The Boomer Question

Boomers are the most entitled generation to exist, and they've fucked us over and over again. What are we going to do with Boomers? The minute we take one step forward, some lead poisoned MK-Ultra spook Boomer fucks everything up.

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I despise you people, but I am truly amazed you believe you have to be a cowardly little keyboard warrior to advance your views.

Boomers are second in line right after journalists

Guys, what is the final solution solution to the Boomer Question?

There is no solution. Let them sail off into the West.

Get them jacked up on so much monster that they develop triabeetus and leave them laying there until they're eaten by their pets

>what are we gonna do with the boomers
replace them, we are the boomers now

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That's the hardest to swallow red pill we will hear all night.

boomers are based
anyone hating boomers are butthurt zoomers doing fortnite dances
boomers are so based they destroy economies to make future generations rebuild their own because it builds character

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Yeah you wish. Do the transelderly get medicare?

list of based boomers:
>steve paddock
>james mason
>synagogue shooter

list of millenials/zoomers that have done cool stuff:
literally noone cuz all they do is whine about society but still decide to live in one

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I'm a Zoomer for the Boomer Zoomer alliance. I hate Gen X and Millennials.

Here's what Gen X did wrong to us Zoomers. They didn't allow us to play outside or do anything as kids. We were always followed and everything was unsafe. They made the bad shows of the 2000s. They made schools where you get arrested for everything. They put cameras everywhere to spy on us.

They made shows that glorify abortion like Bojack Horseman. They are negative and mean and always insult you. Fuck Gen X. Gen Xers like Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook. Gen X 40 year old teachers won't shut up about LGBTQ or tolerance or that all cultures are right. Boomers are better.

I'm an older Gen-X... 1966. I agree with everything you say.

They are our greatest ally user. They can be redpilled.

It's (((millennial))) scum like me and Gen Xers who shit the bed. It's always look how this brave millennial will save America or how they are transforming X. They never mention zoomers in the media and always shill against boomers, why? Why try to drive a wedge in the right as well?

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wtf I hate medicare and social security now

You are an honorary Boomer then. Steven Crowder is also an honorary Boomer.

IDK. This feels wrong. Tail end boomers did most of that to their millennial kids. As far as I can tell Gen X did a lot of introspection and changed a lot about child raising. I saw a lot of parents online growing up saying, "The world is safer than it ever has been, let kids ride bikes" etc. Older Gen X like the guy above are basically boomers. They were 20 years old for Fast Times at Ridgemont High and shit like that. The younger ones that gre up with the Internet raised the best Zoomers, IMO. I wish I had a younger set of Gen X parents instead of whiney boomers (millennial here). The gen X parents look like they mostly got it right, and they raised the Zoomers (Born in 72-76, baby at 25 or 26, baby is 16-20 now)

I had Millennial cousins born in the 80s. They had more freedom than the mid 90s to early 2000s babies.

Yeah, that's when I was born. Boomer parents (1959 birth). They were around 29.

I think there is probably a happy medium between helicopter parents, and what the kids my age had. Near complete abandonment by boomers who basically left us do anything we wanted including fuck each other at 13 and get drunk at 15. I'm just saying, that's not really "freedom". That's neglect.

the Gen X parents who raised these zoomers mostly raised good kids, AFAICT. The Zoomer meme has some legs, but even without it, they aren't being complete assholes all the time like Gen X and the millennials were raised, by neglectful boomers. It's too soon to tell, b ut the zoomers seem alright. I wish I was one desu. The tail end boomers just left us early millennials as latchkey kids.

That's not what I've seen at all. My siblings and I were given far more freedom to do as we pleased than my younger cousins. Helicopter parenting and safety nonsense, I was allowed to roam at will so long as I kept them up to date where I was going.

Electrics, guns, and wood working for me. My cousins had to have somebody watch them while they played and when they got to teenager, were never let out of the house. The older Gen X Uncle raised an ok kid but still wasn't as free as us.

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Gen Z is good because because we were on leashes as kids, put in car seats until we were 9, not allowed to watch anything but things like Barney and the Teletubbies, and had keylogging on computers.

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>stop paying taxes
>stop contributing to 401k
>sell all your stocks

Boomers rely on younger generations to enjoy their social security checks and their retirement funds. Stop letting them win the ponzi game is the easiest way to salvation.

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No that's millennials.

I see boomers around here all the time with their sloppy decaying bodies jammed into the latest Nike sweatsuit with the latest apple tech hanging from their heads.
>'Im still relevant, look how cool I am guize! Lifes great for everyone! Let in the refugees (just not near me)
>whats this! 4chins! I know Q guys dont worry I'm 'hip'
>If you work hard like I did you'll have a 10 bedroom waterfront mansion with 3 investment properties just like I did!
>Jesus is the answer!
fucking kill all of them