>dad keeps checking my room door every hour of the night

they think im going to attempt suicide with how depressed ive been acting being kissless virgin at 21 and are trying their hardest to make sure i dont
Whats the business world equivalent of this?

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Why not just rape a girl?

You will be ok friend. I’m not even kidding. 21 is super young. You need to go exercise and eat healthy. You will deal 100% better. It will take a couple days of working out to feel better though. You must do it

this. The solution its, so simple.

get in shape, fix your personality, go get laid, it's that simple.

my dad offered to buy prostitute for me. told him i just want to feel loved (by cute girl)
see (pic)

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Listen you retread and all you retards here on Jow Forums.

Women will ruin you, especially at a young age.
What can women offer besides sex?
Great if you want kids, useless otherwise.

They will drain you of time and money and leave you with nothing.
Use the 20's to increase wealth and status.
Then you can fuck whoever you want in the 30's.

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single 30 yo women are slags usually.

Listen to ska through your computer speakers. The upbeat tones will help alleviate your depression.

You know both of those men can find love, right? Both of those men are more than capable of finding love, feeling love, and giving love.
You're probably an alright looking guy or the very least a guy capable of looking good. Stop sabotaging yourself.

Like the market, there will be ups and there will be downs. If you have strong hands and are invested in yourself to improve, your value will go up. The more you improve yourself, the less the down turns will affect you until a point where you don't even notice them. When you are young, it's like a new company just trying to get off the ground and a few cents change seems devastating. A huge percentage of it's overall value. As the company matures and gets stronger, a few cents change isn't even noticed. A literal drop in the bucket.


ChainLink $1000 EOY.

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Who said you have to fuck women of the same age?

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user give your dad a hug. You’re lucky to have parents that care. Many are not so lucky.

Like this user says.. invest in yourself during the bear market and you will see the gains at harvest time. Life goes in seasons. Eat well, have a good sleep habit, exercise a bit to stay healthy, and find some purpose to invest into. Thank your parents for caring about you, even if you feel misunderstood/ alienated.

women age like milk by 25
i have 500 k USD to my name
haha. we all dream of fucking 18 year old prime pussy at 30. but thats reserved for billionaires.
if i wanted to cure depression that way. id take the prescribed anto depressants therapist gave me
the right is an ugly abomination. What girl would ever choose the rights face over left? its hideous. there is absolutely no girl at all that would pick right over left
ive had iron hands since i was 19. i got nothing in return. and the women are only getting older.

i was thinking of business firm equivalents not investing too.

i was a virgin til 22 but turned into a chad

lost my virginity to a prostitute actually, if i could go back i'd not have done it -- but the option is always there and its not like i super regret it

it's kinda crazy how much value i put on it in my head. didnt end up being as big of a deal. ive slept with 7 girls since college and few more prostitutes incidentally

then fuck 20 yo women when you're 30? as men we have the privilege of dating down in age without it being weird

my parents are the same people who go on red alert and act super caring when they think im going to harm myself.
yet, they wont let me spend my own money on plastic surgery. they are stopping me from doing the one thing that would fix my problems. they think everything is just going to magically change like a fairy tale when i return to college after summer.

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i was about to lose my virginity to a prostitute too. but its like. even though i could fuck a hot girls pussy. its not like im going to wake up with hot girl in my arms. the hot girl isnt going to act clingy to me the next day over text. no one will ever find me attractive.
but maybe i havent given up the prostitute goal. i think ill do it before i go back to college. but i know it wont fix my horrid looks.

>by cute girl
just get a bf

Antidepressants are mostly antihistamine by volume. You might as well just down a couple of Benedryl for all the good it'll do you. On the other hand, being proactive and surrounding yourself with things that are uplifting will improve your mood in two ways:

1) You are surrounded by things you find inspirational or upbeat.
2) You were proactive in stemming your depression, which is something you can make yourself remember as a bulwark against the depression.

you would *genuinely* be surprised -- i wasnt a looker in high school even, but lifting weighs activated the primal testosterone in the DNA and really boosted me into an actuated self

i was able to swing some actually decent women, pareto pricniple really does hold up where 20% effort does get you 80% of the way down the road

i think the palstic surgery shit is such a meme right now, girls of all ages are getting mentally FUCKED by the same thing, social media body dysmorphia shit + increased internet knowledge.

id try lifting weights + fucking a prostitute just to get the experience (or perceived experience..) out of the way. youll see it honestly wasnt that a big deal as its made it out to be.

Stop browsing incel shithole forums dude

I was like you for a long time and when I quit I realized this looks bs is petty af.

imagine doing that to your father, twisted as fuck

Fuck off retard. I believed that bullshit back when I was 21 too. I'm 32 now, and nothing has changed.

bet you tried for a month max, you fat fuck. 32 and still on Jow Forums hmmmm wonder what the problem is hhmmmmmmmnn


Dude. You need exercise. You don’t have to be swole. You just need to be healthy and eat well.

The business equivalent of this would be missing out on BTC, ETH, and LINK because it was to risky

I could type out a whole essay to explain but its the same shit you already know and you will likely ignore it too. Its a dumb phase you're going through eventually you will get out of it. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM INCEL/LOOKS FORUMS. Really the only reason to be posting on those sites or browsing them is if you're the equivalent of a 5'2 balding indian janitor and I dont think you are. Also keep in mind most of the faggots on there are larping. Be thankful for what you have and toughen up bro, ive broken down to people irl about my looks too. Looking back that shit was embarassing. Appreciate what you have man, good health and wealth. You are doing much better than a lottt of people.

in prison or hospital it's once every 10- 15 minutes so at least it's not that bad

move out or something

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It's a form of psychological torture, he's trying to intimidate you

isn't plastic surgery kinda risky?

You're a girl

Chopping your dick off isn't plastic surgery.

You seriously have some issues.