Interesting facts about Hitler

Karl May's wiki page
>Adolf Hitler was an admirer, who noted in Mein Kampf that the novels "overwhelmed" him as a boy, going as far as to ensure "a noticeable decline" in his school grades. According to an anonymous friend, Hitler attended the lecture given by May in Vienna in March 1912 and was enthusiastic about the event. Ironically, the lecture was an appeal for peace, also heard by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Bertha von Suttner. Claus Roxin doubts the anonymous description, because Hitler had said much about May, but not that he had seen him. Hitler defended May against critics in the men's hostel where he lived in Vienna, as the evidence of May's earlier time in jail had come to light; although it was true, Hitler confessed that May had never visited the sites of his American adventure stories. This made him a greater writer in Hitler's view since it showed the author's powers of imagination. May died suddenly only ten days after the lecture, leaving the young Hitler deeply upset. Hitler later recommended the books to his generals and had special editions distributed to soldiers at the front, praising Winnetou as an example of "tactical finesse and circumspection", though some note that the latter claims of using the books as military guidance are not substantiated. However, as told by Albert Speer, "when faced by seemingly hopeless situations, he would still reach for these stories," because "they gave him courage like works of philosophy for others or the Bible for elderly people." Hitler's admiration for May led the German writer Klaus Mann to accuse May of having been a form of "mentor" for Hitler.
>The fate of Native Americans in the United States was used during the world wars for anti-American propaganda. The National Socialists in particular tried to use May's popularity and his work for their purposes.
Do you think he read his favorite cowboy stories one last time before killing himself?

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Couldn’t give shit really what he did on his spare time.

imagine being such a retarded autists that you still suck hitlers dick who failed in 2018 while you have actual living center right politicians that win.
Fuckign child grow up you idiot.

The face when we'll never be able to see a Hitler directed Wursterns.

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Well then why are you in a thread about interesting Hitler facts?

>cultured and esteemed European literature
>write stories about burgermutts chasing injuns

Fun fact about Hitler: he was a loser who killed himself

trips never lie

Hitler had no dick, hitlers dick was limp, he had no balls, he had only one, hitler did this, hitler di that, new footage of hilter, new unpublished stuff about hitler.
I don't believe any of it anymore, it's all just moneymaking bullshit.

And yet pulled his country out of economic disaster and raised it up to become strong and productive by naming the jew and shunning his usury.
What have you done apart from cut yourself a fake vagina that weeps puss all day.

I remember one incident from a biography about him. He saw a qt blonde woman that he likened to a Valkyrie from one of Wagner's operas, walking down the street in Vienna and swore to his friend that she would be his wife one day, even though she was walking arm in arm with an austrian soldier. And Hitler was too shy to actually speak to her so he sent her sporadic anonymous letters instead, and when he enlisted in WWI he wrote that he would come back after the war and propose to her. He never did, but she married a soldier instead and was pretty surprised to learn that her secret admirer was Hitler himself.
It's actually pretty interesting how he never really got it on with women despite having a sort of aura that made women obsess over him. IIRC like 3 women killed themselves over him, and Braun tried suicide at least once.


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It sucks dude

He was once threatened to be pushed off a construction site when he told the other workers his views on Nationalism and Germany. He then left the job and found a new one. After keeping his thoughts to himself among all these left wingers and communist workers spreading all their anti national attitude he couldn't bear it anymore and opened his mouth...only to be threatened again.

Hitler and the NSDAP were responsible for giving Germany the highest living standart of the world.
From rags to riches

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Hitlers first public speech was attended by 0 people. 1 year later he had thousands of attendees.

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Heya buddy!

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Hitler, the whiny cunt, was overwhelmed by everything. Karl May. Wagner. His niece Geli Raubal. Ernst Röhm. Jews. Everything. Hitler was the origical youtube camwhore drama queen who cried nonstop 99% of the time and ate nothing but cake.
Hitler = Degenerate weakling and that's not an opinion. That's an objective fact.
inb4 stormsalt

When Hitler was wounded in ww1 by mustard gas he was sent to Beelitz Heilstätten to recover.
You can still visit the ruins of the building near Berlin

>Do you think he read his favorite cowboy stories one last time before killing himself?
>killing himself
looks like OP is reading jewish stories

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he did lose the war and kill himself, its facts, just like the nonexistence of gas chambers

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literally what?

Don't say that!!!

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Don't mind the Europeans. They aren't allowed to say anything that isn't negative about Hitler under penalty of law.

Hitler had the strongest mindset you can have.
Read Mein Kampf before spreading bullshit you delusional little brat. You're insulting one of the greatest, generous and selfless human beings the white race has ever brought about.

