Vechain works with no oracle?

>muh offchain data needs an oracle
u sure about that goyim? so how does vechain track all that shit in the supply chain without an oracle?

i went to their telegram and asked. these are the replies:

>Oracles, yes. Chainlink, maybe. There are plenty of Oracle options; Chainlink just happens to be 4Chans favorite right now, so I'm cautious whenever it comes up. Based on what I've gathered, I'm confident VeeChain would develop an oracle in-house or collaborate with their business partners to develop something custom once VeChain Cloud is released. Seems odd that they would need to lean on another development company when they've to-date done everything else in-house.

>DNV GL and PwC are oracles. The combine real world assurance with digital assurance.

>How aren’t they trustless? The entire service is designed around providing standardization and global approval. One mishap from DNV Gl and their entire business is dead.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

>trusting Chinks
You deserve what’s coming to you

You don't really need an oracle if nobody actually uses your centralized chink blockchain for anything other than pump n dumps

>pwc is an oracle

>vechain works

you lost me right there

as of now, vechain is worth alot more than chainlink.

u mad?

And how's that going for most of their investors?

> up 300x since ico while chainlink is up like 4x
idk. do the math user

I don't understand the point of this LARP, but if it were legit, you'd be posting screenshots rather than green text.

Also, VeChain began work on their in house oracle nearly a year ago.

it means that either vechain is a scam or chainlink is and im trying to find out itt

>listing ICO returns
How much have you lost?

That's the exact reason why alts haven't capitulated yet. This shit belongs to the 1000th rank

>How aren’t they trustless? The entire service is designed around providing standardization and global approval. One mishap from DNV Gl and their entire business is dead.

Not Trustless, just "totally trust us cos like its our reputation at stake"

Actually -57,45% ROI since the earliest known exchange price.

Chainlink's brightest days are ahead of it. I can say for certain that is not the case with vechain. The blockchain is a ghost town and they've already exploited every scammy marketing gimmick in the book. There is absolutely nothing left that could pump that dead chink piece of shit.

>newfag doesnt know about VEN which turned VET

so blockchain for supply chain is a meme in general you think?

No, it's real but it will be private blockchains at first like Samsung and Nike then migrate to permissioned Ethereum sidechains.

You absolute brainlet

We should ask the other supply chain memes (amb, wtc, tfd, trac) whether they will consider using Chainlink oracles. The only other one using LINK so far is Morpheus Network.

Attached: vechain vet whitepaper actual product release.jpg (800x777, 150K)

No such post in official vechain tg

Oracles are needed to connect to smartcontracts, dumbass.

P.s. Vechain is a scam. Like seriously are you really trying to invest in a count that did a 100 to 1 split for no reason? Pure scam.

>Also, VeChain began work on their in house oracle nearly a year ago.

>believing chinks

you're a future rekt pleb.

Friend did an MBA on that very topic. No one he interviewed mentioned anything about the need for third party supply chain meme tokens like vechain and ambrosus They'll use their own blockchains. Why would they need to use vechains tokens? What do they do? What he did say was that many of the execs he interviewed spoke of the need for a platform that could transfer data from one chain to another. Hmmmmmm.

>Not Trustless, just "totally trust us cos like its our reputation at stake"

Vechain is best scam in space no question.

But really how does all "decentralised oracles needed" narative fits in todays world.

>Google provides data
>Google fucks up
>Google is financially liable for all damge

And if you shill DLT project it's much easier to onboard clients if ou work whit google (or XXX big provider) than fucking 4 chan meme