Why does healthcare cost so much?

Paramedics and EMTs barely get minimum wage. So why do they need so much money for an ambulance ride?

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everything in hospitals and their services is overpriced as fuck. This is why a lot of people that can't have a friend / family member drive them to the hospital get ubers / lyfts these days. It's a complete scam, just like most of the healthcare system in this country, complete and total ripoff.

>So why do they need so much money for an ambulance ride?
Because niggers never pay their medial bills.
So the costs get passed on to you or your insurance company.

>Why does healthcare cost so much?
Because there are two-million "middlemen" earning six-figure salaries.

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What I don't understand even more is why shanequa will bring her offspring in by ambulance for a sore throat, and doesn't seem to worry about cost.

Something is seriously fucked with that system.

exactly all along the way palms get greased and overall value the final service/product increases dramatically

because of the jews.

Can’t you just pay it off later though? I can get 3000 in like a months work. That’s fuck all. I’d fuckin throw the money at them. Here in Britain you’ve got to wait at least a week before surgery, till then your in some hospital bed near a few smackheads or some Muslims who stinks of shit with his entire family from Pakistan here while some nurse from Jamaican treats you like shit. I’d rather just pay for SERVICE, and check out the day later.

Who are these middlemen and how do I become one?

You can pay it off later, but thats 3000 just for the ambulance ride. I'm sure the ER visit is another 10-15k

Hospitals will usually comp the bills of people who come in really fucked up.

pretty sure you've got that option in Britain, you probably just don't make enough to afford it

For an ambulance? Any proof of that. I’m pressing square like fuck here.

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I've noticed this too. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume it's because the hospital knows it can't squeeze blood from a stone, and anything that their medicaid/obammy bux don't cover they won't bother pursuing.

Insurance companies and hospital employees that call them

>Orange Line

Is this Chicago?

Bupa mate, look it up. Signing up soon. Until then I’m stuck with muh nhs

Illegals, niggers and jewish shekel skimmers. Do you know many different jews touch your money whenever you make a transaction? Neither do I, and that's the way they want to keep it.

That story is faker than Pam Anderson's tits.

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>According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office ambulance costs can range from $224 to $2,204. Larger cities, such as Los Angeles or Houston, usually average over $1000 per ambulance ride.

So she's exaggerating, but not really by much since she's in a big city

I'll take things that didn't happen for 500
>daily double


>All those heartless libfags on the train who didn't donate on the spot

google.co.uk/search?q=how to convert to judaism&oq=how to convert to judaism&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.6538j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

You need to get circumcised

I passed out in an elevator and rode an ambulance to the hospital. I had xrays, fluids, blood tests, and a few other things. After insurance the whole thing cost me $150. I happily paid it because I'm an adult and I don't think anyone should provide me a service for free.

Wow, I didn’t know that. That is fucked up. Surely insurance covers that though? Or at least reduces it.

I think worshipping Ba'al is more important to them these days.

because she will never pay for it. so the companies have to get the money from the people that actually will pay. aka white people. our health care is so fucking expensive because niggers and other shit skin sub humans.
Health care is expensive because the 500% nigger tax applied to the actual cost.

>americans celebrating when their hospitals do not milking them dry

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not my fucking fault you are too fucking stupid to know this fucking fact


That isn't how hospitals work.

Ambulance rides are not $3000. They're closer to $600-$1100 for the ride depending on where you are, and then another $200-$400 for supplies and EMT labor. $3000 is a big fake scary number to shame people into voting for gibs

>No photo evidence even though she (((witnessed))) it
>Instead I have to take the word of history's most noted (((liars))) as truth

I'm going to agree with

Do you even know how much you're costing your own country?

nixon health act removed restrictions on profit for insurance (his financier, advisor, friend and campaign supporter ran one of largest insurance groups and received first federal subsidy after the act passed), doctors, and all things medical.

the picture shows the affect this had on administration in the US.

Now look at the lobby system. Almost the entire top 10 lobby groups by contributions are from pharmaceutical or other healthcare lobbies. They spend more than some countries gdp to strangle control of the industry and milk profits. so when they turn a $50 epipen into a $500 epipen, theres no fallout besides a little media attention. when they buy a patent for a heart medicine and it goes from $18 to over $600, thats just business, sorry.

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Uh, yea. Every experience I've had with hospitals and doctors has been very reasonable. They do not milk me dry. Your socialized medicine on the other hand...

The moral of the story is guys, don’t be a fucking retard.

>medical tech companies' profit margins
>FDA lobbying /bribery
>raw materials
>processing into pharma/equipment
>taxes, regulations, licenses, certifications, etc
>hospital admin/overhead + profit margins
>lab technicians analyzing samples
>nurse/doctor administering treatment
>wasted excess medication/ scrapping equipment which still works
>contracts to buy overpriced shit for kickbacks (this one cripples any socialized healthcare with corruption)
>insurance companies demand a discount on all of these things so instead of a discount they raise the standard price by the discount.

