Daily reminder that money is a social construct and never existed for tens of thousands of years of human history and...

Daily reminder that money is a social construct and never existed for tens of thousands of years of human history and yet we blindly assume its as natural as gravity.

Attached: te-urewera-rainforest-road.jpg (1024x598, 398K)

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Give me yours then

>be caveme
>me find berry
>offer berry gruggette
>fug grugette
>go try find more berry
>get killed by sharp mouth cat
>worth it for grug

Attached: 1532662785709.jpg (225x225, 12K)

So was dying of cholera, dysentry and other horrible shit by the age of 40.

taking on stupid risks has always been a strong side of bizrael

soap too hasn't existed for most of human history, yet I do not want to miss it you unwashed dirty hippy. money is a genius invention, just like soap.

Money is as old as history brainlet

Attached: claudia.webm (852x480, 204K)

Israel has no right to exist, too

It represents units of time. each dollar must be earned by the sweat of your labor so each dollar represents some poor bastards stolen time.

Gold has been real money accross culture for thousands of years. Fiat currency is newer tho

why are you such a retard user?

who cares? it's not like the alternative is any better.

Fiat =fake paper money
Gold = real money

>paying to rub toxic chemicals on your body
>thinking people were bothered by bo back in the day

Fuck you're right we should go back to just trading livestock and berries. It does kinda suck having to carry around the exact ratio of berries to goats when trading though. We should make some kind of smaller easier to carry thing that can be traded for both goats and berries.

Most of human existence is pre-history though you retard.

you're eating poop germs

>Germs from unwashed hands can get into foods and drinks while people prepare or consume them. Germs can multiply in some types of foods or drinks, under certain conditions, and make people sick.

And you're not one?

lol, did you just what the video the commie Re-Education put out today about money? youtube.com/watch?v=O-e0lzxnY-M

"We need to abolish money..."

"A lot of people out there asking themselves, 'Abolish money? I mean how could that even be possible? Money is basically like gravity we can't just abolish gravity.'"

Money is the backbone of civilization.

>organic compounds == inorganic compounds

>paper money is fake but this rock here, now this is true value!

wash your penis

Have sex

no u

Exactly you faget

More specifically its the backbone of a state, which is responsible strongly for civilisation