What do you think will happen to the United States when all the boomers inevitably start dying in the millions at a...

What do you think will happen to the United States when all the boomers inevitably start dying in the millions at a time?

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Millennial’s are in a greater number and much much worse and selfish than boomers ever were or will be… Things are only going to get worse

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have you heard of this little place called the garden of eden?

Fuck off boomer

Day of the pillow soon

Prove me wrong

there is a goal you clearly can't see - better open your eyes retard

The funny thing, the smallest generation - GenX - is going to make out like bandits....living on that tranny millennial income!

Millennials hold no wealth, consider wealth a privilege, and will likely spend their money on consumer goods that further an industry.

Boomers store their wealth in over priced "assets" and heavily rely on debt.

Also Millennials hate one another. A left leaning millennial will want to kill a right leaning millennial and viceversa, which is good because conflict whether competitive or military, is better for the world than taking up vast acres of land you don't actually need and buying shitty mcmansions and luxury vehicles.

Texas will go blue in 2024, ensuring Democrats control the presidency for the foreseeable future.

Dems will start trying some crazy shit but be rebuffed repeatedly by the Supreme Court.

Then the first time Democrats hold Congress and the presidency, they'll add seats to the Supreme Court and fill the seats (ie. pack the court). They'll also pass amnesty for illegals and open up the border. Then it's over for America as we knew it.

After they start doing crazy shit, some states will secede in the late 30s. The US will go to war to keep them, and the US will win.

Then there will be a mass exodus of whites out of the country, and the US will descend quickly to being just another 3rd world Latin American country. Any whites that choose to remain will be discriminated against and slaughtered South Africa style.

The US population will go down, for once, we'll end the Ponzi Scheme. Ted Kaczynski was right, the country is far too populated... the famous "Mouse Utopia experiments" youtu.be/NgGLFozNM2o prove that over time, when too many people are together and there are no hardships society becomes vain, terrified of violence and most importantly deeply depressed.

Millennials (I am one, born 1984) are horrible but thankfully we'll have Generation Zyclon to (hopefully) goosestep in and fix shit.

brenton tarrant did nothing wrong

gen z is going to be shit millennials are the ones leading the movement to stop the insane shit thats going on

Essentially this. America is dead in 5 years effectively, and if you're lucky you will be able to make enough wealth to leave it.

Trump was the last hope and like most Baby Boomers, he threw away the future of America for money and the Jews.

>millennials are the ones leading the movement to stop the insane shit thats going on
Kek. Bitching & whining while holding out your hands isn't going to change shit

They'll probably put de facto or formal amnesty before court packing. Cements their power and the cuckservatives on the SC wouldn't block it.

There's also the exciting chance Trump flubs something while Dems rerun their Beto playbook and Texas goes blue in 2020.

I think the US will either go full dictatorship mode but I think if America goes out it'll be like Argentina. Ignore the memes, Argentina was definitely White at one moment (study it during until right after WW2), but the floods of their Amerindian neighbors just slid Argentina into irrelevancy. But make no mistake, all White countries will follow the same course. Canada 7 years after the US and Northern Europe in maybe 15 more (although Britain and France will be tying the US very soon).

Shut the fuck up boomer

>(study it during until right after WW2)
Can I get a quick rundown? Presidents/dictators, what various factions did, where demographics tipped first, that kind of shit.

There are more SJWs as millennials than any other generation. Bitching and complaining isn't changing anything, voting doesn't really work, look at Trump who was supposed to be the ultimate victory. The solution must be a violent clash, there's no other option.

Boomers enjoyed cheap housing and college, then stripmined industry by shipping it overseas all in the name of corporate profits. Now they get to sell their real estate at inflated prices crying all the way to the bank about how it didn't sell for as much as they wanted, while openly mocking young people for bitching about college and housing costs. Fuck them, they enjoyed their cake and now they are eating it too.