"here's your 120 dollar asprin sir"

The Orange Line is part of the Boston T. There is universal coverage in Massachusetts. Even if she is breaking the law and doesn't have coverage, she will never pay a cent. It's probably a nigger anyway, and those people aren't even expected to pay.

>So why do they need so much money for an ambulance ride?
>cost of the ambulance
>cost of the equipment in the ambulance.

Try to buy a fully outfitted ambu and hire two paramedics and then telll me how much that is.

Ambulance ride is $1k just to call them. The cost goes up for each mile, each medication administered, each needle, etc. $3k is a believable figure.

what about an an uber van and you pay the two paramedics' wages for the evening, that's like 400 bucks tops

I often hear from leftists that "America spends more money on other countries, despite not having universal healthcare"

Is this even true? Does the USA really spend more? If so then why the fuck don't we just have universal healthcare as it would apparently be cheaper?

over-regulated, unnecessary prerequisites to be allowed to provide care, costly middlemen (mostly insurance companies), and free services provided to people with no money are the big ones

things that never happened.

and healthcare wouldn't cost so much for the white people who actually pay for it and don't steal it, if we didn't have so many niggers and spics stealing healthcare.

Jesus fuck christ, am I happy to live in a country that has socialized healthcare. Yeah, my salary is lower than you guys, but I don't have to pay jack shit if I call an ambulance, or go to the doctor, or need surgery.

>mfw hearing these stories from americans

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because politicians' little buddies are getting fabulously rich off of the current system. whenever you hear about foreign aid, it usually means the government buying shit from american companies using taxpayer money and sending those supplies to people. same situation with military aid. those billions we "give" to israel is actually the government buying equipment and such and sending it over

i'm glad i get to choose what i buy and who i but it from.
i'm happy enough that its more and more difficult for spics and niggers to steal healthcare by not paying for treatment.

Niggers and spics abusing the system, that’s why.

Because government started paying for it.

The absolute cucked rationalization of Euros.

don't need an ambulance ride for that. pussy ass shitlibs

>i'm glad i get to choose what i buy and who i but it from

topkek, so when you have an accident you first research the available EMT providers compare cost/benefit ratio and then order it. good thing you could choose while bleeding out.

Get the fuck out of here fag, that's just inhumane.

>be burger
>have leg crushed
>can't treat said leg
>die from blood loss
>next day news another school shooting

>accidents never happen
>people never get sick

what the fuck is wrong with you people

good goy. conservatives blame the poor, liberals blame taxes being too low. the question you should be asking is why do healthcare services cost so much in the first place? who is getting rich at our expense? yes, many people abuse the system, but the system they're abusing is broken.

>Things that happened

meanwhile in things that didn't happen land


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What is medical lawsuits?

that might be the cost you get billed at but nobody pays the full amount in america. i had an ambulance ride when i was a teenager and my parents only ended up paying half what they were billed. most hospital visits work the same way but more extreme, they bill you for 10k and you end up paying 3k. that's not insurance co-pay either, they just like to jack the price up and make you negotiate it down for some reason.

It does if you don't have poverty-tier insurance. Some people have poverty-tier insurance.

I don't want to pay for fat niggers and kike billing companies to steal. I don't to pay more to have a bunch of niggers who want me to go extinct to be in the same risk pool as me.

You haven't had to deal with our kind of fat entitled useless niggers and kikes so I'm not surprised you don't understand our predicament.

Poor burgers . . . And yet some of them are still saying things like " I don't want to pay a social security for the poor" and then one of their child have an operation they can't pay so they let him to suffer/agonize/die/lose a limb.

And then they really think France is a bad land kek/20

No , but at least I don't wear a meme flag . . .

my wife is a combat wounded veteran, and we usually are stuck with the garbage tier VA.

she was having incredible back pain one day, could barely walk, which is not normal, we ended up going to the emergency room.

the place was a fucking daycare center. and not literally. nothing but mexicans and niggers with tons of screaming toddlers running around. i think we were the only white people there.

we came on a weekend and the doctor we needed wasnt on duty. he lived nearby and came in three times, and three times whatever test results he was looking for werent ready.

he charged us 2000 dollars. for literally nothing. he didnt do anything but come in three times.

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Lol I laugh at you thinking you'll never have any problem. Get 56% your ass and then die from a cancer you'll never be able to pay medication to cure.

profit. the town near mine has a privately run ambulance service and the owner makes 900k a year. and its not like you can just start a new company they have all these bullshit regulations raising the barriers to entry.

Medicaid is great. I don't know who is paying for my healthcare bills, but I see the doctor just about every week now. I'm sure i'm making him a small fortune off the taxpayers dollars.

You pay through the nose for medical care because the entire US medical system is run by a cartel. Compare how much it costs to get "free" treatment for something and how much the same thing costs when you pay with cold hard cash at a private hospital/clinic/etc.

The purpose of Obamacare was to keep the racket going, although it was eventually supposed to fail and bankrupt most Americans.

Because they can charge that much. Thank nixon for that.

