LGBT serial Killer

Who would love to see on the news a story of a serial killer who targets only LGBT?

Not just some shmuck mass shooter, but a dedicated user that targets LGBT and terrorizes them for months before doing the job. They'd have to be able to stay on the run from the law and have it all go on for years. We can't stop LGBT, so if we have to suffer hearing about faggots all the god damn time might as well at least wish for what we do hear about the faggots something awesome.

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Did Dahmer only kill faggots? If so he did nothing wrong.


I believe he ate some of them as well. Pretty cool for a mentally ill faggot.

Yea. He went after younger faggot Asian men. He ate parts of a few of them. Kept one head he cut off in his fridge. Since he only killed lgbt people I think he should have been found not guilty.

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Snowtown murders were gay only. 12 victims

Normally I would agree but the fact that he ate them makes me think he was also gay.

>Who would love to see on the news a story of a serial killer who targets only LGBT?
>literally every serial killer that didn't target women ever
Here's a better idea.
A serial killer that only targets leftists and journalists.
It's sort of the same thing because all leftists and journalists are fags but at least it serves a useful political goal.

He was gay

He ate nigger faggots too. Pretty based.

John wayne gacee also was a fag killer. Generally gay men are easy targets because of their high time preference. If you were a sadistic rapist they are better victims than women.

Holy shit I have never seen a thread created by a journalist fishing for shit to write about "evil Jow Forums" as blatanly obvious as this.

>A serial killer that only targets leftists and journalists.

Damn FBI posting hard tonight. You know the longer you stick around the harder it is to leave right? Let me tell you about the jews...

Don't forget this one!

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How do I know you're not a leftist, prove it Sholmo

>LGBT and terrorizes them for months before doing the job
Dude, who wants to hang around LGBTfags for months?
That's a stupid plan.

>A serial killer that only targets leftists and journalists.
Since most serial killers reside in cities, they are more likely to hit leftist and journalists. Like the DC sniper hitting all the leftists in DC. Based.


>He was gay
Thanks for that info satan


An LGBT killer would probably have to be LGBT themselves like who Dahmer was, a straight guy would probably just plant bombs outside a gay bars or some shit, they wouldn't want to have to stalk those people, who wants to watch some fag suck a dick in an alleyway while you wait for him to be alone?


There was a guy in bongland called the "gay-slayer" who tortured and killed at least 5 homosexuals. He also used to call the police and taunt them/brag to them about the murders. Don't remember his name but you'll be able to find him via google.

His first kill was a straight guy who refused to do homo stuff with him. All of the other victims were gay though.