Becoming an individual is more important than being faithful to your race

>Becoming an individual is more important than being faithful to your race.

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What has my race done for me lately?

Think what you want about his opinions, but he's certainly not in any way an NPC

>Astroturf niggers instantly come into the defense of Peterstein
Like clockwork.


Regardless of how much of a special snowflake you think you are, you INDIVIDUALLY are destined to perish.

Only your blood can live forever.

>be ostracized by your race throughout your life
>you have to be loyal to the people who stabbed you in the back and do not consider you a part of their group

Fuck off.

I'm serious. The whole idea behind the NPC is the inability to think for oneself, something which Peterson is clearly not guilty of. I don't agree with his complete rejection of collectivism, and I think he's reached the wrong conclusions. But he hasn't parroted his viewpoints from a source of authority, he's concocted them himself.

And you're not a native Swede.

"Becoming an individual is more important than being faithful to your race."
>exactly how the juice have shaped society, it's all about "mememememememe!" and individual relationships and GADGETS and ENTERTAINMENT

Proven roots to Gustav Vasa here, how about you?

He’s wrong and he’s right. I’ll take a mutt race that thinks like me over a pure white race that umms and ahhs over 52 genders.

Equally, white people deserve to have their own homelands without watching them be swarmed with outsiders whilst being jailed for suggesting there is inherent value in white people.

It's not all about you

But how can I protect my individuality against collectives unless I organize with like minded (i.e. white) individuals?

Peterstein's not an NPC, he's more like a low-tier raid boss who spews out adds.

>Pasty white bastards on Jow Forums are Pagan LARP'ers
>"You haf 2 b liek tis guizz"

Pic related

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When will liberals accept that they have blood on their hands for their support of BDS?

wonder if this faggot will ever admit he was wrong or if we'll have to send him off to the camps along with the jews

You're more likely to run into a problem where none of your fellow huwhites are able to help than you are a problem where you can't help yourself. Sure, better whites than blacks, but is it really better to be "white" than to be the best you can be in general?

Race is a shitty social construct invented to reinforce the colonial caste system and if you believe in it just because somebody told you to, you are literally the definition of an npc

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>collectively activating the pineal gland would shoot all of us into a global prosperity of historic proportions
I have been falling through the rabbit hole long enough to know where (((this))) comes from
He's on his way to be forgotten within 10 years. Only those who have broken free from this deep sleep the cabal has put us in will be remembered. He has sold his soul to the soul eater (((Mammon))).

I believe that. You should be unique in the sense that you're not a victim to a hive mind, but don't try to be different from everyone all the time. Know when it's time to have conviction, but who cares about ancestors? I'd rather them all have died off because look at the world they have built for us? It's fucked and people just keep going

They left us a pretty shitty cultural framing, didn't they. Regardless, cultures die and are born, and are recombined. Oswald Spengler had a lot to say about this.

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"Lets all be individuals and have no collective identity, that way were all different in our own way" is the mindset of the most generic, same and boring people to ever live.

I dont owe you cocksucking faggots a fucking thing. Go larp in your backyard.

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