In one day I had:
>had a nigger come into the ER via EMS for nausea and a pregnancy test. Unfortunately it was positive. Ended up doing an ultrasound because her blood bhcg was higher than it should be for expected gestation age and if we missed something we could get used for tens of millions
>had a retarded woman come in because "my legs aren't workin right." I watched her walk into her room normally only to fake/exaggerate her exam.
>had a frequent flyer lie about chest pain so she could get pain meds. Have to do a cardiac workup because of that one time we actually do miss something we can get sued for tens of millions
>ridiculously morbidly obese guy come in with possible cholecystitis. so fat we couldn't ultrasound the thing so we needed a ct.
>guy who was just drunk. that's it. police brought him and we had to fucking babysit him for 4 hours, wasting time and manpower and therefore money
Gee. I wonder why medicine is so bad hurrrr

also somehow my town has a anesthesiologist cartel. i dont know how it could possibly be legal but they all got together and formed a group to engage in price fixing. nobody is going to compete with them either because why not just join them.

the level of care medicad provides blows every marketplace insurance plan out of the water, which is ridiculous considering how much money the plans cost. if you have health problems and and don't earn a lot of money, the rational choice is to exit the workforce entirely so that you can get top-of-the-line coverage at no cost

i already know you are lying you ass off. Medicaid only covers one health issue and the doctors who agree to medicaid are paid at the lowest rate possible. the only doctors who accept medicaid are ones who dont have shit for patients. you dont get coverage "every week". it has to be approved through medicaid from the doctor's office, then they call you with an appointment 2-3 weeks from the phone call to you. if it is an ongoing health problem, you get put on Medicare.
lying fuck

Free association

Basically this. If Jose is drives off an embankment and gets airlifted to the hospital and treated in the ER, he can't pay for that, so premiums go up across the board to offset the cost.

i go to the doctors as soon as i feel any kind of discomfort that isn't an obvious cold or flu type symptoms. Last week my finger was hurting from a cut and she checked it out but said it should heal on it's own and gave me some antibiotics but I forgot to take them, it still healed ok.

I had an er visit, needed iv fluids and got one liter of saline and got around a $1,200 bill.

Remember the pre-Kek Baal-worship days?

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You dont have to pay hospital bills just give them a fake name and address why is this so hard to understand.

>things that never happened

I can technically do this at the VA but whether I have a tummy ache or suicidal ideations I'll be sitting there all day long.

Because niggers and spics never pay their bills, the cost gets forced onto hard working whites.

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EMS driver here. Illegal Immigrants take ambulance to the ER for fevers and common colds. You suckers all fit the bill in your insurance premiums and co-pays.

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Not true. Costs are high because of the Insurance racket and pharmaceutical lobbying. Medical care is artificially expensive because insurance companies rely on the idea the common man can’t afford it.
Not even 100 years ago the poor could afford to see the doctor.

>only story about it sources this tweet

things that never happened for $500, alex

That sounds like an irresponsible waste of antibiotics

of course you do muhammed

3000 for ambulance? it is something like 20e here. i live next to a hospital so i often call them to take me to hospital when i am drunk and walk from hospital to home because it is cheaper than a taxi.

Emt who worked in medical billing as well here.

Couple things. Insurance and hospitals are in constant bidding wars that Jack up prices. You see this a lot when there's only a few choices for insurance. This increases prices.

Medicare/state health insurance is pretty much guaranteed money, so you bill whatever the hell you can squeeze out of it. This increases prices.

People with no insurance tend to not pay their bill. This increases prices.

Doctors are incentivized to use more expensive procedures. For example, chemo shots are more expensive, but the pills aren't incentivized, so doctors keep doing the shots.

Honestly, hospitals can cut costs by at least 30% by getting rid of redundant managerial staff, but theres no incentive because of insurance bidding wars.

Likewise, if they offer a separate payment scale for uninsured, prices would drop for everyone, however there is no incentive other than they'll get some payment instead of no payment.

Hope that helps.

>Doctors are incentivized to use more expensive procedures. For example, chemo shots are more expensive, but the pills aren't incentivized, so doctors keep doing the shots.
This is the most upsetting item on this list, if true.

>got sick
>no insurance so fuck it I'll deal with it
>5 days later
>unable to move 5 steps without almost passing out
>get to hospital
>you're having an asthma attack
>take this breathing treatment and some saline
>$5000 dollar bill plus tip
>and a prescription of Alprazolam
Fuck doctors

guess (((((who))))) run the pharmaceutical industry

If you have a job you have insurance which will pay for this. Hell, if this actually happened the bitch probably qualified for Medicaid but didn't apply.

Its so they can claim it as a "loss" on their taxes, which means they can deduct it from their earnings.

You know what's fucked? I got sick and had to go to the ER.
Some fucking Somalian doctor (he got his degree in east Africa) came in and tried to do a biopsy in my lungs within 2 hours of me getting in.
My regular doctor told him to fuck off because I have asthma.
Later I learned he gets paid per procedure. These doctors are fucking con artists.

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