How much money do you need to gain access to the cure for depression?

How much money do you need to gain access to the cure for depression?

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maybe $10 invested in a book on buddhism

I'm sure 10k feels amazing to have

all you need is love OP

i love you OP (ᵔᴥᵔ)

About $20.

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This shit is not easy to do. I tried one time and was carful and clean as fuck and they all got contaminated

That's not a viable option

Whatever ropes cost

i dont think injecting myself with mushrooms is gonna help

10k isn’t shit lol. If that was enough every single person would be happy

You dolt, you inject the SOIL, not YOURSELF!

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That'll just make you more pretentious and narcissistic.

However much money you need to go do something you find fulfilling in life. Money alone doesn't cure depression.

Run for 5 minutes in the morning every morning
Fast 24 hours once a week
Cut out simple carbs, carbs with a low GI like sweet potato, pumpkin n shit are good
Stop all drug use
Pray to God
Get a gf to cuddle and ram your cock into

>stop all drug use
fucking boomer, top economists use psychedelics regularly and silicon valley "microdoses" it all the time, grow out of your straight-edge faggotry.

If I had $10k in my account I'd be legit scared.

Speaking of $10k though, looking to plunk that down and gamble on crypto meme vapor. Thoughts?

$0, the cure was inside your heart all along OP.

You know this to be true.


About 3 million dollars a gram.

Or just buy a kid and make your own, either or....

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It won't if you follow the instructions.
Of course most people get into it because of social reasons, but that's besides the point. Some of the most prolific monks like Ramana Marharshi lived in caves by themselves.

Then again, adrenochrome can be easily synthesized, potentially helping countless millions. But wheres the fun in that, I ask you. >_>

sorry user, wealth is not the cure. you'll just be sad and stinky in a bigger, messier house. eat real food, even if it's bad for your, stretch your body for exercise check out restorative yoga poses cuz it's literally doing nothing for 10 minutes and then changing positions but your body wont hurt as much and get a sleep scheduale then make progress from there. Take meds if you need em, but do this stuff anyways. You're gonna make it.

why do nut job believe this shit?

>cure for depression

you could probably do it right now for free with items found in your house

I will never be cured. No amount of money will bring my family back from their graves. If I make it the money will only help by making the days slightly less painful as I can distract myself with more fun things other than work and sitting in traffic.