Is it my fault for being a degen gambling drug addict?

im just a product of my environment of this generation, genetics and education of parents. is it truly my fault for fucking up in life?

does a free will exist?

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>is it truly my fault for fucking up in life?

>does a free will exist?
I don't know.

if you go full Brenton Tarrant your sins will be forgiven.

you must act against the society that made you this way

Nice rationalization cuck

not an argument

usually has its roots in childhood/early teenage trauma.
probably environmental

the universe is chaotic wouldnt make sense if it isnt free will, so yes it is your fault to some extent. Once you become aware of your problem then you should have the ability to redirect your action.

>ability to redirect
im not so sure user

Gambling and drugs are known to be highly addictive.

The major addiction I've struggled with is porn addiction. "Free will" is just a way of describing the way we perceive ourselves to make choices.

The notion of "willpower" is highly questionable. Nobody has ever been able to really measure "willpower" in a definitive, quantifiable way. Most people who tell you to exercise some willpower are just speaking from ignorance (I don't mean this in an insulting way, they just don't understand). In my own experience - I feel like I can resist porn up to a point, but if I'm put in a situation where several temptations arise in fast enough succession, my ability to resist breaks down over time. There has been some research linking dopamine - which is a major factor in all addictions - with this 'willpower' or ability to resist temptation and exercise self-control. So the addiction itself actually undermines your ability to resist.

The most functional way of overcoming this I've found is to set up actual physical 'limiters' or boundaries to the source of addiction if you can do that. For me this means an elaborate system of blocking porn so that even if I get the urge it's practically impossible for me. Then over time my ability to resist actually gets 'strengthened' somewhat in general. So for gambling and drugs - you have to find a way to make it extremely hard to do those things at any time. This is why social groups and financial resources are a huge factor in addiction.

This is a good video that talks about the actual context of addiction:

>is it truly my fault for fucking up in life?
no your strings are being pulled by the universe, is a puppet free?

>does a free will exist?
obviously no

>is it truly my fault for fucking up in life?

100% yep

how can anyone seriously think this? If I had to guess, the only way to come to this conclusion is by not considering the implications of the answer.


Objectively no there is no free will. Everything is just an reaction to a previous action and already decided. There is no evidence for real randomness in the universe that we have come across yet

>is it truly my fault for fucking up in life?

>does a free will exists?
You cannot stop doing drugs and gambling? Go to fucking Saudi Arabia, save shitload of money, forget about drugs because you cannot find them anyway and the fear to be publicly decapitated will let you stay far from this shit.
Alcohol is also scarce.
It’s a place where it’s impossible to have your old lifestyle.
Spend 2/3 years there, save every single penny because you will realize everything is too crappy from food to services that literally nothing it’s worth your money, buy a house where you will life and go back clean.

I also have a friend of mine, he was near to kill him self, drug addicted, heartbroken and failures at school and work. He started sailing boats, he took the license and he spend most of the time in the sea, he loves it and he is a new person. Now he is studying to become an instructor...

Of course you are affected by your environment. But if you believe you have full control over your actions, then your future will be affected in a positive way, even if the truth is that you have zero control.

Also worth noting that it's possible to make the most out of your negative traits.
As an example, check out Steve-O. Came from a family of fuckups and suicidal tendencies. His early years were heavily affected by this and he had many major injuries doing retarded stunts. But as he grew older, not only did he manage to turn these traits into his career, but he bounced back from years of severe drug abuse and is now sober.

How much did you lose?

bells theorum holds a proof of randomness, i dont personally ascribe to it but many do.

>There is no evidence for real randomness in the universe that we have come across yet
Uhhh quantum mechanics?

>is it my fault for being a degen gambling drug addict?

>but its not fair
it isnt

>but why is it my fault then
because you are the one steering

your only fault is not buying deep brain chain

this is your ticket to heaven

>I also have a friend of mine, he was near to kill him self, drug addicted, heartbroken and failures at school and work. He started sailing boats, he took the license and he spend most of the time in the sea, he loves it and he is a new person. Now he is studying to become an instructor...

This. If he cannot let go of his addiction, he should radically change his lifestyle.

He his weak. Whether it is his fault or not, he is weak.

I was an alcoholic, i stopped overnight when i had multiple hanghovers in consecutives days and realized that i was throwing part of my life away.