Q is Mossad

Q is Mossad.

Deception is in play.

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They are trying to slide this

sure he is shillbo shekelkins

Q = Question

Boomer Question

>yfw Q was trying to warn us about the boomers by exposing them

Q is Mossad it's not even a fucking question at this point. Only Zionist retards would think that people would actually support Iranian regime change.

t. talmud scholar

Nice false flagging, racemixenstein

You wish...

Q bredicted thibs

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>You wish...
good one

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Oh man, I imagine my neighbor when I see this photo.

>Iranian regime change
OMG I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night

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If Q is Mossad, why did Q call out Mossad?

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Q doesn't actually say anything important ever. Saying mossad once doesn't actually mean anything. You faggots are trying to push this Q bullshit way too hard and it's pathetic.

it could be indeed. but why are they then giving spotlight to the rothshields then? 4d chess?

>Saying mossad once doesn't actually mean anything.
LOL. When shown your bullshit is bullshit, you simply cry bullshit yourself.

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they arent

because people have been calling it out for being a mossad op for several months now and that statement does nothing to harm them

Jow Forums has exposed more Mossad false flags in 2018 than Q has even talked about. Q is calling for regime change in Iran. Why teh fuck do you people continue to play stupid and pretend like it's not a jewish psy op?

It's not even that hard to see through.

shhhh don't bring any facts their small brains can't handle it

>Q is calling for regime change in Iran.
Why is this a bad thing? Q hasn't called for war or invasion. Q has said the choice lies with the PEOPLE. If the PEOPLE of Iran choose regime change, why do you oppose that?

I think Q is sayin Iran is supported by the derp state. Gonna BTFO quick and clean. Unlike the fake war on terror that did jack shit in 16 years.

Mossad deceives people.

By bringing up Mossad, people like you wouldn’t question it. And it’s working.

Open your fucking mind for a damn minute.

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you did not follow their bred then goy

I think mossad and CIA are the same thing, and they support Iran. Notice how Iran always makes threats but never does shit. Who benefits from that?

I used to use the same tactic on fucking MYSPACE as a young teen.

>make fake account “Billy”
>talk shit to everybody I know
>go back to real account
>nobody questioned it

How fucking retarded are you guys?

so because he called out mossad he is mossad
but if he didn't call out mossad then he wouldn't be mossad
this is retarded this is not logic

>Why is this a bad thing?
It wouldnt be for Israel, they could take back control of Syria, Lebanon and Iraq if the Iranians fell.

>Q mentions Mossad.
>Q doesn't mention Mossad.
Nice logic.

Q hasn't made that kind of post, so your comparison is dopey.

If you want to consider retarded logic, how about the wholesale belief that anyone calling out Q as a zionist psy op being labelled as a shill, purely because they attack it?
Extending that logic, the amount of abuse liberals, kikes, blacks etc get on pol must make them the most honourable shower of mutts alive, if abuse = legitimacy

you post in the most peculiar jewish manner

>Q as a zionist psy op
why do you believe this... it feels a little reactionary.
You make a fair point that abuse =/= legitimacy... but it just feels to me that the argument q is (((them))) has no greater basis than q is real and against (((them)))

>has no greater basis than q is real and against (((them)))
q being real or not is actually irrelevant by now, im a full believer the connections and posts are real, its the agenda behind them thats in question.
q is asking people to choose between good tribe members and bad tribe members, there is no option for no tribe members, thats been their play for hundreds of years, they always use the other half as human shields.
but they are all talmudists, they all believe in innate superiority, they all think the rest of the planet are cattle. there are no good guys, trump included

If Bush was taking down Iran, mossad would love it. With a regime change, it all depends who comes next.

yup an agenda is behind. but as i said, why bringing jewish dynastie families into spotlight, that hate spotlightin the first place? no boomer would know about them, without mossad. it's kinda irrational to do it except it's some 4dchess we are not understanding right now.

fuck you billy

hahah saw that twityer user, von racemixenstein