What the fuck is wrong with lefties?

This behaviour isnt normal

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-30-20-31-37-1.png (1440x1516, 256K)

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The letter

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-30-20-30-49-1.png (1440x2184, 1.16M)

That is really pathetic. I hope nobody actually believes another person sent that to her.

The lefty

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-30-20-36-38-1.png (1440x1978, 714K)

Is there a link to it?

It's either fake or the sender has lost the integrity of his vital faculties.

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someone could actually have sent that to her. you never know. i used to be pretty radical right wing tranny-basher too, and now i find myself being trans and fairly liberal and just rolling my eyes are alot of the stuff coming from the right lately

Completely believable and true.

Wow so you are likely incubating AIDS.
I hope that your degenerate sodomite lifestyle sends you to hell very soon.

I can definitely tell from the pixels it is legit

The blue wave in action.

Drumpftard pussies literally running scared like they did today in Portland.

im not even gay you fuckin retard. Jow Forums knows nothing about trans anything

>hurr durr I believed what everyone told me as a kid without doing any research: the post

I'll take things that didn't happen for $500, Alex.

It's not unbelievable because somebody changed their mind but because the "conservative" is portrayed from the perspective of a close minded leftist. Complete with an NRA membership and loud annoying motorcycle and of course he was homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, made offensive jokes and was clearly trapped in a bubble which he was thankfully knocked out of it by that brilliant book which was wonderfully penned and can thankfully be purchased at any major retailer but supplies are limited so act now.

>As you imagine, everyday I participate in misogynist
>We are exactly like you stereotype us, you and liberals are right

She definitely didn't email herself. Definitely didn't.

sure thing fella

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They're lacking in masculine qualities.

Attached: antifa_rekt.webm (1280x720, 2.28M)

Seems legit.

the fact they have to make shit up like this is nice, it means no one is buying the shit they sell outside of their little echo chamber. on the off chance this is real.... lol nah i cant even make an off hand excuse or insult.

But It's True doe


>What is wrong with lefties?

the onion.
goddamn its getting harder and harder to tell.

inb4 she wrote that herself...

nice try rabbi but your inbreeding makes me say watcha doin rabbi?

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FORMER military. People from the armed forces don't refer to themselves as "ex". Bitch be lyin'.

I used to be a seig heiling 14/88ing goose stepper. A real close minded ignorant bigot racist

Then I saw this Buzzfeed video called "10 Things White Men Need To Stop Doing". It really changed my perspective on things

Now I'm housing 4 refugees and letting my son's mother caretake them while I'm at work. She cares about them so much sometimes she sleeps in their room just to make sure they feel at home

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haha don't worry guise my trusty crowbar will get em

this is too much sarcasm for the small lefty brain to penetrate.

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Hello Jow Forums I just read your infodump. It had a profound impact on me. I am ex-jewish and most of my friends are as well. I am a Life member of the taking babies members away association. I am a long time Kiker. And I enthusistically voted for Hillary Rodham Clinton. As you might imagine, nearly every day I hear and participate in whitephobic, anti-gentile, and anti-white jokes, statements, and taunts. Frankly I was a neanderthal. No more. I just wanted you to know you changed my perspective and my life. You are a beautiful and brave board. I promise you I will do my part to educate and hopefully change the actions and opinions of my circle of friends. A small and maybe insignificant step I know. But if my attitude can be changed, anyone's can. I will also stand up and advocate for those who need it most. Thank you for all you have done and will do.

video comment:
>I love how this video makes fun of everyone at the same time, they poke fun at trump and extreme feminism at the same time, without ever taking a political stance they could be hated for by anyone, its amazing
can someone explain to me how this video is making fun of Trump (or his supporters)? I'm honestly not seeing it. What am I not getting?

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bcuz they called trump supporters racist bigots

Daily double

There ya go, his whole life is delusion and lying. Of course this would seem reasonable to him.

>being (((racist))) is a bad thing
damn. it's getting harder and harder to hide those power levels I guess.

You wish drumpfies

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>that wind up

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