X-ray please

X-ray please

Attached: 4728F946-8A25-4FB2-BD13-EFA5D8132C6D.jpg (1535x2150, 949K)

Bump please

Attached: 1534371780343.jpg (1535x2150, 2.22M)

Thanks user

nice work, not OP but would you take another request?

k but not very heavy clothes

clothes might be too heavy, looking for fake maybe if not

Attached: 254154244.jpg (1080x1350, 151K)

lemma tri


You think you can attempt this one?

Attached: 72B0B3C6-9F6B-43D6-B858-D044552A92E4.jpg (640x684, 141K)

Just practicing

Attached: 13.jpg (1535x2150, 1.01M)

Great job tho!

Any other takers?

im fail :/

its okay thanks anyway :)

its just heavy clothes

Attached: 1534374295330.jpg (640x684, 253K)

Trying to find some lighter material

Attached: 621651.jpg (1024x756, 109K)

Attached: 21651.jpg (1080x1080, 122K)



Attached: noobs.png (1220x1688, 3.33M)

Thank you!

Amazing work



Attached: 366DA773-BCCC-4679-93BB-4E94225D9EEC.jpg (1080x1080, 73K)

Can this be done?

Attached: 600BB6B4-BB49-433D-97A4-266FAEE35ADB.png (1242x2208, 2.57M)

Attached: 1534383765425.jpg (1242x2208, 565K)

This possible

Attached: E99A9966-4D89-4104-877C-6504D38D5320.png (1125x2436, 4.95M)