Coworker starts talking about the declining population in the west mice overpopulation experiment

>coworker starts talking about the declining population in the west mice overpopulation experiment
>mentions Bernie and sjws
>ready to jump in and present the Jewish question
>remember that I'm a nigger and would probably be shoved back out if I tried to intervene
How do I get past this?

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>coworker start telling me about some based nigger culture of niggers who live on trees and never go down
>laugh in her stupid fucking face

You shoulda went for it. You would have become the based negro. Probably even would have become the spokesman for the group, since you can’t be labeled racist.

But if it's true it means they're independent and won't flood white lands.

Dude, are you kidding, never feel that cucked. Realize that as a black man you can be as radical as you want, and if things get too hot and heavy, you can fall back on the racism card. As a white man, I get auto-assumed racist before I even enter a political debate. Go forth and say shit I cannot say without being a pariah.

Just be a nationalist who supports individual nations or whatever. Avoid the JQ as such and just advocate they live in their own nation and stop interfering with other ones.

use the "just asking questions" technique

Kill yourself nigger. You are genetic,intellectual and cultural inferior to us. Stop wasting resources that belong to whites.

>All these nigger enablers

This is why white race will die out first in Americas.

>not realizing that you can shove the jewpill down their throat all day and they can't call you racist and actually listen

.t Black guy

White people are actually desperate to see and talk to niggers who aren't "NIGGERS". If you're truly based your additions to conversations will be welcome.

>All these nigger enablers
The jewish question is the literal opposite of nigger enabling, you slobbering saami.

I woulda embraced you on the spot bro. Not all of us are blindly racist.

It is irrelevant even if non-whites share the same enemies they still must we driven out of white lands by force if necessary.

Racism card will get you out of ANY situation regarding leftycucks, you could openly call for the execution of faggots, dykes, mudslimes and anyone remotely left and it's fine because you have the skin colour of shit

Any more context?
Was this guy pointing out how the declining population was like the mice utopia experiment?
How did Bernie and SJWs fit into this?
Also the the JQ is is not where you start, that's the end.
If anything, waking up normalfags is about injecting the idea that these horrible developments are not natural and organic, but planned and engineered. In this case, about urbanization, overpopulation, you should be talking about Agenda 21.

Okay, so why couldn't you just view them as useful idiots for the time being?

Yes to your first question. The other two were brought up later in a sort of separate conversation all from the same guy. We're all in retail if that counts.

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>Not all of us are blindly racist.

keep your mouth shut

the west will not be won with constant division

bless you

Mercy is for the weak. They are not allies of ours. Just this week African gang went on raping spree in Helsinki. It does not matter if 1% them are based, we cannot afford to change our line over that.

First of all, even if they speak up first always hide your powerlevel around coworkers.

Second, I guarantee 100% if you speak about the JQ nobody's going to care you're of the negrish blood.

Nigger if you're woke, don't like race mixing, deal with reality as it is, and are ready to fight beside us when the time comes, you are a brother.

All you guys talk about is how much you hate and want to kill niggers, then one comes and you all support it and treat it as if it’s equal.
This is the downfall of the white race; empathy.

I don’t care how “based” you think you are, I want you hanged.