
[serious] How do you respond to people when they talk about white privilege, how slavery has created a society that favors white people, and the daily casual racism twords NPOCs by NPCs. I really trying to keep my job, but I work with a 97% POC population and they are constantly racist as fuck twords me and my people and it really does trigger the fuck out of me. I got into another "debate" at work that ended up with me standing up at my desk yelling "Get the fuck over it" when discussing why slavery means that POCs are allowed to be racist. I like my job, but i hate the people, im tired of trying to be moderate and logical while being bombarded with how evil my friends, family, and culture is. It really does hurt, i dont want to be a monster, but I really dont think they understand that they are radicalizing large populations of white people. Im not dumb i know ---they--- want me to become radicalized. Im constantly plagued by the idea of bringing a child into this SOCIETY (we live in one) just to have her raped or him murdered. Facts dont work, calm discussion doesnt work, im scared that the only thing that will solve this is a 45 in my head, or a 45 in theirs.

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Shoot the place up. That'll teach em.

>how slavery has created a society that favors white people

are you republican? you can always say what you believe in helped emancipate the slaves

may I ask what you do?

Im under an NDA. Why does this matter on chan? Because the people I have an NDA with i 100% promise you already have access to everything on your phone, and probably your computer. Private sector, but no one is dumb enough to think they dont collude with the gov. they really have their -fangs- in our society. I wish someone had a stickied guide at the top on how to, step by step, securely leak information for semi-computer literate boomers...

Democrats are the ones who started a civil war because they didn't want to give up slaves.
Democrats are the ones who still keep people enslaved. They just do it through different means now. Look at any democrat run area like California, Detroit or Flint Michigan. These areas have a lot of blacks who're kept poor and living in shitty conditions.

Also, white people are the ones who eradicated slavery in most of the world. Of the 35-40 million slaves alive today, over 95% of them are located either in Africa or in India (14 million in Africa, 16 million in India). The other 4.99% are in the middle east or Asia.
Slavery in white countries in this day and age is practically unheard of.

There really isn't much you can do if we are being serious. You are right in that you can't debate and change their opinion. That isn't happening. They are advantaged and excused by their position and there is nothing your redpill can offer that can top that.

The best you can do is figure out how to change the subject and talk about other things. Rather than engaging them on that topic just change the topic, tell them you don't want to discuss that.

One thing you can do in the short term when handling people is to express 'empathy/understanding' that really isn't. 'I understand you feel that way, but I do not and I really do not want to discuss it'. If they continue, end the conversation.

im not asking exactly what you do, but a generalization of what you do.

if its 100% poc, then it cant be of much importance to the security of the state.
and if it is, you had better leak it, or face centralizing that power into the hands of slave wannabes.

id say walk away. white flight causes damn near everything to collapse, and they'll eventually be outed as racist pricks anyway.

Where are you working where people are talking about this so often? You should consider a new workplace, sounds like a shitty environment with shitty people. But in the meantime just don't let it bother you too much, if someone says something to you then rebut it but don't interject when you don't have to.

I wondered for months why they were hiring some many POCs that are semi-literate for a job that requires access to sensitive info and higher level problem solving. Only my location is 97% poc and guess what... we are the lowest performing site worldwide. They need a workforce that doesnt know some of this shit is illegal, and is very unlikely to do anything about it even if they suspect it is. Im still gathering evidence, and I legit feel uncomfortable even talking about it this vaguely without a proxy or whatever. From a programmer/psychologist perspective, the nuance and deficiency of their social influence is fucking amazing. From the perspective of a white citizen, its scary to realize just how big of a wall my people will need to climb to reclaim security for their children...

give us some hints you larper.

get this shit >shut down.

I already said im not saying shit until I have some security, you can suck my larp dick. Im here to discuss how to deal with a personal social issue, not convince you of anything. Let me reiterate, suck my cock.

Why are you discussing lofty philisophical topics like residual racism at work? Just put your head down and go back to work. Why are you ending up in these situations? Are you taking the bait?

Yes, i know im taking the bait... thats why im here. TEACH ME.

Do not discuss politics at work. You are there to get money. Period

The work literally revolves around politics and "hate speech". (this wasnt disclosed to me until after i signed NDA).

Blacks have affirmative action in college admission, graduating, hiring. So point out their Black privilege.

Good god guys Enough with the work questioNs, Please realize im here to discuss how to deal with the personAl issues im having at work. If you guys CanT help me with this issue, i doubt anyone can.

>I work with a 97% POC population and they are constantly racist as fuck twords me and my people
Always respond with "you just hate White people".
Don't argue facts, accuse them of bad motivation, ill intent.
Rhetoric 101.


What does it mean...?

What country?

We did help you, if you are too fucking retarded and bereft of self control to hide your power level at work, you really shouldn't have access to sensitive info. It's just self control you fucking crybaby. Now tell us what's so incredibly spooky about your job. Do you put subliminal messages in Disney cartoons? Out with it.

>if white society is so bad, why not move to a black country?
If they come back with, "but whitey dun destroyed it wit colonialism n sheeit," then you go with
>so it is better to live directly with the oppressor and complain then to fix a black country and be successful among your own people. Got it.
Then you turn away. Nothing else needs said. They will never leave the land of gibs. They don't have the spine to even try.

I think it's NAT. That letter is a lower-case L, not an uppercase i.