T. Born in the late 70s

I think Eastern Europe might survive as the white homeland. The reason being that as whites start to lose their countries, white racial consciousness will increase. At a certain point, those last countries that remain white will be hardcore white nationalists/imperialists who will not only turn their countries into true ethnostates but will be planning how they can take back the countries that whites lost.

That's the optimistic scenario. The pessimistic one is that whites are simply not genetically equipped to hold off a sustained invasion/subversion campaign by the other races, and they will go extinct within the next 200 years.

The perfect storm came for the boomers....entering workforce when interest rates were 14% so houses were cheap and money in savings account was earning 6%.
Plus stock market was at all time lows....they managed to ride that to crazy stock highs and 0% interest so now those $25K starter homes they bought are going for $350k
But...we have our own chance fren...and its crypto....they strip-mined the economy by we will profit from that collapse.

>Millennials (I am one, born 1984) are horrible
And who raised us? Fucking boomers

>much much worse and selfish than boomers ever were or will be
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." - Socrates
Also pic related

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Whose fault is it that they can't say no to their kids? Between helicopter parents and snow plow parents they created those monsters. I don't disagree a lot of the youth of America are bratty fucks, but then so are their parents.

suicide is going to skyrocket among men who didnt save for retirement/spent their savings too fast. Many of them will simply stop taking their meds and let themselves die. once they aren't generating those profits the medicine industry will dry up.

>Spanish land in what is now Argentina, call it Rio de la Plata (Sea of Silver), ironically do not find silver OR gold... so the Spanish crown doesn't send over Conquistadors
>Amerindian natives were much fewer and since so much of southern Argentina is cold and hunting was easier than agriculture... the natives were small packs of nomads... the Catholic church wasn't too interested in bothering to "civilize the savages"
>An aristocracy moves over like any new colony but without the Spanish "brutes" like in most Spanish colonies, since the weather was cooler, it was more similar to Europe and many Spanish and French aristocracy had second homes there
>without tobacco, sugar, cotton or other labor intensive crops... fewer black slaves were brought in
>this leads to Argentina being more "sophisticated" than other Spanish colonies (mind you this was before the American revolution, Uruguay was still part of the Portuguese Empire and Chile wasn't even a proper colony yet)
>America has a revolution, then Haiti, Argentina does a "soft revolution" seceding from Spain formally in a more cordial manner... and maintaining good ties with Spain with many of its citizens being born in Europe and many living on both continents
>slavery was immediately banned when Argentina became a country in 1789

>the British Empire tried to invade 3 times and failed, this forced Argentina to have a much more powerful military than their neighbors and made them feel proud

>fast forward to the mid-1800s racial shit was stirring
>blacks while not a large number compared to other countries were getting annoying so the new dictator Rosas decides to thin out their numbers by sending them in complete suicide missions by sending small packs of nigger only armies into Indian territory with no support

gen z is worse you stupid niggers.

2020 is the eldest zoomers first election, anyone pretending to know their voting patterns are PAC shills.

all of it is shit dingus

"It's the baby boomer's fault!" cries the kike knowing that (((special interests))) had been actively flooding the country with low skilled immigrants from all over the world, nearly doubling the population through a short 60 year period in which other advanced countries increased their populations by only 20-25%. Creating market conditions more favorable to foreign outsourcing than domestic labor. Failing to address the most predictable chart there's ever been (the 40 year tuition hike) and its relation to existing legislation (the higher education act of 1965) or protecting its interests in the healthcare sector by allowing European firms to dump their pharmaceutical products on Americans while selling to their own countries at a loss. OY VEY THOSE OLD BOOMERS REALLY DUNNIT NAO

