Should you tell your wife or girlfriend that you're wealthy?

Is there anything wrong with hiding assets in a relationship to protect yourself from gold diggers or potential fallout in the event of a breakup?

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just make sure she knows you have enough to sustain a family, everything else should stay in the dark

Wife yes, girlfriend depends but usually no unless you're getting ready for marriage.

Before my grandpa passed away, he had told me many a time growing up to keep your money "off-site". He had wads of cash hidden around his house and office that my grandmother had no clue about.


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this, dont tell a gf you are rich guys

please don't.
daily reminder that stealth mode is forever

we don't realise how valuable some things are until it's gone, and by then it's too late to get it back

I just sent half of it to my shitcoin and erase my history. When I make profit, I sent it to my wallet and delete the app. done

he still has to signal that he is willing to provide for a family

OP, dont listen to them, if you go full stealth she will leave you because she sees no future with you, doesnt mean she's a gold digger.

How do you signal you're able to provide for a family without revealing you have significant wealth?
Stating your wagie position is usually enough but when you're wealthy enough to not need to work, what can you say?

I'm thinking of saying you work as an independent wealth manager but a gold digging roastie will sniff through that.
Maybe get a high status wagie job to get the appearance of reasonable wealth? Or start a small business to keep up appearances?

Enjoy raising your colored baby that your wife passes off as reverse albinism

beta bitch boi detected. You should spend your gains on transgender surgery so you can experience an 8 inch cock for the first time in your life.

Just tell the truth, you are a daytrader and make enough to live comfortably as your own boss.

my son is whiter than you are
just make up something

angry incel detected
sucking a dick would be a way out of your misery

brown ID
>using incel unironically

have sex

that's the way to go desu

bull. your supposed to suffer together

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>How do you signal you're able to provide for a family without revealing you have significant wealth?
Have a decent house and car, dress well, pay for dinner. It's easy.

I wouldn’t tell them about my gold and silver bullion coins.



Seems reasonable.

Almost gave it away the other day to the wife. Have put basically all our money into LINK over the last 2 years, she has no idea as I manage all our finances since I make most of the money. We were watching TV and I was looking at her with a dumb grin thinking “I made more money today in an hour than you made wage cucking all of last year”. She caught me and was like what is that face about then got upset when I said nothing. We had a mini argument over it but I didn’t give up the goods.

Don’t EVER tell her what you have. EVER. Even if I cash out a millionaire on crypto she’s not gonna know.

You really hate your wife huh.

if youre fortunate enough to find a woman who truly cares and loves you and shares your morals, telling her about your wealth is only beneficial. A lot of rich billionaires made it because their loyal wives helped them and advised them.

You’re a fucking gay idiot. You gay idiot.

>behind every strong man is a strong woman

this is bullshit, they would have made it anyway
women are only good for breeding

No I’m just protecting myself. At my age I’ve seen too many what I thought were great relationships go right down the shitter. If there’s one thing I learned as a man, it’s that your chances of getting creamed up in your ass during a divorce are very high, and you need to take measures to defend against that. And no, a prenup isn’t going to help.

I’m the one taking the risks. I deserve the reward. She’s just riding the fucking gravy train at this point. I’ve tried explaining why crypto is important to her and she just pretends she’s listening then at the end goes “I don’t really get it but ok”. She’s not stupid, she just doesn’t fucking care. Just what I want is for her to walk away with half of everything I’ve made with my own money.

I wish. Checked.

>Have put basically all our money into LINK over the last 2 years
>“I made more money today in an hour than you made wage cucking all of last year”
It's fair enough if you made most of the money, but you are completely retarded user
Also you only made money if you cashed out into a safe asset.

You don’t need to tell your wife how much money she has to have her support you. She either will or won’t. If she’s only supporting you because you’re rich then you’re already fucked.

Literally make 100% of the money at this point. Not sure why I qualify for “completely retarded”. Cozy 6 figure salary and plenty of cash in stocks and crypto and real estate. If that’s completely retarded then yes, that’s me.

LINK will make me rich beyond my wildest dreams. Literally been waiting for something like this for over a decade.

Why is this retarded? Someone else said that done billionaires had wives who have them advice. I struggle to think what advice they could have given. More like they are liked and tiring the line

Imagine not trusting the woman you chose to spend the rest of your life with.

never do it

Imagine your wife going off routinely and spending $600 on shoes and $1500 on a purse...and treating it like its nothing. Imagine the endless shopping trips to Nordstroms and seeing $250 credit card charges every few days and not even being able to tell what shes buying?

Women will spend whats available for them to spend. No matter how good of a girl she is, with enough access to cash, it will start flowing through her hands like water. "Shopping" is what women do, if you haven't noticed. When they get together, its a game of one-upsmanship on who bought what where....

>imagine giving your wife access to your hard earned funds just to buy shit

No, tell her "it's taken care of" and "don't worry about it" nothing more

just give her an allowance retard