Well now that the weed debate is officially settled

How do we irradiate this menace to society once and for all? Will potfags be one of the first to be necked on the day of the rope? I for one can’t wait to start necking degenerate potheads.

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>weed debate
It's gonna be legalized no matter how much you shill against it. Actually I'm not sure if you've noticed but everything you guys shill against ends up happening an then you complain like kike faggots.


Not if I rope your ass first faggot.

Get fucked bootlicker. All drugs will be legal soon.

>five sixes
Satan leads you astray. Beware the false digits.

Pot rekks your brain dildo breaths, but go ahead, keep smoking it,
>scientific fact - pot makes your brain literally shrink

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>smoking the herbal jew

i have more respect for people huffing paint thinner

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weed is degenerate but should be legal


I smoke on occasion, and I'm heavily armed. I'd splatter your brains across my front porch and tap ashes in your skull cavity, shithead.

>1 post by this ID

then you are truly a faggot.

I suppose it's natural to look up to your parents.

Smoked a lot in high school. The idea the left keeps pushing about it not being addictive is a load of crap. A pothead's life revolves around it, and it is a gateway drug because you end up being exposed to other shit through those potheads. Pot eventually led me to meth, and it controlled my life for theee years. Never got in any trouble, but it was still a terrible experience. Happy to say I've been sober five years now, have a great job, and am working on starting a family.

Why would you smoke meth faggot?
Didn't you ever see the pics of people with fucked up teeth, no hair, and fucked up skin.

I was a retarded 18 year old hanging out with retarded people. I'm not proud of my past drug use, but it has given me a sort of insight to help people understand what they are really like, how they really make you feel, and why you shouldn't do them. Most of the people telling you not to do them because they do "A, B, and C" have never tried it themselves, and are either regurgitating either false or incomplete information.

It really does rot your brain and lower testosterone.
>I smoked or ate edibles every day for about five years until the day Trump was elected. After that I never smoked any or ate any and I feel like a different person.
> weed really does fuck you up. Stay away if you want to be a fucking man

>medicinal used passed in Oklahoma
>boomers already trying to subvert democracy like Brexit 2.0
>"don't worry fellow Christians, we will stomp out the devil's weed once and for all"
>they are discussing about how they can get a marijuana prescription to ding your background check and restrict you from owning a firearm
They have no legal basis of doing this but it's hilarious watching the boomers running around doing the same shit they accuse democrats of doing. "I know! If we take their gun rights away despite them following the law then they won't use weed!" This is the same state where they force liquor stores to not be open on Sunday because it's church day.

Very true. Weed is for niggers and lazy whites. Oh and spics and chinks.

Anyone would happen to have a sauce on the anime?

will it be hemp rope your using there.

Big business got a good idea of what the profit margins from legal sales could be, so they're going to lobby for it until it gets legalized, cause they always eventually get what they want.
Might as well accept it.

>The idea the left keeps pushing about it not being addictive is a load of crap
It isn't physically addictive, but it is psychologically. It's easier than fucking coffee to quit. If you smoked meth you'd know the difference.

Well at least your off of that shit.

You are**

Imagine how assblasted christcucks are gonna be when Trump federally legalizes it next month.

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>weed led me to meth
I smoked it for 16 years and it never once made me think about smoking meth. You're a dipshit who decided to smoke methanphetamine out of a lightbulb dude. I doubt some highschoolers smoking a bong made you do it.

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>I'm retarded
We found your issue, and it wasn't the cannabis.

>Will potfags be one of the first to be necked on the day of the rope?
When you show up to the day of the rope staging grounds, I dare you to spout off about hanging Whites who smoke. Good luck.

Oo that's a nice rare.

Maybe I didn't explain that as clear as I should have. When I said a pothead's life revolves around pot, I was talking about the psychological addiction you are thinking of. They have created an entire culture around weed, and part of that addiction is just being part of that culture. Also, there certainly are physical symptoms. Ever hang out with a daily smoker when he's dry? They have mood swings, low energy, an overall unwilligness to do anything except call or text every contact they have multiple times trying to find an 8th for $10-$20 more than street value because they have prioritized that weed over everything else. Yeah, it's a lot easier to kick than coffee or tobacco, but the withdrawl symptoms are still there.

You're talking about pussies, really; I smoked more or less daily from 14-35, never went through that. If I didn't have, I didn't have. Knew a few who were like you say, running around constantly looking, but they didn't stay in my circle for long. Most everyone else I knew who were daily smokers were more or less the same as I was.

Everyone handles it differently, and there are some peopke who just aren't prone to addiction, even when I was smoking meth for the first few months, if I was out, I just had one of those "Oh well that kinda sucks" moments and went about my day like normal. Wasn't until I switched to 3rd shift at my job that I started to develop a dependency on it. I can't sleep well during the day, even now. Never could, so I'd take a few hits in the parking lot before I clocked in and be laser focused on my job. I'd be awake for 3 or 4 days at a time, working, then coming home to do work around the house untik I had to go back in. It came to the point where I felt like I couldn't get anything done unless I had that pipe. People started to notice I when I was losing a lot of weight because it is impossible to eat while high on the shit. What eventually made me give it up was a panic attack that I was positive was a real heart attack. Scared me so much, I quit cold turkey and detoxed alone at my house. Never did rehab. Rehabs are bullshit. They are designed to fail, so they will have a constant flow of people who relapse in order to make more money. The only way to get off an addiction is to do it by yourself and maybe a person you trust just being there for a bit when you are close to breaking.