER of the value of the contract. I.e., you have a contract for 10 million worth of oil futures, you are going to demand that someone providing oracle services has lots of skin in the game, because otherwise they could really fuck you over
5) in return for staking its collateral, the oracle node gets PAID by the smart contract owner in the same token, chainlink.

sirgays 350million is definitely not priced in until the very moment he starts selling them.

where can i buy this sports jacket
it would look great on my wife's son

Dumbfag here... not fud..... so what happens if that node operator has enough link to act as collateral in fiat value at the begining of the contract, but by the end of the contract each link token values drops, isn’t the fiat value of the collateral just dropped?

still doesnt explain why that much collateral should be put up.... like im not understanding why its even necessary to force people to put up 10million for a 10million contract when in reality they would be pissed to lose even 40k

wait... does AI need oracles?

based simple answer for newfags

godspeed user

thats why linkpool exists

it spreads the risk among all its participants stinkies in the group

>im not understanding why its even necessary to force people

Who's forcing?

Who is the contract between? Are their 3 parties including the oracle provider? I’m not sure what you mean by contract holder. A regular contract is technically “held” by the parties who have entered into it. There isn’t one holder.

Ah that makes sense I was wondering wtf linkpool was, so they just crowdfund collateral for these smart contracts

yeah people talk shit about the 25% fees but it's pretty much how fund managers charge in IB and LP is essentially fund management for linkies

>1) most smart derivatives contracts are going to require an oracle because, by definition a derivative is based on value of another asset, such as, say price of crude oil.
Wrong, they require the oracle to trigger the contract so backoffice operations happen automated.
Derivatives will still be traded in rather centralized fashion, the Dtcc has no plans going full decentralized, it doesn‘t need to.

>2) chainlink provide a decentralized oracle service, where several nodes all provide this value
You can pick as many nodes as you wish for decentralization, no need to pick single node retards that stake a hundred million Link.
The decentralization is what gives it te security.

>3) in order to incentivize them to give the RIGHT answer, they are required to stake their link tokens, i.e. provide "collateral"
Wrong, the incentive is that you get paid in Link when your node answers a job.
Staking is just an additional feature which helps getting MORE jobs.
More calls to your node = more traffic = more Link paid to you

>4) the smart contract holder is going to require a minimum amount of collateral to act as the oracle. That amount of collateral is going to be set by the market
Thats also wrong, collataral is set by the smart contract owner not the market, that was already confirmed.

>you have a contract for 10 million worth of oil futures, you are going to demand that someone providing oracle services has lots of skin in the game,
Thats why the contract will aggregate answers from several oracles so no oracle needs to actually stake 10 million.

>5) in return for staking its collateral, the oracle node gets PAID by the smart contract owner in the same token, chainlink
again you mouthbreather the incentive is getting paid in Link for providing 24/7 uptime of your Link node and accepting jobs.

Sry nigger but you don‘t even understand how its gonna work, I‘ urge you to read the manual before you invest more money than your brown ass can afford to lose.

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>collataral is set by the smart contract owner not the market
Think about this for a second, sure I as a owner can put 1 LINK as collateral, would I get many jobs? Probably not.
The market is what ultimately sets the appropriate collateral.


>If Link gets to 1trillion total cap that means someone with 30% supply will have 300billions.
That's not how market cap works.
As a rule; the more you sell, the lower the price goes.

The customer decides how much decentralization he wants (how many nodes and jobs it takes to fullfill his contract).
More nodes requested for answer = more Link has to be paid for the additional security.

What is Link can be sliced and diced into any decimal?
Niggers are subhuman

They will pay in usd which will be converted to the equivalent amount in link. So it won’t seem expensive to users. They won’t even need to be aware they’re using chainlink tokens

No, just no!
Get out of the echo chamber and actually think about it.
Just because deluded poorfags with 5k link say its going to 1000 eoy easily doesn't mean shit.

linky stinky btfo lol so easy when will you faggots realize

Smart contract needs to know temperature of an industrial environment (data). It's fucking 400 degrees. $400 million worth of chainlink is needed to provide tamper proof data. Oh my.

Can you believe that they spent so much money on an alarm clock?

Theres a lot of stupid in this thread. 80% wont make it. Thank god though, couldnt imagine half you mouth breathers with money.

But if LINK is duvusBke corner the decimal do that it costs less!

>Thats also wrong, collataral is set by the smart contract owner not the market, that was already confirmed.

you're missing the point being made here. yes, the smart contract owner sets the collateral, but the market will drive their behavior. if i own mcdonalds i can charge $17 for a big mac or $4. the decision is mine but the market will determine what i can get away with.