>imagine being such a retarded autists that you still suck hitlers dick who failed in 2018 while you have actual living center right politicians that win.
>Fuckign child grow up you idiot.


when did hitler fail in 2018...?

Fuck the european Jewlaws

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Wiener detektiert

Like they change anything, they have the same masters as anyone else.
Stop thinking democracy is viable

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Fun fact: Hitler wasn't anti semitic until he redpilled himself in vienna. In one way or another we experienced the same as Hitler did.
From walking around blind to seeing Jewish shit everywhere.

All humanity not just whites

This desu, Hitler was a loser. Ifit weren't for Hitler, we could be shit talking Jews right now, but since the Lolocaust it's all forbidden.

Didn't even write the book himself
Literally had a guy to do the actual writing down for him because SENSITIVE HITLERBABY could not stress his hands too much!

>his hands
That's quite a stretch for a whiny monorchist

Hitler hate is programing. He was an enemy more than 70 years ago, yet is treated as though he might still pop up again. No other person in history has recieved this treatment by media or historians. Stalin killed far more people. The US commited autrocities. Britian had successful genocides! Yet Hitler alone is the boogeyman?

user, I love the Hitler, memes, BUT let's be honest. WWII war resulted in Millions of dead Europeans, the destruction of beautiful history and innumerous communities. His takeover was ultimately disastrous for Germany. Eastern Prussia, Silesia, Danzig and Königsberg are all no longer.

>No other person in history has recieved this treatment by media or historians
Napoleon before Hitler was even a twinkle in his dad's testes

Hitler kicked Jews out and made Germany great. If only Trump could do that.

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Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans

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Hitler encircled 4,000,000 Red Army troops after Stalin invaded his allies Finland and Romania. You know that Slavs ethnically cleansed millions of Germans after WWII right? Poland got started in 1939 and went on a hiatus after they mobilized their armed forces and got wrecked.

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Are you by chance a descendant of the H*bsburgs? Or just an avrage Cz*ch shill?

"Whatever our enemies may plot, whatever sufferings they may inflict on our German cities, on German landscapes and, above all, on our people, all that cannot bear any comparison with the irreparable misery, the tragedy that would befall us if the plutocratic-bolshevistic conspiracy were victorious. Therefore, it is all the more necessary on this twelfth anniversary of the rise to power to strengthen the heart more than ever before and to steel ourselves in the holy determination to wield the sword, no-matter where and under what circumstances, until final victory crowns our efforts.

I shall continue on this road, uncompromisingly safeguarding my people's interests, oblivious to all misery and danger, and filled with the holy conviction that God the Almighty will not abandon him who, during all his life, had no desire but to save his people from a fate it had never deserved, neither by virtue of its number nor by way of its importance. Therefore I now appeal to the entire German people and, above all, to my old fellow-fighters and to all the soldiers to gird themselves with a yet greater, harder spirit of resistance, until we can put on the graves of the dead of this enormous struggle a wreath inscribed with the words: And yet you were victorious."

>excerpt from his final speech

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>tfw my mom read me Karl May books as a little kid
>talked shit about "the jews"
Eastern Euro moms are best moms

"Ever since my final peace proposal of July 1940 was rejected, we have clearly realized that this struggle must be fought through to the end. We are not at all surprised that the Anglo-American, Jewish and capitalist world is united together with Bolshevism. In our country we have always found them in the same community. Alone we successfully fought against them here in Germany, and after 14 years of struggle for power we were finally able to annihilate our enemies."

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Why are his speeches so good at causing me to tear up?

We know there won't be a recovery. It's over.

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Anglos provoked war, declared war on him, rejected his peace overtures and allied with the Red Army. I've accepted my well deserved fate.

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Because he was a well trained plant.

Depends which part. Parts of Europe is freerer than the ADL controlled ZOGmerica

He can be a brilliant role model for all of humanity in many ways

Its because him and the axis took on the Rothschild banking cartel

he used to loan out suits to unemployed fathers in his neighborhood

An old woman used to give him sweets and baked goods so she could host some of his viewpoints on social conduct and morals

He really was too pure for this world. We should all compete to see who can learn the most from his mistakes and fight for racial justice and national socialism. If we all die fighting or commit suicide, we should make so few mistakes that our ideological descendants don’t have much homework to do. Sieg Heil young ones

I’m from Spain and we were wondering if we’re considered a white/european country or nah

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Nigger Europe was going to be destroyed eventually by the communist during that time. So don’t give me that bullshit.

Fun fact: Hitler was a transgender woman.

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European yes and white yes apart from the Nordicists who believe everyone that doesnt look like Legolas from lord of the rings is actually African

If only he hadn’t destroyed the political viability of nationalism for the remainder of the 20th century

ay, race-decider
what about armenians?

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>Unironically believeing this