Im working on a p2p anonymous networking program that cant be shut down or censored...

Im working on a p2p anonymous networking program that cant be shut down or censored. It works on a blockchain so there are no dns, server, or database dependencies that amazon or google can kill. just in case they start trying to get rid of this place.

gimme feature requests and name ideas. it is desktop software not a website. this is for the future of free speech.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>installing a program you got from Jow Forums
nice try ciafaggot

100% open source, user.

>builds p2p distributed block chain network communications app that can bypass www dependencies and even data storage dependencies.
>offers it to /pol rather than sell it for $5,000,000,000.00.

Fuck off larper, you didn’t build shit you don’t need to turn in by next Friday.

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Is it URbit?


programming is not hard or worth that much.

If real call it safespace, and make it look like some leftist rebellion bullshit, but hide stuff like "over 60 million safeguards", so it can get on google play and shit.

It isn't hard if you already have a baseline competence and understanding of the fundamentals and you're writing Python scripts that move or copy files around on your computer. It can be vastly more difficult to do much more ambitious things. That statement makes me think you have no idea what you're talking about.

that's fine user, I dont give a fuck what you think.

Are you gonna call it ELEUTHERA?

Pls, it sounds cool

And no one gives a fuck about your shitty desktop-based muh blockchain Jow Forums alternative. Go to talk to some idea guys in the Valley, you fucking mongoloid.

>old man yells at cloud

The guy's a fucking retard. If what he was talking about was so "easy" and "not worth that much", he wouldn't be asking for help and features on fucking Jow Forums of all places.

Make forums accessible through different hardware

So ten minutes for a post to update and uses a fuck ton of energy. That's gonna work well.

It should be a website that is hosted via the blockchain. Give people tokens if they run the software to host the blockchain, but don’t require people to host the blockchain. The tokens can be used to make you comment text bold or something.

proof of stake algos arent power intensive like pow, and can create blocks at a basically arbitrary rate.

Blockchain is for low iq plebs

> not using quantum entanglement to create an encrypted brain to brain wave interface to share memes instantaneously anywhere in this universal simulation, ie: telepathy

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Quantum computers and not ready yet

Are you making it for Windows, Linux, or Mac?

Your post relays how little you know about the subject.

Fuck off back to /b/ you retarded wast of space.

source should be able to be compiled for any arch, but since it requires storage of the data (no hosting) you'll require storage space as the biggest hurdle.

>if this random user knows things I know that makes me feel less special, so I should shitpost at him

crabs in a bucket lul

Dealing with firewall and NAT issues is going to be the most annoying.

i dont have to deal with that all i need to do is supply the program and predefine a few ports and when someone runs it they can worry about that shit their damn self

That’s going to hurt adoption. So you have to install software and know how to configure you firewall and router. It needs to be a website

>It works on a blockchain
which one

it isn't safe as a website

Are you also installing new infrastructure, fiber, copper, antennas, switches, routers, etc? Because if not, you can program to your heart's content but you're still susceptible to censorship via comms infrastructure. Granted it's a double edge sword for ISPs to shut down, but until network infrastructure is decentralized there will always censorship.

What security issues are you worried about? I’m thinking the machines that have the software would host the website. To protect against ddos you could require a valid token for each request.

ISPs could shut down some nodes, but as long as they don’t shut them all down it’ll be fine. The Internet was made to survive a nuke attack.

...blockchain is a very bad idea in case of Jow Forums content and Jow Forums user! the current content is enough wich is delivered by the peers, and when the max limits of threads are reached, the last will be deleted from all machines - when someone makes a backup, its his own thing

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A little bird told me there are several mass shootings planned on election day, in primarily Democrat areas. Has anyone else heard anything else about this?


Jow Forums can be shut down.

What will its name be?

>everyone that critiques my retardation is wrong

You are a retarddd person. There is a reason you brought this stupidity to Jow Forums after getting laughed off of /sci/

Basically already exists, although Bitcoin is not truly peer to peer.
Go here if you want to see people shitposting on the Bitcoin Cash chain in real time:
That shows all discernible text and picture images embedded on the Bitcoin Cash, and also the original Bitcoin chain, pre split.
This site chose to follow the cash chain, mainly because it is cheaper to post things on that, so more people do.
Spoiler: These blockchains are only immutable and free to operate until Big Brother says they have illegal content.

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It already exists