Regarding the part on sexual transmutation, do you think it's entirely valid?

Regarding the part on sexual transmutation, do you think it's entirely valid?

I swear I'm about to delete my porn drive, over a terabyte, includes high quality shit and old school classics I can't even find anymore. But I'm thinking this might be the reason why my startups fail.

Attached: 61y04z8SKEL._SX349_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (351x499, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why don't you just encrypt it and give the key to someone else who won't give it back until your startup succeeds?

What are you talking about, details needed

Basically withholding sexual urges give you more inner power as seen in many religions, and noticed that most men who become powerful are promiscuous because they don't fap but they have the presence of females

it doesn't work unless you couple it with a healthy light-food lifestyle and tantric sex with a proper partner to cycle the energy

this book is my bible. Everything is 100% true. Lifechanging. I also recommend the audiobook. It's on YouTube

Can you share some of your experiences since reading the book and why you're so all in on it?

Reminder that Napoleon Hill was a fraud.

You’re porn collection is a big ole’ drug collection. endless supply of dopamime.
look up the science of porn addiction, your dopamine gets downregulated and you have no motivationto do anything... other then fap for more dopamine

just read it and take your time. Don't read any "short" version and I dare you don't google "the principles".
Just read the book.
I didn't read it in one session. After reading the first two chapters it took me almost a year to proceed with the next chapters. However, I have read the first two multiple times. I can't describe it but this book and its message has "power"

What is your age and net worth? No larp.

> tantric sex with a proper partner to cycle the energy

Samson growing his hair was an approximation for the ancient practice of semen retention.

22, 35k in total (10k in crypto, 20k in stocks, 5k in the bank account). The book helped me to build an affiliate website business with 19. Making 2k / month.
The book helped me to achieve that while going to college and working.
You will go to sleep thinking about getting successful and you wake up with the desire to be successful and work hard (and smart).

Dumb, having sex is as bad or worse than fapping as far as this is concerned. The whole point of nofap is it lowers testosterone and confers similar benefits to what Chinese eunuchs had.

what is your interpretation of this sexual tranmutation. Is it basically instead of masterbating you replacethe urge to masterbate with what every you want

What special powers did chinese eunuchs have and where can i read about them specifically

Ham saw chant.

Google it.

You’re welcome.

I haven't read the book. But what I can tell about my experience is that when u quit porn you sooner or later either have to fap and make it somehow special, I'm massaging myself for 30 before I get a nice proper errection, or go look out for the flesh. People underestimate how much testosterone men loose out on with watching porn. t. guy who quit porn

Worth for me

Nofap/Nosex/Noporn is 50% meme

Give you a loot of energy (and anxiety) but is useless if you don't use that energy for productivity things like read, learn or work

The same goes for fasting

Some football hymn?