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>Amerindians and mestizos feel the truce is over and attack Whites, Rosas goes to war... whips them scattered and scared across the country
>this starts trouble between amerindians, mestizos and blacks but eventually after Rosas is gone they team up against the Whites
>governor Sarmiento writes an inflammatory article in a newsletter spread across the nation posing the question "Civilization or Barbarism?"
>non-Whites get violent and rape and kill Whites and steal livestock
>Whitey gets pissed, president Sarmiento comes into power... even though he's technically a democratic president, it doesn't matter, he usurps all power and starts cleaning shit up
>he begins the "Conquest of the Desert" and decides to kill every. single. last. amerindian.
Including mestizos (inspiring Uruguayan dictator Fructoso Rivera to do the same)
>blacks came back, many of them war heroes and started demanding representation in government
>Sarmiento laughs and releases the "Census Act", army grunts were sent home to home demanding every single Argie declare their race... but their was no option for black or mulatto...
>Any person who didn't answer was thrown in the dungeon for refusing to fill out the census... anyone who wrote in White was thrown in the dungeon for lying on the census
>the census was to be performed every year... the nigs got the message and left for Uruguay and Brazil

>Argentina had their golden times, Buenos Aires was mostly built during this era and it was majestic until they discovered leftism shortly after WW2 and were promptly invaded and have become completely irrelevant

Impossible to be more of a selfish fuckup generation than the boomers. Born into unparalleled wealth and prosperity all squandered. I can understand that, especially since most of that wealth was incidental; the U.S. became rich and powerful because the rest of the West got tanked by World War 2 leaving the U.S. with very few competitors, not necessarily because of some sort of intrinsic, sustainable or replicable value that the American people had. Cant understand the obliviousness though. When conservatives have finally been forced to admit that America has problems you know you done fucked up. "Make America Great Again" used to be "Love It or Leave it." The most sympathetic way I can look at boomers is that they realize that it's far too late this point and that they're far to old to fix their fuck ups causing them to go into deep denial; what they have is their legacy.

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Maybe it's time to go Logan's run style

>Hes putting his faith into zoomers
user, I...

>hurr all millenials are brainwashed leftists
Shut the FUCK up you retard

I tried quickly scrolling through this thread to see any discussion on the potential effects on the stock market, housing market, basically anything biz related.
Maybe even crypto related forecasts (but what'll happen to traditional markets and asset prices is more interesting).

I didn't see any... Did I just miss it, or did biz actually just not go there and discuss that?

Do the needful sir and purchase an amount of LINK to maintain indoor plumbing for life

You should already know what's happening. Stock market will crash, cryptos will hit space, housing market will utterly implode

I want boomers to live long enough to see the USA collapse.

I actually think the USA will balkanize, it is inevitable at this point. The battle for California alone will be brutal as fuck.

I mean, that's already happening...
But what if the boomers all start dying off...
What happens logically to all their investments, the money they've put into their retirement funds, the properties they've been hoarding as investments instead of living space, etc.

Would the millennials inherit it all?
Just basically liquidate everything and re-inject it all back into the economy to fuel their consumerist culture? Would the flood of liquidated assets crash the market? etc etc

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Oh, whoops. Well it'll probably get taken by the state since most boomers aren't leaving shit for their kids, or in massive debt. The economical implications are hard to speculate since the government is a blackhole in terms of money anyway.

>Generation Zyclon
>muh based conservative muslims
Yeah, they are like 70% non-white and 50% Muslim. The ones who aren't Muslim are, to a person, genderqueer transsexual drug addicts.

Where do we go after Northern Europe falls?
Also knowing us we might stand up and fight back somewhere within that process.

The country will no longer care about principles and reason. Only how bad something makes you feel. Misfortune will be the ultimate currency as people race to be a bigger victim than their neighbors. The truly weak and miserable will be exalted as society worships their shortcomings. Strong men will be cast aside until the country is invaded by outsiders, forcing you all to your knees. You will call out for someone to protect you, but none will be found.

Eastern Europe...

But call me crazy, I forsee Sweden snapping in the next few years...

ETERNAL Boomer. ETERNAL. They will NEVER die.

I wish I could just press a button and every boomer would die on the spot. I'd miss a couple of them but it would have to be done

im capping this just in case

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that's nice, grandpa, but could you please stop commenting this kind of stuff on my status? you're making my friends uncomfortable

I will buy

this guy gets it

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Its pretty plasible really, texas is already deep purple. The supreme court is all that kept obama in check. And we know judges dont last forever. And we know liberals want open borders. It all adds up and I dont like the result.