Get a job at a white business.

they might just be another white pussy.

i can guarentee the negroids have told all their friends, like a badge of honor


The line of questioning in here is very federal. I hope that if you're in the position you're in, that you eventually defect and serve the people instead of the state.

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talk of white privilege is a smokescreen for promoting socialism.
Socialists have decided that white people are too resistance to socialism and so we must be overthrown... hence white privilege.

force them to talk about concrete issues like economic issues, welfare, taxation, the role of the government, etc.


You are retarded, it is Genpact.

Op, I work on similar tech in similar areas. While the implications are certainly scary, at the moment the different sources of data are so fragmented that analytics are the only use. It would be hard to use the leverage to control the subject of the data. You would start to get bad data. I assume you're talking about AI analytics shit? Or is it much worse?

5 years

Walk away... I have never in my entire life had anyone spout this garbage at me . Just ignore them and enjoy your white privileged.

I have that dcjs clearance but i definitely dont work a position that any federal employee would give a shit about, though i do get to see the nitty gritty and rummage through their drawers.

aaah the blue collar life of a technician

You're right, i feel like I have said everything that can be said. Verification not required for your next post.

>i got on my desk and yelled get the fuck over it
Then everyone clapped and obunga died

fucking chinks

The correct answer is to avoid such discussions.

I'm Black, but even I have to avoid discussing politics, because, all too often, other Blacks readily throw rational thought out of the window at the mere suggestion that democrats might not be 100% right 100% of the time.

You can't "win" by trying to argue rationally against an irrational person.

Neat what’s it like to work for SkyNet

Is that “tiger” your boss?

Man up snowflake. Quit being such a whiny little bitch.

I should disclose I am a late Boomer so I have no interactions with zoomers, or shroomers, or flumers or any other iteration of later generations beyond a Starbucks barista here or there and that is depressing enough.. I mean they;re always cordial and usually efficient but few of them inspire me with much hope for the future.

How do you account for Ali Alexander , Candace Owens and other high profile young people like we saw at the Presidential Palace yesterday. Honestly, man I do make an effort to overlook the skin color ethnic backgroud .. I don't think its productive or neccesary to keep pointing out the obvious that one is Black .It seems to me to feed the stereotype that Blacks require some coddling to make it... like its a handicap. Don't we just want to forget that? "...the content of their character..." and all ?

You can't really do much in that situation.

Just call these people sore losers and go on about your day. That's all they are.

It looks like ENACT. If it is GENPACT, OP should've used another G and P that didn't begin a sentence, since that letter is capitalized.

You are a fucking retard. He has already confirmed it is Genpact. Genpact does the exact work he is talking about. Stop playing devil's advocate or whatever you are doing and use your fucking brain. Even a cursory Google search for Genpact vs one for ENACT would show that you are fucking retarded.

He never confirmed anything, retard. I notice you didn't address my point. Is it because I'm right?

qoute this and let them know that its been a privilege to carry them in society

pic is accurate and we would be colonizing planets right now if it wasnt for proud POC

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Here is how

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Ask them what the alternative to slavery would've been. Then ask whether there's any other country in the world they'd rather live in. Once their brain connects how much better it is here than it is in Africa, you'll see it on their face, tell them to honour their ancestors for sacrificing their freedom for your liberty - make them proud and stop being a victim to your circumstances. They had it bad, not you.

Block, delete, move on

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He responded to the post identifying Genpact with "5 years" which you would understand if you did the fucking Google search. Here, I'll fucking make it easier for you. Google "Genpact WikiLeaks China" you massive fucking retard. Your IQ room temperature is why people don't come here and leak anymore.

Let's assume you are right for a moment, the search for your term doesn't even bring up anything. It's a dead end. You are just arguing to be right without paying attention to the situation.

The only miscapitalized letter was the I, an easy thing to overlook. Miraculously, when you remove the I and search for Genpact, everything OP is saying makes sense. Seriously, what the fuck is your point? If you have an alternative hypothesis for what OP meant that goes beyond "nuh uh ur wrong" I would like to hear it, but it is clear you aren't actually researching.

>The only miscapitalized letter was the I
Wrong. That's a lower-case L.
It might be Genpact or Enact. I don't care so I won't be researching it. I've never heard of either one. You still never responded to my point that it looks more like ENACT than GENPACT and that OP should've used other letters than the ones that begin sentences, since they're capitalized.

I can't respond to that because it's fucking autistic. Your point is that he should have used the first letter because... Why? There aren't any rules for sending a secret message you jackass. Also, I an not talking about the lowercase L, I am talking about the capital I in "if".
The fact that you are unwilling to research and just arguing letters instead of what they actually represent kinda tips off the autism. You are looking for and insisting on rules that don't actually exist. Why the fuck would you stick your oar into this if you actually dont understand or care about the topic?

>I am talking about the capital I in "if".
That's a lie. You're a horrible liar.

Recent research has revealed that the output of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) can be easily altered by adding relatively small perturbations to the input vector. In this paper, we analyze an attack in an extremely limited scenario where only one pixel can be modified. For that we propose a novel method for generating one-pixel adversarial perturbations based on differential evolution. It requires less adversarial information and can fool more types of networks. The results show that 70.97% of the natural images can be perturbed to at least one target class by modifying just one pixel with 97.47% confidence on average. Thus, the proposed attack explores a different take on adversarial machine learning in an extreme limited scenario, showing that current DNNs are also vulnerable to such low dimension attacks.

Is this the future of online activism? Feeding junk data to the machine

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