It's at its lowest point since start of 2018 and this happend just now

it's at its lowest point since start of 2018 and this happend just now.
why the fuck aren't you all in user

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Is it Sergers at a McDonalds?

no just a rumor

Because no one with half a brain falls for his "pump my bags" announcements of announcements anymore.

Pumpatron is running out of pumps. Now he is down to shilling literal nothings in tweets in an attempt to pump the price. I think people are actually starting to catch on to the scam.

Because he's a scamming chink who couldn't even be assed to come up with an original white paper

Why the fuck would you listen to ANYONE who's built their career off of Twitter?

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TRON is a blatant scam.

don't give a fuck if it's a scam or not
if it's makes me money then it's good


>muh lunch with Warren Buffet
This is literally Creg-tier cope when he asked Colombians to admit him as Satoshi

i meant trx but ok

The dumbest real-life crypto guy I know has $30k in Tron (at least it used to be 30k on initial investment). That's after he lost 100% of his $25k he put on fucking hilariously blatantly obvious scam Davor Coin.

TL/DR: Don't rub shoulders with the lowest common denominator of idiots and hold shit like trx.

go back to reddet with you

Have you ever bothered to watch a Justin Sun livestream. If you had you would see how well spoken and professional he comes off. How is that scam dipshit.

>That's after he lost 100% of his $25k he put on fucking hilariously blatantly obvious scam Davor Coin.
What made him do it, lol?

Most scam artists are very well spoken and professional sounding. Holy shit the level of fucking cope...

people who didn't buy this at .005 cents before the 2017 ico bubble when their website had the floating dark blue platforms and a price ticker per 1000 TRX are already too fucking late.


This. Every single Chinese person in this space has cried wolf way too many times. I don't trust a single fucking one of them, except for CZ. He's proven himself. Besides if it were something like Tron and Chainlink I'm already all on the right coin.

>Guys... You won't BELIEVE what I'm about to announce NEXT WEEK. *rocket emoji* *moon emoji* #MakeingIt #WarrenMyHomieNow
How is this not a scam?


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I'm in TRX just for the new FOMO3D game. P3D and FOMO3D made me a fuckton of money and I have no doubt the next thing will do the same, if not exponentially better because Justin Sun has been retweeting updates on that shit to a 1.5M audience.

Sweet, I have some of this shit from 2017. Maybe it will 100x.

how much did u buy for?

Threw 20 bucks into this chink scam

Tron is so cheap I might as well buy some, am i going to make it

BTT is going to make me rich. I can feel it

Allin on what? BTT is the lowest it's ever been and I see no reason for it to go up in the short time.

>why the fuck aren't you all in user
I'm not a nigger with sub 100 IQ.

>it's 2070
>check crypto Twitter
>Tron crypto coin will be $10,000 a coin one day soon
>Justin Sun still churning out bullshit tweets that amount to nothing
>Tron still dead

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TRX is where I made a bunch of money last bullrun lol. I Neeted off that money for like 6 months.


imagine investing money in a cunt that uses rocket ship emojis and tempts people into buying his shitcoin by saying there will be something HUGE coming. makes me feel comfy as fuck to be all in link.

>dude spent 5mil of ICO to eat with an old rich white man who undoubtably hates crypto and asians. that old geezer only has a handful of lunches left and this guy is going to spend it shilling blockchain technology to a person who probably cant webbrowse

wow this is going to take a huge dump

Tron has delivered more than Link since 2017 yet its somehow a blatant scam

Start reporting anyone on Jow Forums who has the unmitigated gaul to refer to a Chinese person as "chink". This is the kind of unnecessary hate that leads to division. It's Trump racism at its finest. It's flat out wrong and reprehensible!

holy fucking kek

This. Insanely stupid, and anybody holding TRX should be ashamed of themselves

Imagine being this stupid.

Same boat of stupid with XRP

TRX is a money maker. I've made a shitton riding those announcement pump. You're retarded if you're not doing the same.

nobody cares about china hustle copy and paste ethereum clone with a faggy boy band CEO. just fucking stop

exactly this

but these dumbass fags on this board are to dumb to make money of these shitcoins

One has actual software the other is a cult. Enjoy the death of ur shitcoin going to short it back down to 40cents

Show some proof friend. I love VIDT and I would dump 75k in it if I had the money. I want to see a big whale with some screenies

Oh okay pajeet.

top kek

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