>damn, i'm dead and my civilization got overrun by Latin barbarians. Guess I was right


>millennials were raised by boomers


son, the electoral map changes all the time. California used to be in play for Republicans. States like Georgia and Tennessee were able to be contested by Democrats as recently as the 1990s. Judges also die, and get replaced. "Liberals" don't want open borders just because they don't support literal concentration camps where children are being abused. Get out of your echo chamber and stop cowering in fear over Glenn Beck tier horseshit like some Facebook dad with a beer gut.

>son, the electoral map changes all the time. California used to be in play for Republicans. States like Georgia and Tennessee were able to be contested by Democrats as recently as the 1990s. Judges also die, and get replaced. "Liberals" don't want open borders just because they don't support literal concentration camps where children are being abused. Get out of your echo chamber and stop cowering in fear over Glenn Beck tier horseshit like some Facebook dad with a beer gut.

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Generation X will fuck all of them up way before Millennials, old faggot

Then we party like it's 1932

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That chart is bullshit and you know it. It doesn't represent the US housing bubble at all. GTFO with that manipulated bullshit

>feeding, clothing, bathing, and housing your invaders because they refuse to go home
>literal concentration camp
Yep, the holocaust was all about jews trying their damned hardest to break into nazi Germany for the welfare benefits.

Biggest issue is the upcoming lost decade due to do liquidation of boomer assets after they start croaking.

Other than that not much is going to change .

Before they die of age they will first trash your retirement system and make it useless.
Don't forget retirement and pensions were invented in Germany by Bismarck to keep Germans loyal to the state.
The world just goes back to how it was always.

>Tech improved because of both world wars
The post ww2 is an anomaly that never should have happened.
-sudden extreme population growth because of less child mortality.
-improvement of luxury and accessibility to luxury items.
-Invention of the TV, news, brainwashing journals and etc.
-the 60,70 and 80's like we know them should have never happened, selfish behavior erupted because of excessive luxury.
-Gradually eroding family, human values and morals.
-Extreme corporate takeover, people began worship fiat and not natural human life.

We are paying for the fuckup of our ancestors who dropped their traditional life in the 10 and 20's.

But there was one man in history who saw through this bullshit, he surrounded himself with like-minded people and began to fight back.
He returned traditional values and sped up the growth of technology, this tech was used to guide and improve life and not to stain the human soul.
But there were those who opposed this crystal clear and pure way of life, they called him many labels, declared war on him and subdued him.
Remember anons that man is still walking among us and is waiting for his awakening, history is repeating itself just like 100 years ago.
Life is fractal, we are one.

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The "holocaust" was jews fucking over Germany... stop repeating the "Germany was the bad guy in WW2" myth like a boomer that only learns via the boobtube and his old man paper.

The holocaust never happened, but it should've and it will.

brainlet detected
>California used to be in play for Republicans.
Then it got filled full of mexicans and now it's not. A preview of what's to come for the rest of us. inb4 muh prop 187

> States like Georgia and Tennessee were able to be contested by Democrats as recently as the 1990s.
Because the dems used to be the party of working class whites as well. Now they've abandoned that demo in favor of unlimited 3rd worlders

>Liberals" don't want open borders just because they don't support literal concentration camps where children are being abused.
Oh, okay, so let's build some kind of structure to prevent trafficking and migration across the border. Some kind of... wall, maybe? And failing that, build more holding facilities. Oh, you won't fund that either? "Muh concentration camps" is code for open borders since you won't fund any alternative. Nigger.

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Fuck Gen X

Their children inherit money and buy boomer coins, obviously

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you're actually inept.

tl;dr = demographics are destiny
Anyone who doesn't understand this is not going to make it. Your family is not going to make it, and your genetics are not going to make it. If you see that as a positive, good for you, but I like my bloodline and want to see it continued.

This. Gen Z is unironically useless. They’re the Gen X of the 2000s, except more introverted and closed off.

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