Whatever happened to this project?


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rip motorcycle user

More like RIP suicide user. Pretty sure he offed himself.

Anyone has news about Hans Müller?

His group tried to sue Jibrel but they got fucked. I have no news about him, he invested hundred of thousands in JNT, I really wonder if he killed himself.

Attached: Hans Müller.jpg (640x640, 78K)

He's still around. He pm's me on occasion.

Jibrel is down but not out. The team is still working hard and delivering updates. I am confident that they will turn it around and make their vision a reality Just believe in the team! It's a bear market and most projects are down. Just be patient. It's not going to go any lower so now is a good time to get in this project for pennies on the dollar!

What the fuck are you on? The token has no point. Last december, Yazan even asked to the community if they had any idea to increase the values of this dead token and there is no progress. I didn't believe the FUD before but it was right, Jibrel is absolute shit.
At least the angry replies on Reddit are funny to read.

It was a fake Sheikh like the classic Fake Sheikh scam

People thought it was some oil rich arab but it was just some camel washer's scam

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Scamelcoin kek.
It was x100 idea desu, self-pumping coin, such a shame it didn’t take off

fuck you dude it's a bear market and markets are irrational

when this baby comes back it's going to melt faces

>tfw if he put it all on link he would have made it
sucks for him


Agreed. Deffo down, but out of the game...nein!


jesus I wish i could go back to these threads with a time machine and tell all you faggos what would happen..... you could have sold 1500 JNT for a share of linkpool, which is now worth 360k JNT..... fucking unbelievable

no need to go back in time, they wouldn't have listened anyway they are all brainlets.
There was many people telling them it's a scam that doesn't make sense, it was a bitconnect for 80IQ retards

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I'm still alive bros. Managed to recoup my losses in Link and am firmly in the green. Once I started researching Chainlink I wanted to neck myself for dumping so much fiat into Scamel Network.

Still haven't gotten the money from the motorcycle case but honestly not getting it until this year saved my ass in a major way. Gonna try to get 50K linkies before September and then hold for the long haul. Every time Link pumps i have this weird combination of elation and terror because i want to accumulate a nice stack before it takes the fuck off

yep I think hans invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into this shit and got btfo

get fucked Ala

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Wallet user pls report

this quote is retarded. they could act as an intermediary to put institutions' assets on the blockchain.

the project is shit and useless, but this quote makes YOU seem like 80 iq, there was much better fud in JNT threads than this retardation

>this quote is retarded. they could act as an intermediary to put institutions' assets on the blockchain.
ok? so what, still doesn't explain why JNT (the token) would have any value, how are you gonna back real assets like gold with some random erc20 shitcoin?

stay salty you brainlet, we both know there is no way you can argue your ass out of this shit

you not understanding the initial premise of this project (however retarded it was) because you lack reading comprehension does not make others the brainlets

i am not even arguing, just pointing out how stupid you are lol

I knew you would have 0 (ZERO) arguments,
If they wanted to do it as intermediary (which doesn't make any sense because what financial istitution would trust a bunch of arab scammers) then the JNT token wouldn't be used at all
and if they wanted to do it like they promised all the retards then it still doesn't make sense because no one sane would exchange their real assets for some useless scam erc20 token

You are chimpanzee level if you didn't see that this thing would not work one way or another, the token was a scam from the beginning to get that $30m from the ico

Ala if you're reading this you are a fucking piece of shit. And your crew too.

whats with crypto and retarded names?

I went all in on this like a retard. Lost $15k and now have $500 left in crypto. Should've just listened to biz and bought Chainlink. That would be about 25k by now.


Geez I didnt know anyone actually went all in on JNT. I like about half of Jow Forums had a small stack of it. Don Tapscott, on chain assets was a hot buzzword with that Shark Tank guy selling property on the blockchain, had a relatively low market cap so it had the potential to skyrocket. Really I'm not embarrassed for losing money on this but I legitimately don't trust arabs anymore. Those anons saying dont buy this because you can't trust sand niggers were right kek.

Same. Learned a very valuable lesson to only trust white people. Niggers, chinks, sand niggers, et al will all basically scam you and not feel one ounce of shame.

Also I think the resurgence of these threads has caused the telegram to go crazy. The telegram is the funniest shif ever. Basically up until a week ago it was just Pajeets going I invested 100 rupees into JNT when moon sirs? And Talal being like good job and welcome aboard Pajeet. Now it's a madhouse over there and Talal is still trying to do damage control kek.
Without a doubt. I've learned from crypto that shitholers hate white people and will do anything to take our money and feel good about it.